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新西蘭一架空客飛機在法國海域墜毀 2008年11月28日 03:36:03  來源:新華網 新華網惠靈頓11月28日電(記者 黃興偉)據新西蘭媒體28日報道,新西蘭航 空公司的一架空客A-320型客機于新西蘭當地時間28日早上5時左右在法國東南部 海域墜毀,造成至少1人死亡、6人失蹤。 報道援引法國海事部門官員的話說,這架正在進行技術測試任務的飛機在法國東南部 城市佩皮尼昂附近海域墜毀,目前已發現一具遇難者遺體,另有6人失蹤。 有關部門正在進行搜救和調查事故原因。空中客車公司和新西蘭航空公司目前尚未對 此發表聲明。 http://big5.xinhuanet.com/gate/big5/news.xinhuanet.com/world/2008-11/28/ content_10423360.htm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DATE:27/11/08 SOURCE:Air Transport Intelligence ANZ A320 crashes off France during pre-delivery flight By David Kaminski-Morrow Seven people were on board an Airbus A320 aircraft, belonging to Air New Zealand's Freedom Air, which has crashed off the coast of France during a pre-delivery flight. A spokeswoman for the French coast guard Gendarmerie Maritime says the precise location of the twin-jet is unclear, but that the organisation believes it to be between 1km and 5km from the coast near Perpignan. She adds that the jet belonged to Air New Zealand and is lying 20-30m below the surface of the water. The condition of the seven occupants is unknown, she says. The aircraft came down at about 17:00. French Frogs Aviation Pictures Sources familiar with the situation state that the aircraft is owned by ANZ's Freedom Air subsidiary, and registered D-AXLA, with serial number 2500. The three-year old jet is equipped with International Aero Engines V2500 powerplants. It had been leased to XL Airways' German division and was undergoing maintenance in Perpignan before being redelivered to Freedom Air in Frankfurt. http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2008/11/27/319474/ anz-a320-crashes-off-france-during-pre-delivery-flight.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kucky:今年對澳紐來說真是多事之秋~~ 11/28 06:31
kucky:幣值狂貶就算了~~ 連飛安都一直出現問題~~ 11/28 06:32
metalfinally:等一下,這是空中巴士的問題吧... 11/28 08:57
guis:這應該是新機測試吧@@ 11/28 09:32
KCETinTW:不是,這是租機到期後的"試運轉"吧(火車看太多) 11/28 16:59