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DATE:22/12/08 SOURCE:Air Transport Intelligence British Airways orders 11 Embraer 170/190s for CityFlyer By Nicholas Ionides British Airways (BA) has ordered 11 Embraer regional jets for use by its BA CityFlyer subsidiary. Embraer says in a statement that the deal comprises six Embraer 170s and five 190SRs on firm order, plus options for three more 190SRs. The first 76-seat 170 is due for delivery in the second half of 2009. Deliveries of the larger, 98-seat 190SRs will start later, says Embraer. BA had been evaluating replacements for some time for its Avro RJ100s and RJ85s that are operated by its CityFlyer unit. The new Embraer aircraft will be operated out of London City Airport. As part of the agreement BA has also signed a support agreement covering inventory control for parts for the aircraft over the next decade. http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2008/12/22/320394/british-airways-orders -11-embraer-170190s-for-cityflyer.html http://0rz.tw/9a5h9 ============================================================================= British Airways places $376m Embraer order 22 Dec 2008 British Airways has ordered 11 new aircraft to replace its London City airport based fleet. The airline has placed firm orders for six Embraer 170 and five Embraer 190SR efficiency jets, known as E-jets, with options for three more. The deal is worth US$376 million at current list prices. The planes will replace the current fleet of 10 Avro RJ100 and two RJ85 aircraft operated by subsidiary BA CityFlyer at the Docklands airport. The airline says the planes will be “greener and more fuel efficient with significantly lower carbon dioxide emissions…a key consideration in the order ”. Peter Simpson, managing director of BA CityFlyer, said: "We are very excited about this new fleet of fuel efficient aircraft which will not only help us to meet our environmental objectives but also provide more space and comfort for our customers. "This significant investment in new aircraft further demonstrates British Airways' commitment to services into and out of London City for our customers. "Having the combination of the Embraer 170s and 190SRs in the same fleet will give us greater flexibility, enabling us to match capacity with demand on routes within our existing and future network." http://www.businesstravelworld.com/page.cfm/action=Archive/ArchiveID=6/Entry ID=1481 http://0rz.tw/5f5eD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lordlpg 來自: (12/23 00:38) ※ 編輯: lordlpg 來自: (12/23 00:38)