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※ 引述《CLIPPER (N368PA)》之銘言: 空安官是佩槍上機執勤的(應該是用特殊彈種) 華航的空安官最有名的一次「任務」 是民國67年3月9日,由高雄飛往香港途中 機械士施明振(737不需要FE,不知道是不是隨機的機務)想把飛機劫往大陸 在座艙中與飛行員打鬥 由於門被上鎖,一位男空服硬把門踹破一個洞 空安官鄭良從洞中瞄準,將施擊斃 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 剛好C大提到, 小弟就再補一下舊聞報導, 讓這事件更完整些 1978年3月9日華航737劫機未遂事件(高雄-香港航線) **************** Source: The Associated Press; March 9, 1978, AM cycle The flight engineer of a China Airlines jet was shot to death by a security guard Thursday as he tried to hijack the plane during a flight from Taiwan to Hong Kong, officials said. Police said Shih Ming-cheng, 34, attacked the pilot and co-pilot of the Boeing 737 with a hammer and scissors when the plane was about 10 miles north of Hong Kong. A CAL official in Taipei, Taiwan, said Shih ordered the pilot not to land at Hong Kong. A government spokesman said radar at the Hong Kong airport showed it veered north toward mainland China as it approached this British colony but qickly changed its course again and landed. Airline officials and police refused to comment on the motive of the hijacker or where he intended to go before he was shot by one of two persons who responded to the pilot's call for help via the plane's intercom system. The pilot, Kao Chih-shiang, and co-pilot Kung Chung-kang, suffered head injuries and cuts. They were reported in good condition in a Hong Kong hospital where they were under heavy police guard and unavailable for comment. The jetliner left the southern Taiwan city of Kaohsiung at 4.04 p.m. 3:04 a.m. EST with 101 persons aboard and landed in Hong Kong at 5:20 p.m. 4:20 a.m. EST. None of the 92 passengers was injured. Passengers said there was no panic aboard the plane and some of them were not even aware a hijack attempt was taking place until after they landed. George Whitaker of Escalon, Calif., an American resident in Hong Kong, said that 10 minutes before the plane landed. "I heard a number of men kicking about in the cockpit. Then a chinese voice came over the loudspeaker. "immediately afterward, I saw one cabin attendant and another man in civilian clothes storm open the door. Soon afterward, there was a turbulence but the plane landed safely." A Chinese passenger, Ma Wai Chi, said he was asleep until about 5 p.m. when "an air hostess asked me to put on a lifejacket. I felt the plane going down as it was rocking violently. But immediately it gained altitude. And before I knew it it had already landed." In Taipei, Shih's sister-in-law said he was a native of Changhwa, a small city in central Taiwan. He is a graduate of Taipei technology academy and joined CAL a year ago. Since 1960, seven Communist Chinese military pilots have defected with their aircraft to Taiwan, where the Nationalist Chinese government fled after the Communist takeover of the mainland in 1949. There also have been rumors that three Taiwan air force pilots have defected to China. But there is no record of civilian pilot defections from either side. -- 航空/鐵道/都市資料找不到? Well, the opinion may be on the way! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
CLIPPER:所以初期連737都派FE?真是詭異... 01/04 00:50