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http://tinyurl.com/y9k43go Stewardess fight causes flight to be cancelled A heated altercation between two airline stewardesses caused a flight to be cancelled as it was about to take off. By Nick Allen Published: 5:20PM GMT 28 Feb 2010 The captain ordered passengers to disembark as the two female crew members got into a spat before the flight from Rochester, New York to Atlanta. Steve Mazur, a passenger, said: "Apparently they got into a fistfight on the plane. The pilot decided to kick everyone off the plane." Corey Minot, another passenger, said: "They told us we had to get off the plane because stewardesses were fighting." A spokesman for Pinnacle Airlines, which operated the flight, said the argument broke out as the plane was returning to its gate after a passenger fell ill. He said there was no physical contact between the two women and it was a "verbal disagreement." The stewardesses have been removed from duty pending an airline investigation and the flight was cancelled. Alternative travel plans were made for passengers. "The acts described are not acceptable," the spokesman said. 空姐飛機上打架 美一架航班被迫停飛 http://news.rti.org.tw/index_newsContent.aspx?nid=234114 英國「每日電訊報」(Daily Telegraph)1日報導, 美國區域型的航空公司─頂峰航空(Pinnacle Airlines), 因為兩名空姐在飛機起飛前爆發衝突,導致航班取消。 報導說,這架航班在從紐約州羅徹斯特(Rochester )飛往亞特蘭大之前, 兩名女空服員發生爭吵,可能伴有拉扯和推擠,因此機長要求乘客下機。 搭乘這架航班的乘客馬祖爾(Steve Mazur)說, 這兩名女空服員不知為何在客機上打了起來,最後機長決定要求每位乘客下飛機。 頂峰航空(Pinnacle Airlines)一名發言人說,因為當時剛好有一名乘客身體不適, 使飛機折返登機門,兩名女空服員就在此時爆發爭執。 他說,空姐沒有肢體衝突,只有發生「口角」而已。 目前兩名空姐已暫時解除職務,等待調查。 航班取消後,乘客另被安排搭乘其他航班前往目的地。 頂峰航空發言人指這類的行為「令人無法接受」。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: