精華區beta Aviation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://tinyurl.com/yjoxow3 China Airlines rules out large widebody order By Mark Pilling 中華航空排除購買巨型廣體客機 Taiwanese flag carrier China Airlines (CAL) is unlikely to commit to either the Airbus A380 or Boeing 747-8I for the near future. 中華航空在短期內不太可能購買 A380 或是 B747-8I。 "Our financial situation cannot support a plan to order this kind of airplane," says CAL chairman Philip Wei. 魏幸雄:「我們的財務狀況沒辦法讓我們去買這種飛機 ..」 As a result, in the near term, CAL plans to lease more Airbus A330s and upgrade its Boeing 747-400s, he adds. 因此, 在短期內, 華航計畫租借更多的 A330 並將 B747 機隊升級內裝。 Although the carrier expects to return to the black this year, it has made heavy losses over the past two years. The majority state-owned airline also went to its shareholders to raise capital in 2009 and will do so again this year. 雖然今年會轉虧為盈,但過去兩年實在虧太多了。 這家股票多為政府所持有的航空公司已經在去年增資過一次了, 而今年還要再增資一次。 CAL will begin taking delivery of the first of an order for l4 A350-900s in 2015 and there are no plans to order any further new aircraft up to that point, said Wei. 魏幸雄:「華航預定在 2015 年接收 14 架 A350-900, 而在那之前沒有任何新機購入計畫。」 "However, we will lease some A330-300s before that and invest in a renovation of our 747-400s," he said. 「不過我們會借更多的 A330-300 啦, 而且會對 747-400 作進一步更新。」 The first A330 will arrive at the end of October. It is a new aircraft in two-class configuration on a 10-year lease from Guggenheim Aviation, said Wei. "We are also looking to lease another two or three A330s for delivery in 2011 and 2012," he said. 「第一架 330 今年十月底就會到, 它是一架全新的兩艙等客機。 從 Guggenheim Aviation 租來的,租期十年。 在 2011、2012 年間還會再租個兩三架 .. 。」 CAL will begin installing its latest interior design in nine of its 747-400s in a year-long refurbishment programme from March 2011, said HH Sun, CAL's president. 總經理孫洪祥:「我們會從明年三月起,花一年的時間在旗下的九架 747-400 安裝最新的內裝。」 The work will be carried out at CAL's maintenance facility in Taipei. 這項工作會在台北(RCTP)的華航修復工廠進行。 The airline's fleet of six A340-300s will be retained. 華航的六架 A340-300 都會留下來。 "We will still keep the A340s for our long-haul non-stop services," said Wei. "They will remain until we have enough A350s to replace them." 魏幸雄:「為了長程線的需求,我們會留著這些 A340 直到 A350 來取代它們為止。」 ※ 編輯: cppwu 來自: (03/30 18:55)
cgy:機隊計畫大改 340又很好用了? 03/30 18:56
cppwu:沒錢萬萬不能 03/30 18:57
Guis:應該是要賣也賣不掉吧...... 囧 03/30 19:02
Excelstor:賣的掉啦 殺肉價就可以啦 XD 03/30 19:05
BlueSunLight:推翻譯 03/30 19:15
Chiardy:好歹也提一下738吧 03/30 19:38
Qpera:最近2610倒是挺強勢的 03/30 19:39
lawson:A340用途變多了?? 長程航線還是要靠它 不賣是對的 03/30 21:15
PCH800618:可是A340任務派遣感覺少了很多...改艙又拖了== 03/30 21:42
ATR72:感謝翻譯 03/30 22:10
nccubike:希望這次的改裝是真的 而且要改就一次到位吧 03/30 22:17
mimicck:A350上來B744也應該會淘汰吧?改艙用個至少五年應該差不多 03/30 23:06
coolfish1103:744 應該還是不會淘汰,拿去飛對岸很好用。 03/31 02:32
marrins:好像沒有考慮747-800 03/31 12:46
yuliwang:第一句就寫了... 03/31 13:02
djien:請教 2610 是 ...? 03/31 13:19
yaayaa:我也比較想知道今年的增資計劃是在幾月 03/31 13:20
afl5b:2610用google收尋 第一個就是了 03/31 14:26
djien:Nokia 2610 ? XD 03/31 17:01
aa123166:2610是華航股票代號 03/31 17:04
kiyoharo5:機隊講了一輪. . .請顧慮738的感受吧 03/31 19:38
glico: C教官狀態:蹲在角落畫圈圈ing 03/31 19:55
Bcl2:所以看來744退了就不補缺(貨機可能除外)..最大的客機就A350? 03/31 20:54
Chiardy:反正738是雞肋 03/31 22:39
Takeshibegin:當初買738就是為了兩岸航線,結果現在北發只剩CTU? 03/31 23:04
Takeshibegin:等到PVG一天可以飛10班的時候,738一定大大的有用 03/31 23:05
CORSA:要是哪天CI說要把ERJ-195取代738 教官應該就很悶了吧~ 03/31 23:14
coolfish1103:有些點還是只有 738 才飛的到,應該不是問題。 04/01 05:59
AbrahamChang:我想,華航要下單747-8應該會在2015之後吧,畢竟400人 04/04 22:14
AbrahamChang:等級的運能還是需要補足,否則無法與鄰近國家競爭對手 04/04 22:15
AbrahamChang:抗衡 04/04 22:15