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Airline confirms casualtie in Air India crash May 21, 2010 10:42 p.m. EDT 印度航空確認空難事故及人員罹難 (CNN) -- A plane crash in western India early Saturday killed more than 160 passengers, an Indian official said. 一位印度官員表示一架飛機在星期六清晨於西印度墜毀造成了超過 160 位旅客死亡。 V.S. Acharya, the home minister of India's Karnataka state, told CNN-IBN he thought about six or seven people had survived the crash. 印度卡納塔克邦內政大臣 V.S. Acharya 告知 CNN-IBN 他想應該有六或七個人在此次的 空難中存活。 The Air India plane was carrying 165 passengers and went down in Mangalore, CNN-IBN reported, citing an airline spokesman. 根據 CNN-IBN 的報導,航空公司發言人表示這架裝載 165 位旅客的印度航空公司的飛機 在曼加爾附近墜落。 The crash occurred around 6:30 a.m. near the Mangalore airport. 墜落的時間是在清晨約六點三十分,地點在曼加爾機場的附近。 The plane had departed from Dubai, United Arab Emirates and had overshot the runway while attempting to land at the airport, the spokesman said, according to CNN's sister network. 根據 CNN 合作的新聞台報導,航空公司發言人表示這架飛機從阿拉伯聯合大公國的杜拜 起飛,在曼加爾機場要準備降落的時候衝出跑道。 http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/05/21/india.plane.crash/index.html?hpt=T1 如果我知道如何直接剪貼新聞的話就不用花這麼長時間了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: coolfish1103 來自: (05/22 11:12)
inspire2006:R.I.P. 05/22 11:29
KCETinTW:169人?172人?165人???至少三個版本了... 05/22 12:04
※ 編輯: coolfish1103 來自: (05/22 19:16)