精華區beta Aviation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Air India 打算出租最新的777-200LR/777-300ER 機隊 而 加航, 印尼嘉魯達, 泰航, Air Austral 將有望承接. 沒想到好像有點缺飛機的長榮都不動心喔 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DATE:15/05/10 SOURCE:Air Transport Intelligence news Air Canada, Garuda, Thai and Air Austral could sublease Air India’s 777s By Brendan Sobie Air Canada, Thai Airways International, Garuda Indonesia and Reunion Island-based Austral have expressed interest in subleasing Boeing 777-200LRs and 777-300ERs from Air India. Earlier this year Air India announced plans to lease out a large portion of its new 777 fleet as part of a cost cutting programme. Air India chairman and managing director Arvind Jadhav says the carrier has so far received responses from Air Canada, Thai, Garuda and Air Austral. "There are four responses. We are evaluating them," Jadhav told ATI during a Star Alliance event in Sao Paulo. Air India is in the process of joining Star while Air Canada and Thai are already in the alliance. Air India initially indicated it was seeking to lease out nine 777s. But Jadhav says the carrier is now negotiating subleases on six aircraft - a mix of 777-200LRs and 777-300ERs. "We got six to lease out," he says. "The evaluation is going on right now." Jadhav declined to say when a deal would be concluded. He says the carrier is now looking at when it can remove the aircraft from its operation and when the four interested carriers are able to take the aircraft. "We are looking at the timelines," Jadhav says. "The timelines have to match up." According to Flightglobal's ACAS database, Air India currently operates eight 777-200LRs and 10 777-300ERs. All 17 of these aircraft are less than three years old. http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2010/05/15/342007/ air-canada-garuda-thai-and-air-austral-could-sublease-air-indias.html -- 航空/鐵道/都市資料找不到? Well, the opinion may be on the way! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
PCH800618:如果是A330的話長榮可能會比較有興趣,印象中長榮才剛接 05/20 00:38
PCH800618:回三架777,但之後中國大陸能用777的點其實也不多了 05/20 00:39
PCH800618:如果航班大量開放的話用A330其實比較合成本,個人推測 05/20 00:40
cppwu:長榮要租的話恐怕得改內裝 .. 05/20 00:44
nyrnu:內裝應該不用改吧,以前CI接手原新航的A340也是一切保留啊. 05/20 00:49
ATR72:不用改吧,然家AI的內裝可是讚得不得了 05/20 00:58
noizytribe:昂農"就算有飛機 我也沒有多的人可以去飛了~~~"(大誤) 05/20 00:58
nyrnu:長榮:真要租進來,那我自家寒酸的內裝+Avod不就被看破手腳(誤 05/20 01:02
BlueSunLight:樓上幾個好中肯阿哈哈哈哈 說誤的都不誤了 05/20 01:15
ATR72:沒關係可以改口說本來的機隊是從印度那租來的(誤) 05/20 01:15
djien:Air Austral 不是 Austria 的也不是 Australia 的 XD 05/20 09:54
djien:聽過 留尼旺 的舉手 ~ ~ 05/20 09:56
MD12:Air Austral好像還買了A380 05/20 10:13
azulito:La Reunion法屬海外省,在西印度洋 05/20 11:50
maxis7141:舉手 .... 觀光勝地 當地還有不少華人,以遠洋漁民為主 05/20 13:03
ROCAF:跟漁民有關的新聞好像還常聽到的 05/20 13:26
maxis7141:當地 是台灣在海外很重要的遠洋漁港補給基地 華人以 05/20 17:00
maxis7141:廣東人/客家人 為主,早期曾有報導當地"一妻多夫"的現象 05/20 17:01
maxis7141:因為捕魚一趟三個月半年不見人影,So.... 05/20 17:02
djien:"一妻多夫".....p妹 id XD 05/20 17:34