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正宗大陸航空(CO)包機暑假又要來了 Continental Airlines Adds New Guam - Taipei Summer Route Written by John Dela Rosa, Guam News Watch Tuesday, 01 June 2010 18:19 GUAM - If you've always wanted to visit Taiwan, you'll have your chance this summer. Continental Airlines will be offering twelve charter flights from Guam to Taipei starting July 6th. The flights will run from July 6th through August 22nd. According to Continental, successful charter flights during this year's Chinese New Year season were the reason the airline decided to offer the flights during the summer. Continental says "these flights demonstrate Continental Micronesia's strong commitment to our home, the Micronesia islands." Continental will also offer twelve charter flights between Palau and Taipei during the same period. http://guamnewswatch.com/201006012125/Local-News/ Continental-Airlines-Adds-New-Guam-Taipei-Summer-Route.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 看來pattern 與上次一樣爆肝班; July/06~ Aug/22 關島-台北 台北-帛琉 帛琉-台北 台北-關島 (飛到最後一程時,應該關島也變'觀島'了, 累到只要有島就想趕快下去, 因此就到處觀望尋找, 結果可能降到附近的塞班島) 科科 我知道C 教官一定覺得他可以全程到底. -- 航空/鐵道/都市資料找不到? Well, the opinion may be on the way! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Chiardy:這種班白天打一個來回ok,晚上會爆肝,兩個來回自殺算了。 06/04 01:00
PCH800618:關島的關打成「觀」了喔 06/04 01:02
AdPiG:XDDDDDDD 06/04 01:02
hamk5202:C大有吃粽子嗎? 今天剛收到公會今年的禮品,粽子不錯吃XD 06/04 07:11
tonmeister:當年在外站過節能收到故鄉來的粽子是會痛哭的!﹝遠望﹞ 06/04 08:18
※ 編輯: nyrnu 來自: (06/04 11:31)
metalfinally:大陸從關島跳到夏威夷的跳島航線應該還有在飛XD 06/04 12:00
polyandry:XDDDDDD 06/04 15:36
sinohara:以後CO=>UA  06/04 16:39