精華區beta Aviation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
愛琴海航空Aegean Airlines將於本月底成為星空聯盟的一員, 這個不知道對板上的大家有多大幫助, 不過以後到希臘或是埃及的選擇會多一點自由性囉! http://www.flysas.com/en/EuroBonus/News/Aegean/?vst=true Aegean Airlines – new partner from June 30th! SAS and Star Alliance are happy to have Aegean Airlines as a partner. Star Alliance has a “white spot” strategy. Star Alliance seeks to fill in areas of the globe that are underserved by member carriers. For Star Alliance, Greece is a niche market that is building Athens into a major hub airport with growing connection traffic. As a Star Alliance Silver or Gold member, when you fly with Aegean Airlines you’ll be able to enjoy the usual frequent flyer benefits that you have come to expect from all the Star Alliance network member carriers. -- ˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍˍ ㄍㄟˊ。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
yumin:TPE現在有那麼多直飛大陸跟東南亞航線,可以算是Underserved 06/24 10:31
yumin:嗎?若說Skyteam有KA作梗不讓花航加入,為何不試試*A(私心) 06/24 10:33
kimpo:港龍在skyteam有影響力嗎? 06/24 13:29
ATR72:在"駛該艇"的是KE吧,KA是在"玩我的"吧 06/24 14:01
yumin:對不起,小弟原意是KE,TYPO! 06/24 14:41
gucci2:星空聯盟勢力真大... 06/24 15:44
triesome520:推樓樓樓上的 "玩我的"....XD 06/24 20:05