精華區beta Aviation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
國泰航空將考慮A350 and/or 787, say NO to 747-8/A380 不過人家不買Super-Jumbo的決定是建立在已經有一卡車的舊/新777 機隊了. CI/BR/TNA 表示:..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cathay Is in Talks to Buy Long-Range Jets, Shuns Super-Jumbos June 07, 2010, 6:16 PM EDT June 8 (Bloomberg) -- Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd., Hong Kong’s biggest carrier, is in talks with Boeing Co. on buying 787 Dreamliner aircraft and with Airbus SAS on A350 jets as it seeks to enhance its cargo business. Cathay Pacific will shun Airbus’s larger A380 superjumbo aircraft as well as Boeing’s 747-8, the biggest airliner the Chicago-based company has ever built, in favor of smaller long- range jets that are more suited to carrying cargo, Chief Executive Officer Tony Tyler said in an interview in Berlin. The carrier said yesterday that it agreed to sell its 15 percent stake in Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Co. to its biggest shareholder for HK$9.4 billion ($1.2 billion). The proceeds will help Cathay Pacific pay for 33 planes that it has ordered and is taking delivery of in the next four years. “We’re talking to Boeing about 787s and Airbus about A350s,” Tyler said. “ We have no plans at the moment to have a campaign on the A380 or on the 747-8 Intercontinental.” The new planes will allow Cathay to add destinations and replace its A340 aircraft and Boeing 747-400 models, enhancing a route network that is being anchored by Boeing’s 777. “It’s a great cargo carrier and has a huge belly and doesn’t have that many passengers,” the executive said. “The A380 doesn’t have such a huge belly, and you’ve got 500 plus passenger bags to accommodate.” Cargo Terminal Cathay has restarted work on a new cargo terminal in Hong Kong after suspending construction when demand for services shrank last year, Tyler said. The airline will also buy 49 percent of Air China Ltd.’s cargo unit as part of a joint venture with the Beijing-based carrier. The deal will probably receive Chinese regulatory approval within months, Tyler said. “We’re a very big player in the international market, and the reason we’re a big player is that we sit in a very lively air cargo market,” said Tyler. “Cargo demand collapsed but it bounced back very well, very healthily and we fully believe in the long-term future as a business stream.” --With assistance from Wendy Leung in Hong Kong and Susanna Ray in Seattle. Editors: Kenneth Wong, Andrea Snyder To contact the reporter on this story: Steven Rothwell in Berlin at [email protected] To contact the editor responsible for this story: Kenneth Wong in Berlin at [email protected] -- 航空/鐵道/都市資料找不到? Well, the opinion may be on the way! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ATR72:787-9取代343大小差不多,744的話再來幾架777NG吧 06/08 14:27
CORSA:應該是只想採購雙發的飛機來省油吧~四發市場真的這麼慘? 06/08 15:14
kimpo:還好380有EK撐著,不然也滿囧的 06/08 15:52
tachikoma:四發多兩個發動機要維修......不是開玩笑的 06/08 21:03
alles:別人家買A350都好好的,為啥CI訂個350就被抨擊的亂七八糟? 06/08 23:15
skyluh:因為買特貴..而且也沒提早交機等條款 06/08 23:46
pzubfwss:當初華航可是有要求延後交機的 06/09 01:43
nyrnu:樓上與樓樓上之言令人困惑,延後交機?提早交機?怎知貴或便宜? 06/09 02:53