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http://www.oneworld.com/ow/news/details?objectID=22477 Air Berlin to join oneworld 柏林航空將加入寰宇一家 Air Berlin is to join oneworld®, adding Europe's fifth largest airline and Germany's second biggest carrier to the world's leading quality airline alliance. 歐洲第五大的柏林航空公司即將加入寰宇一家航空聯盟。 Air Berlin group member Austria's NIKI will become an affiliate member of the alliance. 柏林航空集團在奧地利的成員NIKI航空將以附屬成員身份, 連同柏林航空一起加入寰宇一家。 A memorandum of understanding between Air Berlin and oneworld was completed in the airline's Berlin home city last night, with a formal alliance membership agreement to be signed soon. 柏林航空與寰宇一家間已簽署備忘錄,近期內將正式簽約。 Air Berlin is expected to start flying as part of oneworld in early 2012 - just weeks before the opening of the new Berlin Brandenburg International Airport, which is being built as a major new hub for Europe. 柏林航空可望在2012年上半年柏林新機場完工啟用前,正式以寰宇一家會員身份運作, As a major player in the European air travel market, Air Berlin served in 2009 a total of 160 destinations in some 40 countries, operating almost 600 daily departures. It carried 28 million passengers, generating revenues of EUR3.2 billion (US$4.5 billion). As of July 2010, Air Berlin operates a fleet of 165 aircraft, including Austria's NIKI, serving 168 destinations. 柏林航空於2009年共在四十個國家內擁有160個航點,每天提供近六百班的服務, 並載運了兩千八百萬人次的旅客,營收達三十二億歐元。現連同奧地利之子公司, 共擁有165架飛機,航點達一百六十八個。 When it becomes part of oneworld, its customers will gain access to an unrivalled global network. It will add almost 75 gateways to the oneworld map, expand the alliance's coverage to almost 900 destinations in nearly 150 countries, served by a combined fleet of 2,500 aircraft operating some 9,500 flights a day and carrying 340 million passengers a year. 寰宇一家可望在柏林航空加入後新增七十五個航點,總航點數將逼近九百個, 遍佈於近一百五十國。聯盟之總機隊數也將增加至兩千五百架, 每日將運作九千五百班次,疏運三億四千萬旅客人次。 Members of Air Berlin's topbonus frequent flyer programme will be able to earn and redeem rewards on any of oneworld's 13 other top-class carriers, with top tier members able to use any of the group's 550 plus airport lounges, and its network will be covered by oneworld's full range of alliance fares. Frequent flyer cardholders of oneworld's established airlines will be able to earn and redeem rewards when flying Air Berlin. 柏林航空常客計畫之會員將可享受聯盟內其他優秀航空公司的不凡禮遇, 包括相互累積里程,兌換機票,貴賓室服務。同時柏林航空之飛行網路也將可適用於聯盟 所提供之各種票價產品。 As a starting point in its oneworld implementation, Air Berlin will develop one-on-one co-operative agreements with key established members of the alliance American Airlines and Finnair, to take effect this coming winter season. Bilateral agreements with British Airways and Iberia are planned to follow. 柏林航空將先與美國航空及芬蘭航空簽署合作協定,作為加入聯盟的第一步。 隨後將再與英國航空及西班牙國航簽署雙邊協定。 British Airways will support Air Berlin through its oneworld implementation programme as its alliance sponsor. 英國航空將在柏林航空加入寰宇一家的過程中提供協助。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: micwang 來自: (07/28 02:01)
WRD:....OW不是不歡迎LCC嗎 上次愛爾蘭航空就被踢掉了 07/28 02:23
micwang:Aer Lingus當初自願退出是為了跟Ryanair競爭,非遭*O開除 07/28 02:57
micwang:但現在EI又想上船了,新任CEO正在研究要加入哪一個聯盟 07/28 03:07
starbuckser0:LCC疑惑+1 07/28 12:34
micwang:Air Berlin是low fare full service,勉強只算semi-LCC 07/28 12:43