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泰航將向Koito(小系) 求償2億美金 華航/長榮表示: 這次要狠削一番 (誤) Koito: 賠償成本將反映到全球Toyota 汽車售價 (誤) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UPDATE 2-Thai Air plans up to $200 mln claim against Koito Fri Oct 8, 2010 11:44am BST * Airline wants compensation for late delivery of seats * Delay caused by Koito falsifying seat safety test results * Koito parent stock plummets 16 percent (Adds quotes, background) By Arada Kultawanich and Antoni Slodkowski BANGKOK/TOKYO, Oct 8 (Reuters) - Thai Airways International Pcl THAI.BK is expected to seek up to $200 million compensation from Japan's Koito Industries (6747.T) for the delayed delivery of seats, an executive said on Friday. The seat maker didn't supply the chairs on time as it failed to obtain certification for its products from Japanese and European authorities after admitting earlier this year it had falsified safety test results. A Thai newspaper earlier quoted an airline source as saying the flag carrier would sue Koito for $500 million. Shares of its parent company, Koito Manufacturing (7276.T), dropped 16 percent to a 16 month low. "The compensation will be worth up to $200 million, not $500 million," Raj Tanta-Nanta, a vice-president for investor relations at the state-controlled carrier told Reuters, although he declined to give the exact amount. "We are checking many things about this issue, but we still haven't received any claim or information on a lawsuit from Thai Airways," said Koito Manufacturing spokesman Shinji Karasawa. U.S. and European aviation regulators ordered airlines last month for worldwide checks of seats made by Koito Industries, a move estimated to affect 150,000 seats on 1,000 passenger jets. [ID:nLDE68N1Q8] Koito Industries paid 3.6 billion yen ($44 million) in compensation for delays in delivery to different airlines last financial year and set aside 3.3 billion yen for further expected claims this year. In June, Thai Airways selected Germany's Zim Flugsitz GmbH to replace Koito as a supplier. Koito Industries, 50 percent-owned by Koito Manufacturing, dropped 3.3 percent to 145 yen. Stock of Koito Manufacturing, in which Toyota Motor Corp (7203.T) has a 20 percent stake, fell 16 percent to 1,047 yen, while the broader market edged down 0.5 percent. (Additional reporting by Nobuhiro Kubo and Manunphattr Dhanananporn; Editing by Alan Raybould and Joseph Radford) http://uk.reuters.com/article/idUKSGE6970B020101008 -- 航空/鐵道/都市資料找不到? Well, the opinion may be on the way! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
magisterMAGI:看成Taito... 10/09 15:02
TOTO:EVA呢? 10/10 00:12
tonmeister:碇シンジ葛城ミサト綾波レイ惣流·アスカ·ラングレー 10/10 02:23
motokare:樓上................XDDDDD 10/10 09:06