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R.I.P. 這不就與幾年前的華航事件一模一樣? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 卡達航空駕駛 飛行途中暴斃 2010年10月13日 中廣 「卡達航空」一名 機師今天在飛行途中突然暴斃,飛機在另一位機師的操控下、轉降吉隆坡機場,更換機組 成員之後,繼續飛行。   這架「卡達航空」645航班,今天從菲律賓馬尼拉飛回卡達首都「杜哈」,飛行途中 ,飛機駕駛突然暴斃,另外一名機師把飛機轉往馬來西亞的吉隆坡機場。更換另一組機員 ,在停留兩小時之後,繼續飛往卡達。   但「卡達航空」並沒有說明,這名駕駛死亡原因。 http://tw.nextmedia.com/rnews/article/SecID/103/ArtID/85471/IssueID/20101013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Qatar plane makes emergency landing at KLIA after pilot dies of heart attack By LOURDES CHARLES and ANDREW SAGAYAM KUALA LUMPUR: A Qatar Airways aircraft enroute from Manila to Doha made an emergency landing at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) Wednesday, after one of its pilots died of a heart attack mid-air. A spokesman for the airways said the pilot, a 43-year-old Indian national, complained of chest pains and the co-pilot requested to land at KLIA around 11.30am. "The plane, an A330 Airbus with about 250 passengers on board, landed here while a medical team was on standby. "The pilot was pronounced dead and the airlines took immediate steps and changed the entire crew before the aircraft took off at 1.15pm," he said. Sepang police chief Supt Zahedi Ayub, when contacted, said the pilot's body was taken to the Serdang Hospital for a post mortem and the results showed that he had died of heart failure. http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2010/10/13/nation/ 20101013215826&sec=nation -- 航空/鐵道/都市資料找不到? Well, the opinion may be on the way! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: