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LH 幫 A380 換引擎,詳細原因沒有透漏,不過發言人表示與 QF 的 漏油問題無關,且更換引擎的飛機已經繼續飛行。 發言人還表示在 QF 事件之後並未發現任何異常的取消定位現象。 Flyertalk 上有網友說不知道 Trent 900 的全球庫存在這波更換潮之下 會不會吃緊?畢竟目前 Trent 900 在產品壽命週期上還處於很年輕的階段, 理論上更換需求不高,庫存可能有限。 http://www.news.com.au/travel/news/lufthansa-replaces-problem-engine-on-a380/story-e6frfq80-1225951520157 短網址: http://tinyurl.com/27rx5jh Lufthansa replaces problem engine on A380 LUFTHANSA has replaced a Rolls-Royce engine on one of its Airbus A380 superjumbos after maintenance checks detected a problem. Airline spokesman Thomas Jachnow declined to specify the problem, but said it was minor and not connected with the oil leaks that have grounded Qantas and Singapore Airlines superjumbos using the same type of engine. He says the aircraft in question is back in service, and that scheduled A380 flights have not been affected by the engine change. Qantas and Singapore Airlines discovered oil leaks on their planes during tests prompted by the explosion of a Rolls-Royce engine on a Qantas A380 during a flight from Singapore to Sydney last week. The plane made a safe emergency landing in Singapore, but Qantas immediately grounded its entire fleet of A380s while it investigated the cause. Singapore Airlines followed suit yesterday. Mr Jachnow said Lufthansa management had decided on the engine swap as a precaution after consultations with Rolls-Royce. "For us and for Rolls-Royce this was reason enough to replace the engine," he said. "This will in no way affect our A380 passengers." Mr Jachnow said customer confidence in the aircraft - the world's largest commercial passenger plane - remained high, and that the airline had not recorded any spike in cancellations since last week's incident. Rolls-Royce, which manufactures the engines for A380s used by Qantas, Singapore Airlines and Germany's Lufthansa, had recommended a series of checks on the Trent 900 engines. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: