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http://ppt.cc/J7ec 澳航 A380 空中爆炸 緊急迫降新加坡樟宜機場 網址內有碎片照片 照片快速連結 http://ppt.cc/bWXr (爆掉的引擎) http://ppt.cc/xFE! (引擎的碎片) http://ppt.cc/XfPZ (引擎的碎片) Qantas Flight 32 lands safely at Changi Airport in Singapore Qantas A380 shuts down engine Reports plane "exploded mid-air" Plane lands safely in Singapore A QANTAS A380 has been forced to shut down one of its engines and make an emergency landing at Singapore's Changi Airport. QF32, carrying 433 passengers and 26 crew, was bound for Sydney when the engine failed. The plane then dumped its fuel over Batam before landing in Singapore. It is understood the drama began when the jet was just six minutes out of Singapore. Multiple error messages displayed in the cockpit warned of a major engine problem and the pilot shut the engine down. The pilot also issued a "Pan " alert - one step short of a Mayday - telling other aircraft in the area and authorities on the ground that it had struck trouble. Six fire engines immediately swarmed the aircraft as soon is it landed on the tarmac on Changi Airport. "Qantas flight QF32 was en route from Singapore to Sydney, the number two engine has shut down, so as a precautionary measure we are taking it back to Singapore," A Qantas spokeswoman said. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
AdPiG:還蠻嚴重的耶... 不是引擎掛掉 是爆掉... 11/04 12:49
dreamskyxx:轉錄至看板 Gossiping 11/04 12:51
tytony:引擎外罩炸這麼大一片... 看起來是有引擎冒火 11/04 13:00
adkwayne:澳航這三年運氣未免也太好了。這公司到底有沒有問題 11/04 13:04
引擎爆掉沒傷到 液壓系統 真是萬幸 ※ 編輯: dreamskyxx 來自: (11/04 13:17)
yuliwang:RR運氣也不錯,先在工廠炸了Trent1000,900也來參一腳 11/04 13:18
dreamskyxx:新聞頁面 新增影音檔了 11/04 13:25
johansoros:RR 哭哭 11/04 13:33
timchenegg:JAL123:這是命 11/04 13:37
Jimmy2010:這也太誇張囧 11/04 13:51
Jimmy2010:有可能是FOD嗎? 11/04 13:51
globalhawk:所以這回倒楣的 可能是引擎製造商 11/04 14:04
bbcar:這爆掉的還蠻嚴重的呢,連機翼都受損了...不過還好安全降落 11/04 15:23
bbcar:不過...,應該還在保固期吧?AB與RR看來要花不少錢維修了! 11/04 15:29
psilons:a380的控制面有個別的電動系統,所以液壓沒了也可以飛 11/04 16:40
irwin8417:我是搭qf32 a380的首航,整個有可怕到 11/04 17:59
sp045899:炸到機翼都被打穿了 11/05 04:48
globalhawk:蠻多大飛機的重要控制面都有電動當backup 11/05 11:42
globalhawk:可是電動出力不大+移動速度慢 通常都拿來微調用 11/05 11:43
windprism:NGC介紹A380的節目不是有說RR引擎的設計有預防引擎爆炸 11/06 12:08
windprism:時碎片擊毀機身嗎?這個設計果真派上用場,飛機安全降落 11/06 12:09
geartrains:看到這則新聞時第一個也是想到NGC介紹的引擎實驗 11/06 20:48
psilons:記得380那個是直接一個ACMP+一個PCU裝在控制面 11/08 03:57
psilons:不是trim那種 11/08 03:58
MichaelHsin:可是那個試驗是葉片破掉時不能穿出整流罩;這次事件是 11/08 14:15
MichaelHsin:連後整流罩都不見了 11/08 14:15