精華區beta BTS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
160430 2016 BTS LIVE 《花樣年華 on stage : epilogue》官方周邊 Hello This is Big Hit Entertainment. We are announcing official goods for 2016 BTS LIVE <花樣年華 on stage : epilogue> selling ar Olympic Park Gymnastics Arena on May 7th ~ 8th. [2016 BTS LIVE <花樣年華 on stage : epilogue> Official Goods Information] https://goo.gl/l1Ad2Y https://goo.gl/fcC9sf https://goo.gl/RDvTNh https://goo.gl/bnDFUz https://goo.gl/z0wOjN * TIME: 7th MAY (SAT) : 09:30 ~ 15:00 (5.5h) / 19:00 ~ 20:00 (1h) 8th MAY (SUN) : 09:30 ~ 14:00 (4.5h) / 18:00 ~ 20:00 (2h) * LOCATION: Official goods sales booths in front of Olympic Park Gymnastics Arena. * TRANSACTION: Cash, Credit cards * LIMITATION per product: 1) 1 person will be able to purchase max 3 ea per 1 product. (No limitation for ‘OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK FUSE SET’) 2) For ‘IMAGE PICKET’, 1 person will be able to purchase max 1 ea per 1 member option. ※Official goods sales booths will be operated at general sales booths and express sales booths. -At the general sales booths, all of the official goods are available. -At the express sales booths, ‘OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK’ and ‘OFFICIAL LIGHT STICK FUSE SET’ are available only. ※At general sales booths, 2 hours before the concert start will be closed for the audience's safety. (Express sales booths will be operated flexibly.) ※If all the products are sold out, sales may be closed early. - NOTICE - 1. All the products may be sold out early. 2. All transactions are accepted in Korean Won(KRW, \) only. 3. Transactions can be made with cash and credit cards. (Certain credit cards may not be accepted.) 4. After paying first at the payment booth, you may receive items at the pick-up booth as showing the receipt and your order sheet. 5. Refund/exchange is not possible when a customer changes his/her mind. Only exchange is possible when there is a bad founded at the day. So, please check items as soon as you get them, and if items have any flaws, you must show us the receipt for the exchange. (In case the item is sold out, only refund will be possible.) 6. It is forbidden by law to provide disposable bags for free. 7. Sales time may change depending on the time of onsite preparation. 8. After the performance, all or some of items will be selling through BTS OFFICIAL SHOP (www.btsofficialshop.com). ※Please do not buy any illegal products! 出處: http://cafe.daum.net/BANGTAN/jbaj/312 / BTS FB -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BTS/M.1462019608.A.9EB.html
lily9910348: 耳機塞好可愛 04/30 20:35
corehs: 他們的造型看起來好棒,拼圖那張 04/30 20:40
tesu806: 拼圖也太生火XD 04/30 20:41
pig322: 最想要耳機塞XDD 可以隨身攜帶阿米棒的感覺 04/30 20:43
w5c7rr6: 各種失火 \poor forever/ 04/30 20:44
yanasup2639: 拼圖真的好生火......... 04/30 20:44
w5c7rr6: ...打錯了 生火QQ 04/30 20:44
clioclio: w大的失火太可愛了啦XD 04/30 20:46
※ 編輯: bethelights (, 04/30/2016 20:53:09
Bigyun: http://i.imgur.com/fAxnyWI.jpg 想到這張圖XDDDD 04/30 20:48
corehs: 如果台北場有台北限定TOWEL我一定買XD(雖然機會不大) 04/30 20:48
luckypearl: 我也最想要耳機塞!可是手機耳機孔在下面XDDDD 04/30 20:50
kling981130: 第二個是阿米棒上面的紅色套子嗎XD 04/30 20:51
forWinds: we are moneyless pt.2 XDDDD 04/30 20:51
breeze1128: \poor forever/ Forever we are poor~ 04/30 20:54
bethelights: 感覺公司也滿用心在變化 每次都會出一些新奇的東西XD 04/30 21:03
bethelights: 這次還把阿米棒的引信單獨拉出來賣XDD 04/30 21:05
plmnbvcxw: 拼圖很生火!!!大小卡感覺這次會超極燒!!! 04/30 21:08
corehs: 那顆小紅頭在手燈開賣後不久就推出當商品賣了XD(消耗品) 04/30 21:12
yagochao: 耳機塞真的超可愛的!!! 04/30 21:12
demi93208: 耳機塞好Q!!!! 04/30 21:13
qaz987963: 把引信當商品賣好有趣喔XDDD 04/30 21:14
bethelights: 所以我說公司完全知道粉絲們的需求啊 現在直接在場邊 04/30 21:19
bethelights: 賣給你XDD 04/30 21:19
corehs: 說得也是XD 04/30 21:20
huhu12: [引信為什麼要拆開賣阿??(搖一搖會掉嗎還是 04/30 21:22
Silor: 我的引信就是搖到不見orz 日飯很好心的幫我在地板上撿到 04/30 21:33
Silor: 一粒XD 演唱會有賣太好了!! 要買一包起來放XDD 04/30 21:33
pig322: 耳機塞聽防彈歌的時候還可以拔起來一起嗨 實用! 04/30 21:47
iamhailie: 髮帶好Q 04/30 21:56
VM0584: 哇啊啊!!竟然有拼圖!!!對拼圖控來說實在太生火!!! 04/30 21:59
Ysnow: 有人知道耳機塞右邊那是什麼嗎? 04/30 22:04
yanasup2639: 回Y大 我猜是充電線的束線(? 04/30 22:14
natsukawa270: 今天沒被生到火(?) 除了手燈頂多買本子 04/30 22:27
s2001abby: 手燈當天應該不會賣完吧? 04/30 22:32
makemecrycry: 防塵塞右邊那個到底是啥?開瓶器?不會吧@@ 04/30 22:40
makemecrycry: 不過我也是沒被燒到 應該請朋友買場刊而已 04/30 22:41
jk19860906: 手燈記得要自備電池(剛剛準備打包才發現>_<) 04/30 22:52
s2001abby: 手燈要自備電池喔!!!?? 04/30 22:56
theone11: 手燈不會有電池喔~要自己帶~不過應該便利商店買得到吧 04/30 23:00
vicki1317: 韓國電池賣很貴請大家記得從台灣帶去XDDDDD 04/30 23:13
vicki1317: 不過我看圖片寫有含電池3顆AAA欸@@ 04/30 23:18
jk19860906: 我是之前在官方商店訂購空運來台的,沒有附電池,但是 04/30 23:27
jk19860906: 不用空運或在演唱會買的好像有附。 04/30 23:27
HPCbear: 現場買的手燈應該有付電池吧?! 04/30 23:42
vicki1317: 空運是因為航空安全規定不能含電池~現場週邊寫有含電池 04/30 23:51
tintin007: 耳塞超 Q 的,小小阿米棒 ! ! 拼圖也是,美翻了 QQ 05/01 01:40
natsukawa270: 防塵塞旁邊是捲線器吧 05/01 02:27