精華區beta BTS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
220613 2022BTSFESTA #5 - My You by Jung Kook of BTS https://soundcloud.com/bangtan/song-for-army-0613 https://youtu.be/_yTP_L8fC-k
cr.BTS@SoundCloud https://imgur.com/N24RUfg.jpg
Produced by Jung Kook, Hiss noise (Jung Kook, Hiss noise) Keyboard - Hiss noise Synthesizer - Hiss noise Guitar - YOUNG Background Vocals - Jung Kook Vocal Arrangement - Hiss noise Recording Engineer - Hiss noise @ Analog lab Digital Editing - Hiss noise Mix Engineer - Pdogg @ Dogg Bounce, Hiss noise @ Analog lab Mastering Engineer - Chris Gehringer @ Sterling Sound Summer has already spread in the air Breeze is already blowing The last cold snap is going out The days were getting longer and longer But my days were still going on and on and on I got wet in the sun shower and looked up at the night sky It was quite a lonely night In the blink of an eye The dark faded out Blooming under the sunlight Memories with me and you All these lights are colored in by you All these times are precious due to you Four seasons have passed with you Four scents were left ‘cause of you All the reasons why I can laugh out All the reasons why I sing this song Thankful to be by your side now I'll try to shine brighter than now 會消失嗎 這是場夢嗎 輾轉反側 又再次沉睡 會持續到永遠嗎 這樣的刻骨銘心 我試著撫慰那顆心 將它深鎖在黑夜 曾經淒涼寂寥的夜 不知不覺間烏雲散去 刻印在光芒觸及之處的 是與你一同留下的溫度 我的時間變得完美 四季再次更迭 感受更加濃烈 我露出微笑的理由 能唱這首歌的理由 是因為在你身邊 真的感謝 我會更加燦爛 更加耀眼 On a starry night Hope my you sleep tight Shining purple light Thankful to be by your side now On a starry night Hope my you sleep tight Shining purple light 是因為在你身邊 真的感謝 -- translated by thanatosfe -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BTS/M.1655047283.A.2E2.html ※ 編輯: thanatosfe ( 臺灣), 06/12/2022 23:21:39
evafish1207 : 感謝~! 06/12 23:21
tzuchun0214 : 推神速翻譯神t大 06/12 23:22
jenny75 : 推神速翻譯T大 歌詞想到still with you QQ 06/12 23:22
btsyu23 : 感謝翻譯,歌詞有洋蔥QQ 06/12 23:23
akjin : 謝謝翻譯!好快~ 06/12 23:24
senttreepay : 感謝光速翻譯!歌詞好好哭QQ 06/12 23:25
sweet069726 : 謝謝神速翻譯!!真的好喜歡QQ 06/12 23:29
pocketshape : 歌詞太哭了天啊 QQQQQQQQ 06/12 23:29
mristmn : 感謝翻譯!超神速! 06/12 23:30
mia19910630 : 嗚嗚感謝翻譯 06/12 23:36
mayting3557 : 感謝t大神速翻譯 06/12 23:36
summer0625 : 感謝翻譯 歌詞還有忙內在blog最後說的話都很感動QQ 06/12 23:36
haehae311444: 感謝翻譯!! 06/12 23:37
freechy : 感謝強大的t大 翻得好美QAQ 06/12 23:47
jjkchi : 感謝翻譯! 06/12 23:54
MIN7819 : 感謝翻譯!! 06/12 23:55
sunny61629 : 感謝t大翻譯~歌詞好感動QQ 06/12 23:55
tothesky : 感謝翻譯~英文部份也寫的好可愛啊忙內 06/12 23:55
leslilianne : 感謝速翻 雖然今天是週一要上班,但聽到忙內唱歌又 06/13 00:12
leslilianne : 有力量了! 06/13 00:12
opopkk : 感謝翻譯~ 06/13 00:17
MusicShow : 感謝翻譯QQQQQ 06/13 00:19
mieki : 感謝翻譯 06/13 00:24
sinderin : 謝謝翻譯!柾國不要擔憂 開心享受吧! 06/13 00:29