精華區beta Badminton 關於我們 聯絡資訊
為了彌補前一篇被我騙的版友, 在此翻譯一下陶菲克在官網發表的獲勝心得.. 先放上英文原文, 譯文則在原文下方 ----------------------------------------------- Hi guys, I am back in Jakarta after a long three weeks of competitions. Sorry that i did not immediately went and blogged after the win in Macau yesterday, but alas, here i am celebrating with you guys, even if it's a day late, lol. It has been a long time coming, isn't it? thanks for sticking by me all this time. I have faith in myself, all of you have faith in me, i've trained hard but the right moment still didn't came before this. Everything seems to alligned for me that day, i was relaxed and pumped for the game against one of my closest friends in the badminton circuit, Lee Chong Wei. I enjoyed the game and thought i played my best on court yesterday. My smashes were the best i've played for the last year or so, though i admit i still need to improve more on my other techniques, but overall it was a perfect day. So thanks for the support; Grace, ces, Aby all the way from Libya (i never knew people know me over there, a very pleasant surprise), Haw Yan, andro, karlo (yes, i think after Macau, i won't need to state my reason in choosing my current racket, lol) and Jack Ying, who from what i've seen has been faithfully checking on the site since its reopening. I am back in Jakarta right now, reunited with the family, and celebrating a few hours left of my wife's birthday today. Catch with you guys soon, Taufik ==================================================================== 終獲一勝 2008.10.06 22:42:00 嗨! 朋友們! 在結束漫長的三週征戰後, 我終於回到雅加達. 至於沒有及時在昨天澳門獲勝後, 馬上更新部落格, 在此先致上歉意, 不過我現在還是跟你們一起慶祝這場勝利不是嗎?! 雖然晚了一天. 嘻! 這場勝利讓我們等了好久, 不是嗎? 感謝你們一路的支持. 我對自己有信心, 而你們 也對我有信心. 我雖然也努力訓練, 但在這之前, 快樂慶祝的時刻卻一直不曾降臨. 而 昨天似乎一切都對了, 我態度輕鬆, 全力面對我在羽球圈裡一位好友--李宗緯. 我相當 沈浸在這場比賽, 而且認為我昨天在場上發揮得淋漓盡致. 我的殺球是過去一年來表現 得最好一次, 不過我承認我在技術面還有很多需要改善, 但整體而言, 它是完美的一天. (下一段是感謝澳門球迷, 其中還提到他選擇球拍的理由, 但卻沒有說明) 我現在已經回到雅加達, 和家人在一起, 慶祝我太太的生日, 今天是她的生日. 希望很快能和你們再碰面. 陶菲克... 陶菲克的官方網站: http://www.taufik-hidayat.com/index.php -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: mackinglis 來自: (10/16 10:39)
cann:翻的不錯 10/16 14:12
pinkjia:lol是笑的意思喔?@@ 真羨慕英文好的人 哈 10/16 16:58
komuroboy:陶菲克英文不錯 不過他的oral會卡卡的~^^ 10/16 17:05
Katarn:lol是簡字 , lot of laugh的樣子 超好笑或是笑別人都常用 10/16 18:20
cann:印尼大部分的人都會英文 但是發音很奇怪 跟菲律賓有拼 10/16 19:14
chungg:lol是laugh out loud............... 10/16 20:13
yinjay:陶說過一句話讓我超感動! 他說:「大家都說我是天才,看好我 10/17 01:58
yinjay:!球迷朋友們希望我贏球,我也希望,但這也給了我壓力! 大家 10/17 01:58
yinjay:都說我技術細膩,但你們知道嗎? 我每天每天不斷的在進行訓 10/17 01:59
yinjay:練,就像其他球員一樣,我也只是個羽球員罷了! 10/17 01:59
yinjay:(感動...我不知道為啥會被這話感動到!) 10/17 02:00
yinjay:但是陶結婚生子後…的確是給人愛打不打的感覺呀…(逃...) 10/17 02:01
cann:能夠這麼年輕就打進國際賽的人 一定有某方面的天賦 10/17 09:55
cann:國內的許仁豪 當年的謝裕興都是 但是他們也是很努力練球的 10/17 09:56
cann:但是更多球員 也非常努力練球 但也打不出什麼鳥 10/17 09:56