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國外新聞網站的文章 草草翻譯一下供大家在連假時有不一樣的看法 一切還是要以官方相關組織調結果為準 文章只是推測 原出處 http://goo.gl/vm1eJp A TERRIFYING new theory tragic Egypt Air flight MS804 was hit by fragments of a disintegrating meteor has been put forward. 埃航MS804空難驚人新理論浮現-遭流星碎片擊落 COULD A METEOR HAVE BROUGHT DOWN MS804? A massive space rock weighing up to 10,000 tonnes, and travelling at a startling 67,000 mph broke up in the Earth’s atmosphere on Tuesday and fragments of it were still falling to Earth at around the time air traffic controllers lost contact with the doomed Paris to Cairo plane carrying 66 people last Thursday. 可能是流星擊落MS804? 一顆超過一萬噸的太空岩石,周二以時速超過6萬7千英哩速度在大氣層飛行,直到周四 搭載66人的埃航MS804失去聯絡時,仍有其碎片正墜落地球。 The meteor broke up into thousands of smaller five to 60cm fragments, which were scattered as far and wide as between Greenland and Australia between last Wednesday and Friday. 隕石碎片大小不一,5到60公分都有,且散布面積廣達格陵蘭到澳洲間,時間從上周三 持續至周五。 THE METEOR WAS IDENTIFIED BY A RUSSIAN SPACE SURVEILLANCE STATION 俄國衛星站辨識出隕石 Parts of it were filming disintegrating over New York on a police car dashcam, and the largest piece found so far landed in Argentina, south America, but experts believe the bulk of the pieces could have hailed down over the Middle East and Mediterranean, where the plane was lost. It has since emerged authorities were warned of the possible danger and disruption from falling debris. In Russia an alert about the meteor was issued, which highlighted a potential threat to aircraft. The meteor was identified by a Russian space surveillance station in Tajikistan called Onko and monitored by the country’s Kanopus satellite. A warning was also relayed to an anti-aircraft weapons system based in Syria, saying debris could activate alarm systems. As yet, there is no clear explanation for the crash, and no terrorist group has claimed any responsibility. More bizarre suggestions about the flight that have been made so far, include a UFO being responsible, after Turkish pilots reported strange green lights above their jet the same day in the same region ( via express.co.uk ). But that could have been also a green meteor like the one in the following video below: 紐約警方車上的攝影機也拍到了流星畫面,且最大的一塊隕石發現在南美阿根廷墜落地面 。專家相信已有許多碎片落在中東和地中海,正是飛機失蹤的地區。俄羅斯官方單位其實 也針對墜落的隕石碎片可能對飛行器造成危險和干擾發出警報。該隕石稍早是由俄國位於 塔吉克一個叫做Onko的衛星站發現,且由該國南極星衛星監視著。位於敘利亞的一處防空 基地也對隕石可能啟動防空警報系統而發出警報。 雖然此空難迄今仍無明確解釋,亦無恐怖組織出面宣稱為此空難負責,越來越多奇怪的說 法甚囂塵上,當然也包括是外星人幹的。一個土耳其機師宣稱他看到一道奇怪綠色光線在 他的飛機上空,正好與埃航空難時空相近。但也有可能是與底下影片錄到的綠色隕石同一 道光。 影片連結: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oI7vj4hPZg
以上 獻醜了 請多指教 -- 燃燒熱情的火!~拼出感動的心!~ 鱷魚精神,永不放棄!中華職棒統一獅棒球隊Uni-Lions http://lion1227.pixnet.net/blog -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1465543366.A.FB3.html ※ 編輯: lion1227 (, 06/10/2016 15:23:22
Piin: 如果有這麼大的流星跟地球擦身而過會沒有新聞是很奇怪的 06/10 15:55
jacks30229: 必須從殘骸找出燃燒過後的殘渣來檢驗就會知道 06/10 16:01
prussian: 英國八卦小報... 06/10 16:09
Danjor: ID4續集要上映了 06/10 17:56
AEM: TWA 800當時也有傳流星打下來 結果………… 06/10 18:21
a46080704: 抱歉小更正,有落到地面的應該稱為隕石吧?流星應在大 06/14 07:03
a46080704: 氣層就已燃燒殆盡 06/14 07:03