精華區beta Biology 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.很冒昧打擾生物轉信板各板主以及各位板友,這邊是PTT的生物連線板,在下很不才的  制定有關生物板問題討論的制式格式,處女座的毛病......(嘆),希望生物板的各位板  主以及板友能給予賜教以及建議。 2.您的寶貴意見目前會施行的轉信連線板有: 站名位置/IP        站名        英文板名 板主ID 1. telnet://ptt.cc 台大批踢踢實業坊  Biology  kissinwang 2. 3.  如有要加入的轉信連線站台,歡迎在以上的名單下附上站名、站名位置、英文板名以及  板主ID,感激不盡,也請給予格式問題多多指教。 3.格式採用中文、英文格式,方便於在海外的學子,並且順應國際化趨勢,英文那邊有錯  字或者什麼地方用字怪怪的請多指教。 4.前一篇手滑,打到一半按錯,導致牛頭不對馬尾的文章轉出站外到各轉信板,在此跟大  家說聲對不起: 5.其他有關徵才、校系討論、研討會相關訊息、供應代理商、考試、補習、板友名單等等  資訊分類以及格式,先看這篇反應後,再陸續推出。 6.請大家給予意見,謝謝。                 台大批踢踢實業坊 Biology 板工                【KKCITY】 biology 小板工                                                                  kissinwang   『中文版』 【討論主題】: 【主題類別】: (1.生化/分子生物 2.細胞/組織/器官 3.神經/行為 4.遺傳/發育/分化 5.農業/養殖/食  品/營養/中草藥 6.醫藥/疾病/免疫/生理 7.模式生物/基因學 8.動物/植物/微生物/分  類學 9.演化/生態/環保/考古 10.結構/計算生物學 11.生物醫學材料/生物醫學工程  12.生物資訊/系統生物學 13.其他 <主要參考:kkcity 的精華區>) 【資料類別】: (書本、期刊、網站、專利、報紙、新聞、口述、雜誌、觀察......) 【參考資料】: (書本章節名、期刊名、網址、專利編號、報紙標題、新聞標題、口述、雜誌主題、觀察  現象描述......) 【資料附件】: (上傳利用系統:http://file.chemistry.pu.edu.tw/ 靜宜應化臨時大檔案傳送系統) 【摘要描述】: 【探討問題】:1. 2. (可依序編號1、2、3、4、5、6......) 【個人推論】:1. 2. (可依序編號1、2、3、4、5、6......) 【其他想說】: 『English』 <Topic:> <Classification:> (1.The chemistry of life.2.The cell. 3.Genetics. 4.Mchanisms of evolution. 5. The evolutionary history of biological diversity. 6.Plant form and function . 7.Animal form and function. 8.Ecology 9.Others <By Neil A. Campbell biology book>) <Source:> (Book, Periodical, Web, Patent, Newspaper, News, Oral, magazine, Oberve...... ) <Reference:> (Book,Periodical,Web,Patent,Newspaper,News,Oral,magazine,Oberve...Name & No. ) <Enclosure:> (Web system: http://file.chemistry.pu.edu.tw/ Film to upload) <Abstract:> <Question:> 1. 2. (To assign number to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...... ) <Inference:> 1. 2. (To assign number to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...... ) <Others:> Replenish Neil A. Campbell biology book contents: 1. Introduction: Exploring Life. UNIT ONE: THE CHEMISTRY OF LIFE. 2. The Chemical Context of Life. 3. Water and the Fitness of the Environment. 4. Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life. 5. The Structure and Function of Macromolecules. UNIT TWO: THE CELL. 6. A Tour of the Cell. 7. Membrane Structure and Function. 8. An Introduction to Metabolism. 9. Cellular Respiration: Harvesting Chemical Energy. 10. Photosynthesis. 11. Cell Communication. 12. The Cell Cycle. UNIT THREE: GENETICS. 13. Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles. 14. Mendel and the Gene Idea. 15. The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance. 16. The Molecular Basis of Inheritance. 17. From Gene to Protein. 18. The Genetics of Viruses and Bacteria. 19. Eukaryotic Genomes: Organization, Regulation, and Evolution. 20. DNA Technology and Genomics. 21. The Genetic Basis of Development. UNIT FOUR: MECHANISMS OF EVOLUTION. 22. Descent with Modification: A Darwinian View of Life. 23. The Evolution of Populations. 24. The Origin of Species. 25. Phylogeny and Systematics. 26. The Tree of Life: An Introduction to Biological Diversity. UNIT FIVE: THE EVOLUTIONARY HISTORY OF BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY. 27. Prokaryotes. 28. The Origins of Eukaryotic Diversity. 29. Plant Diversity I: How Plants Colonized Land. 30. Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of Seed Plants. 31. Fungi. 32. An Introduction to Animal Evolution. 33. Invertebrates. 34. Vertebrate Evolution and Diversity. UNIT SIX: PLANT FORM AND FUNCTION. 35. Plant Structure, Growth, and Development 36. Transport in Vascular Plants 37. Plant Nutrition 38. Angiosperm Reproduction and Biotechnology. 39. Plant Responses to Internal and External Signals UNIT SEVEN: ANIMAL FORM AND FUNCTION 40. Basic Principles of Animal Form and Function. 41. Animal Nutrition. 42. Circulation and Gas Exchange. 43. The Immune System. 44. Regulating the Internal Environment. 45. Chemical Signals in Animals. 46. Animal Reproduction. 47. Animal Development. 48. Nervous Systems. 49. Sensory and Motor Mechanisms. UNIT EIGHT: ECOLOGY. 50. An Introduction to Ecology and the Biosphere. 51. Animal Behavior and Behavioral Ecology. 52. Population Ecology. 53. Community Ecology. 54. Ecosystems. 55. Conservation Biology and Restoration Ecology. -- 好(壞的)人:對不起!我很想要幫你,不過我找不到幫你的理由..... by kissin my blog = = http://kissinwangblog.spaces.live.com/ 留言給我 http://www.hkflash.com/gb/gb.asp?id=kissinwang 化學/化學工程/生化科技BBS網路資源中心 http://groups.msn.com/chemicalBBScenter Food,Nutrition,& Diet Therapy http://groups.msn.com/FoodNutritionDietTherapy/homepage -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: kissinwang 來自: (10/17 08:08) ※ 編輯: kissinwang 來自: (10/17 08:09)