精華區beta Braves 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文網址: http://www.baseballprospectus.com/article.php?articleid=5251 BP有關捕手新秀的評論 裡面沒有意外的出現我們家的Jarrod Saltalamacchia 排名第七 以下是BP對他的評論 Jarrod Saltalamacchia 年紀:21 Hitting Status(AA): .199/.312/.301 Arm: 30 for 75 (這是阻殺率嗎?) 評論: Salty還能跌多遠? 他本季開始前是捕手位子上的Top Prospect 他去年在high 1A 打出.315/.394/.519的成績,但是從那之後 他的棒子像死了一樣.今年他的成績根本就是一蹋糊塗,他的打擊率甚至掉到了兩成以下 而且他最近陷入大低潮(2 for 36). 根據今年有去觀察他的人的描述 Salty在本壘的攻擊能力徹底失敗了.他原本流暢的揮棒變的非常的糟糕 揮棒的速度變慢了,power也不見了.如果說這樣還有什麼好消息的話 那只有他的守備能力進步了不少,但是他永遠都不會是金手套級的防守者 在他身上下賭注的原因鐵定是因為他的棒子而不是他的防守. 他之前的成績證明了他的能力存在某些地方, 但是預測一個Prospect是否能夠找回他原本的能力是一件很困難的事情 本季的成績不是只是個低潮樣本,更不是簡單的沒達到期望而已 這完全是失控的墜落,但是我們還是期盼他能夠拉住降落傘的繩子 (這個意思應該是他現在完全是狂退步中,不過還是期盼他能回來) ================附上原文...因為這個感覺比較專業一點..我怕我翻錯了======== I'm not sure what else to do with him. How far can he fall? Saltalamacchia entered the season as the top catching prospect in baseball, and it wasn't even close, as he was coming off a .315/.394/.519 season at High Class A Myrtle Beach, where bats go to die. This year he's been a complete mess, with his average finally falling below the .200 mark as his current slump sits at a miserable 2-for-36. According to those who have seen him this year, Saltalamacchia has fallen apart at the plate. His fluid swing has become mechanical, which both slowed his bat down and sapped him of his power. If there's any good news here, it's in his defensive improvements, but he'll never win a Gold Glove; to place a bet on him is to wager on the bat returning to form. His previous success has proven to everybody that the skills are there somewhere, but trying to predict which prospects can rediscover what has left them is a difficult task. This performance is not just a slip, and not just below expectations-- this is a complete freefall and we're still waiting for him to pull the string on the parachute. ===================== 後話 ============================= 看起來我們農場捕手部分最被期盼的Salty碰到了大麻煩 希望我們小聯盟的教練能趕快把他救回來...也請麻煩詳細檢查一下是否受傷 剛看到這篇文章我就覺得為啥Salty會掉到No.7 原來他在2A碰到了這麼大的麻煩阿 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: synchron 來自: (07/01 00:17)