精華區beta Braves 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Beat reporter Mark Bowman answers fans' questions By Mark Bowman / MLB.com 原文網址:http://0rz.net/641rT If Chris Reitsma continues struggling in the closer role, do you think Bobby Cox will turn to Ken Ray? If not Ray, who else do you think might fill in the closer spot? -- Tim C., Gainesville, Fla. 如果爛死馬在終結者這個位置不斷的掙扎擺爛,您認為考爺會把關愛的眼神投向肯雷嗎? 又如果不是肯雷,您認為還有誰適合當關門者? -- Tim C., Gainesville, Fla. As I write this, it's Sunday, and the clock on the scoreboard at Wrigley Field says it's 7:35 p.m. CT. Had Reitsma not blown that four-run ninth-inning lead just a little bit ago, this week's mailbag would have already been sent to the copy desk. 當我寫這篇的時候,是星期天,且瑞格里球場中計分版上的時間顯示是當地晚上七點三十 五分。在爛死馬還沒會花掉九局領先四分的場面之前,本來這週的mailbag已經寄去編輯者 用的辦公桌了。 Of course, had Reitsma not encountered even more struggles, I probably would have been apt to have answered this with, "Stay patient, he's coming around." He hadn't allowed a run in seven of his previous nine appearances and there were plenty of guys in the Braves clubhouse saying they believed in him. 可以想見的,在爛死馬還沒蹂躪我們這些球迷的視聽之前,我對於這個問題也許已經準備 好一個適當的回答了,並且跟你說:"拿出你的耐心吧!他正在甦醒著呢!"。(由此可知, 之前一切都只不過是官方回答)話說爛死馬在這之前七次在九局登場都沒掉分(明明就是有 幾次都有人替他擦屁股),同時隊上也有不少人挺他。(肯雷:我沒講過!!) After the game, manager Bobby Cox indicated he still likes the way Reitsma is throwing. He indicated the closer-for-now had induced groundballs from two of the first three batters he faced. 這場爛仗之後,考爺指出他依然深愛著爛死馬的投球。考爺說道現任終結者爛死馬還是成 功引誘前三位打者打出兩個滾地球。(現在是怎樣!?考爺你不要那麼堅持會死喔!!) While true, the "Reitsma just had some bad luck" stuff is getting old. I've seen all of the infield hits he's surrendered and I've seen the bad hops balls routinely take when he's on the mound. If the sample size was just was month, then certainly it would be misfortune. 然而事實上,"爛死馬只是跟敗羅一樣帶衰罷了"這種屁話已經是狼來了,鬼都不相信。我 看過了所有逼使他棄械的內野安打;我也看過他在投手丘接那些平凡不已的爛高彈跳球。 如果整個月都是這種鳥情形不斷發生的話,那麼我們可以說的確是爛死馬他很賽。 But when this has been happening for the better part of the past two years, I just can't call it bad luck anymore. 但如果這些鳥情形是發生在爛死馬過去兩年中他表現不錯的時候,我不會說他是帶衰之類 的話。 We all pull for good guys and there aren't too many better than Reitsma. He's a standup individual and somebody many would like to call their friend. But it's becoming much more obvious that he isn't a closer. 我們曾經推派了一些好球員,但他們比爛死馬好的不見得多。他是個眾所皆知,大家吃好道 相報的耐操出名的傢伙(但不好用)。但越來越明顯地,我們發現爛死馬不會是個好的關門人 Cox has said he'll occasionally let the situation dictate who he uses as the closer. He did that Saturday when he let Reitsma get the first two outs and then called upon Mike Remlinger to face the next two batters, who had struggled against left-handers. 考爺說他偶爾會視情況決定誰才是關門人。就像是週六那場,考爺先讓爛死馬抓頭兩個出 局數,然後叫被左殺的左投銳利爵上來面對最後兩個人次。 (那是因為爛死馬又被打安打實在看不下去吧,不然考爺您會換嗎?) By doing so, he ensured the team a win on Saturday. But at the same time, he couldn't come back with Remlinger on Sunday. He might have wanted to against Neifi Perez, who entered hitting .176 against left-handed pitchers. 也因為這種做法,考爺確保了球隊在週六的勝利。但也因為週六用掉了銳利爵,使得考爺 在週日的比賽中無法再派銳利爵出來對付面對左投只有.176的Neifi Perez。 But then again he probably wouldn't have thought it necessary. The two-run triple that the switch-hitting Perez belted off Reitsma only raised his batting average to .207. Two innings later when he grounded out against Ray it dropped to .204. 但隨後考爺可能已經沒有再去考慮的必要了,Perez立刻從爛死馬手中打出兩分打點清壘的 三壘安打,讓他的打擊率只不過稍稍提升到.207。兩局之後當他面對肯雷時,只打出滾地 死,所以他的打擊率又下滑到了.204。 It seems time to forget nobody had even heard of Ken Ray through the first two weeks of March. Through the first two months of the season, he's been as good as any reliever in the National League. 現在是到了把"當初在三月的前兩週時,沒人聽過肯雷"的這件事忘掉的時候了。經過本季 頭兩個月的洗禮之後,肯雷儼然已經可以說是國聯一等一的中繼後援好手了。 He's surrendered runs in just two of his 24 appearances and he certainly has the mental makeup to be an effective closer. 肯雷在他的24次出場中,只有兩次有掉分。肯雷無疑地證明了他有著強大的精神力量,這 個特質足以使他成為一位極具戰鬥力的終結者。 So, obviously, my decision is Ray, who I propose should be called "The Stinger" in reference to a sting ray. 所以,顯然的,我的選擇也是肯雷。這位我建議的傢伙,應該稱他為"刺殺者",因為他是 個帶有著鰭刺的魟。 Cox has indicated he'll stick with Reitsma and mix and match when necessary. But don't be surprised if you don't see The Stinger more often in the near future. 考爺已經說他的未來決定依舊堅持是爛死馬,不過他會視情況必要時推派真正合適的人選 。所以如果在近期你不常見到刺殺者出來關門,那也沒啥好訝異的。 (我可以說聲死性不改嗎?考爺你到底在堅持個啥勁阿??) Has Bobby Cox considered the possibility of making Matt Diaz a backup catcher? Wasn't he originally drafted as a catcher? -- Chad S., Tallahassee, Fla. 考爺是否有細想過把屌哥變成一個後備捕手的可能性?他當初好像是以捕手的位置被選秀 進入MLB的大環境的吧? Being from Tallahassee, you probably remember Diaz came to Florida State as a catcher and might have played their if he hadn't opted to go pro after his sophomore season. 來自Tallahassee的你可能記得屌哥是個來自佛州的捕手,而且如果屌哥他沒有在他第二 年球季後選擇走向職業的話,他有可能得回家吃自己了。 Last week, when the Braves were deciding what to do with Brian McCann, they knew they could use Diaz in an emergency situation. He began getting acquainted with the position again in Kansas City's Instructional League this past fall. 上週,在斧頭終於決定怎麼處置小麥肯之後,斧頭知道他們可以拿屌哥當作緊急戰備狀態 時的捕手。畢竟在這個之前的秋天,屌哥是在皇族旗下的教育聯盟球隊中以捕手的身分再 次闖出名號的。 I'm not sure exactly how he'd be behind the plate. But he's certainly impressed with his athleticism and given even more reason to wonder how he couldn't have been getting regular playing time while in the Royals and Devil Rays organizations. 所以我無法很肯定地說屌哥在捕手這個位置可能會有怎樣的表現。不過以屌哥那熱愛體育 的感人熱忱,我們有更多理由可以去相信屌哥在未來所展現的將不會只有他在皇族與魔快 魚的那個樣子而已。 Due to Marcus Giles' slow start this season, would it be worth the possibility of adversely affecting Renteria's offensive production by shuffling the one and two spots in the batting order in an effort to jumpstart Giles? -- Davis M., Selma, Ala. 由於跩兒本季實在慢熱,為了不讓火熱租界男的炮火打折扣,咱們把一二棒對調試試看應 該會比較好吧?或許也可能對跩兒盡快恢復本色有所幫助吧?-- Davis M., Selma, Ala. (jumpstart Giles這邊是指讓跩兒不打第一棒看會不會好一點嗎?或是說幫跩兒一把?) I'm not sure that would be a spark for Giles. Plus, it doesn't seem to be the time to make the move. The veteran second baseman has hit .278 and produced a .361 on-base percentage in May. His overall numbers are still poor because he struggled so badly in April. 我也不確定這種改變會不會是激活跩兒的方法,不過現在似乎還不到一定得做這個改變的 時候。這個二壘"老兵"在五月份已經有.278的打擊率跟.361的上壘率了。你現在看到他那 猶如狗屁倒灶的通算成績,有很大的原因是因為這傢伙四月份在跟人家學嘻哈唱搖頭樂。 The finger injury he suffered on April 18 definitely had an effect and he may just be getting into a groove. It seems best to keep him there and allow Renteria to continue doing what he's been doing in the two hole. 跩兒在四月十八日的手指受傷明顯地對他造成了影響,不過現在看起來跩兒列車似乎慢慢 步上軌道了。所以現在讓跩兒繼續待在一棒讓列車慢慢加速,同時讓火熱租界男在二棒繼 續做他一直在做的天殺第二棒似乎是比較好的選擇。 Giles' uppercut swing leads to more strikeouts than you'd want from your leadoff hitter. But anytime somebody has doubted this guy, he's found a way to be defiantly successful. Thus it seems best to be patient and simply let him prove the doubters wrong again. 跩兒的上勾拳揮棒方式或許帶來你所不樂見到的"振振"有詞的第一棒,不過一旦有人懷疑 他時候,這傢伙總是會作出反駁並找到一條成功的出路。因此,現在你只要耐心地墊墊地 看,看著跩兒怎麼把那些懷疑他的人打得滿地找牙就好了。 Where are James Jurries and Joey Devine? -- P. Wolfi, Dornbirn, Austria James Jurries和Joey Devine這兩位年輕人勒?    -- P. Wolfi, Dornbirn, Austria Jurries struggled at the start of the year with Triple-A Richmond and then fractured his kneecap. He's been out the past six weeks because of the injury, which occurred when he was hit with a line drive in batting practice. Jurries開季時在3A的Richmond中掙扎著,然後隨即弄傷(骨折)了他的膝蓋骨,這也使得他 已經苦在DL裡六週了。他是因為在打擊練習時不慎被強襲平飛球直擊他的膝蓋而受傷的。 Devine is still at the team's Spring Training headquarters rehabbing a back injury that led to his struggles in the two appearances he made with Atlanta this year. It seems to be a long shot in regards to his chances to make it back to the Majors this year. Devine還在春訓中心(是嗎?)復健他的背傷中,那個背傷也導致他在斧頭今年唯二的出賽 中表現得頗不如意。至於他想要在今年就重回MLB來講,恐怕還有一段很長的路要走。 What do you think of Todd Pratt? He really hasn't done much as far as I can see. -- P. Gobin, Toronto, Canada 您怎麼看布萊德彼特的?在我看來他似乎做得不是很好。 -- P. Gobin, Toronto, Canada If you're looking simply at his .196 batting average, you're not going to see a lot. But don't forget, the Braves have gone 5-1 since Brian McCann got hurt and Pratt behind the plate during all but one of those games. 如果你只是看布帥的.196打擊率的話,你可能會忽略掉了一些東西。別忘了,在小麥肯受 傷後,斧頭軍拿下的五勝一敗戰績裡面,布帥就蹲了五場,只有一場是凱子B先發。 (其中有一場因傷的樣子,只蹲兩局就換成凱子B接替了。不加今天的成績。)(不過這幾場布帥確實玩得很好,今天要不是阿湯哥太銷魂,我們不見得會輸。) It took a little while to get to know Pratt. Along the way, it was obvious he was a great clubhouse influence. There is no doubt he seems to be the best managerial candidates among the current cast of Braves. The guy respects and knows the game as well as anybody. 那就讓我們花點時間來了解布帥這個球員吧。綜觀其生涯,很明顯的,他是個很棒的球隊 打氣桶。而且不需要懷疑的是,布帥在斧頭的陣容裡稱職地扮演著母雞帶小雞的最好的領 導作用。這傢伙對球賽的尊敬跟認知是無與倫比的。 To answer your question, his greatest contributions are behind the scenes. But with McCann out the next couple of weeks, people will begin to see at 39 years old, he can still make plenty of on-field contributions. 對於你的問題,我想告訴你的是,布帥他最棒的貢獻不是只有在螢光幕上或是鏡頭前。在 小麥肯要遠離我們幾週的這些時間裡,人們將會見到一個39歲的老頭,不斷地在球場上展 現出他所能做的最大最多最好的貢獻。 Mark Bowman is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. -- 我大概是照自己的意思翻.可能有點落差.甚至翻錯意思.有錯的話請不吝指教.... 英文不是很好.湊合湊合著看吧...XD 不會翻的還是不要亂翻好了.等待救援.....XD -- しっかりと準備もしていないのに、目標を語る資格はない。 連準備都沒有準備的人,沒有什麼資格說目標。 (イチロー シアトル・マリナーズ所属の野球選手) (鈴木一朗 西雅圖水手隊所屬的棒球選手) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
synchron:R大需要累死馬幫你救援嗎???? 05/30 21:13
Rodriguez:那直接給我三顆102MPH火球我比較快.....XD 05/30 21:27
BadM:我之前問了一個問題沒人鳥我,但我還是很想知道肯雷哪來的? 05/30 22:28
Rodriguez:是指名字還是他老兄的艱辛奮鬥過程?? 05/30 22:35
Rodriguez:話說有兩句不太翻得出來意思.好心人士幫幫忙吧.... 05/30 23:52
WindCloud:somebody ...... friend 大家會吃好道相報 05/31 00:09
WindCloud:he ... played their:他會回家吃自己 05/31 00:10
Rodriguez:大大感謝~~~感謝大大~~~~受教了受教了~~~~>.< 05/31 00:11
※ 編輯: Rodriguez 來自: (05/31 07:14)
WindCloud:不會,辛苦你這麼熱心地服務大家 :) 05/31 12:38