精華區beta Buddhism 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《mormolyca (銀碗盛雪)》之銘言: : datoguo 在此提到的防護咒應該就是所謂的「paritta」, : 而「paritta」與「mantra」、「dharani」在定義上也有些差異, : 雙方應該要先確定你們想要討論的「咒語」是上述的哪一個, : 這樣後續的討論才會有意義, : 不然感覺有點雞同鴨講...... : 另外, : 在面對不管是哪一個「咒語」, : 抱持的是如何的心態, : 這也是值得討論的癥結點, : 這部份就需要先探究「咒語(paritta、mantra或dharani)」的定義, : 以及個別咒語本身的涵義。 關於paritta找到相關的解釋 The Significance of Paritta Chanting 護經唸誦的意義 Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda: “What Buddhists Believe” the 4th ed. PP. 205-209 達摩難陀長老/魏善韜譯 Paritta chanting is the recital of some of the Sutras uttered by the Buddha in the Pali language for the blessing and protection of the devotees. 護經 (Paritta) 的唸誦,是為了祝福及保護虔誠佛教徒,而朗誦吟詠一些佛陀以巴利語 親說的經文。 Paritta Chanting or Sutra Chanting is a well-known Buddhist practice conducted all over the world, especially in Theravada Buddhist countries where the Pali language is used for recitals. Many of these are important sutras from the basic teachings of the Buddha which were selected by His disciples. Originally, these sutras were recorded on ola leaves about two thousand years ago. Later, they were compiled into a book known as the ‘ Paritta Chanting Book’. The names of the original books from which these sutras were selected are the Anguttara Nikaya, Majjhima Nikaya, Digha Nikaya, Samyutta Nikaya and Kuddaka Nikaya in the Sutra Pitaka. 護經或佛經唸誦,是一項遍及全世界的佛教行持,特別是在以巴利語進行唸誦的上座部佛 教國家。這些經文大部份是由佛弟子從佛陀的基本教義中所挑選出來的。約在兩千年以前 ,這些佛經記錄在歐拉 (Ola) 葉片上;後來,它們被編成一本《護經唸誦本》的書籍。 這些被挑選作為護經唸誦的佛經所屬的原始佛典名稱是經藏的《增支部》、《中部》、《 長部》 、《相應部》和《小部》。 The sutras that Buddhists recite for protection are known as Paritta Chanting. Here ‘protection’ means shielding ourselves from various forms of evil spirits, misfortune, sickness and influence of the planetary systems as well as instilling confidence in the mind. The vibrant sound of the chanting creates a very pleasing atmosphere in the vicinity. The rhythm of the chanting is also important. One might have noticed that when monks recite these sutras, different intonations are adopted to harmonize with different sutras intended for different quarters. It was found very early during man’s spiritual development that certain rhythms of the human voice could produce significant psychological states of peacefulness and serenity in the minds of ardent listeners. Furthermore, intonation at certain levels would appeal to devas, whilst certain rhythms would created a good influence over lower beings like animals, snakes, or even spirits or ghosts. Therefore, a soothing and correct rhythm is an important aspect of Paritta Chanting. 佛教徒唸誦某些佛經作為保護之用叫做護經唸誦。這裡,「保護」意指防護吾人免於各種 形式的惡靈、不幸、疾病和星宿運轉的影響,並堅強我們對佛法的信心。唸誦的特定聲波 在鄰近區域創造出一種非常悅人的氣氛。唸誦的韻律也是重要的。人們也許會注意到,當 佛教僧侶唸誦這些佛經時,他們會用不同的語調來和諧適應不同人群。在宗教發展的早期 ,便發現人類語音的某些韻律,能對熱誠的聽聞者產生出安祥、平靜的心理作用。再者, 某些層次的音調會吸引天神的到來,另一方面某些韻律聲波則會對較低的生命像動物、蛇 、甚至是精靈、鬼魂造成良好的影響。因此,祥和而正確的音韻對護經唸誦行持而言,是 相當重要的一環。 The use of these rhythms is not confined to Buddhism alone. In every religion, when the followers recite their prayers by using the holy books, they follow certain rhythms. We can observe this when we listen to Quran reading by Muslims and the Veda Mantra Chanting by Hindu priests in the Sanskrit language. Some lovely chanting is also carried out by certain Christian groups, especially the Roman Catholic and Greek orthodox sects. 這些韻律的使用並不僅限於佛教。各大宗教中,當信徒依照其宗教的聖書誦讀經文時,他 們也使用某種特定的韻律。當回教徒朗讀可蘭經及印度教僧侶以梵語進行韋陀梵咒吟唱時 ,我們能觀察到這個現象。一些令人喜愛的唱誦也為某些基督教團體行持,特別是羅馬天 主教及希臘東正教。 When the sutras are chanted, three great and powerful forces are activated. These are the forces of the Buddha, Dhamma and the Sangha. Buddhism is the combination of these ‘Three Jewels’ and when invoked together they can bring great blessing to mankind: 當這些佛經被唸誦時,三項雄偉而強大的力量被激起。這就是佛、法、僧三寶的力量。佛 教是此三寶的組合,且當三寶被懇請召集時,能夠給人類帶來極大的幸福。 The Buddha. He had cultivated all the great virtues, wisdom and enlightenment, developed His spiritual power and gave us His noble Teachings. Even though the physical presence of the Teacher is no more with us, His Teachings have remained for the benefit of mankind. Similarly, the man who discovered electricity is no more with us, yet by using his knowledge, the effect of his wisdom still remains. The illumination that we enjoy today is the result of his wisdom. The scientists who discovered atomic energy are no longer living, but the knowledge to use it remains with us. Likewise the Noble Teachings given us through the Buddha’s wisdom and enlightenment, are a most effective power for people to draw inspiration from. When you remember Him and respect Him, you develop confidence in Him. When you recite or listen to the words uttered by Him, you invoke the power of His blessings. 佛陀。他已經完成所有完滿功德,成就無上正等正覺,並且教導我們神聖的真理。雖然無 上導師的色身已散逝了,但是為了眾生的利益,他的教義已被保留下來。相似地,發現電 性的人已不在人世,然而藉著運用電的知識,電性的道理便可流傳。今天我們享受著高度 的物質文明,發現電性作用實在功不可沒;發現原子能的科學家已經去世了,但是使用原 子能的知識則繼續流傳著。同樣地,經由佛陀的智慧與正覺傳給我們的高尚教義,是人們 獲取鼓舞的一股力量。當你憶念他並且尊敬他,你便發展了對佛的信心。當你唸誦或聆聽 佛語時,你便喚起了佛陀祝福的力量。 The Dhamma. It is the power of truth, justice and peace discovered by the Buddha which provides spiritual solace for devotees to maintain peace and happiness. When you develop your compassion, devotion and understanding, this power of the Dhamma protects you and helps you to develop more confidence and strength in your mind. Then your mind itself becomes a very powerful force for your own protection. When it is known that you uphold the Dhamma, people and other beings will respect you. The power of the Dhamma protects you from various kinds of bad influence and evil forces. Those who cannot understand the power of the Dhamma and how to live in accordance with the Dhamma, invariably surrender themselves to all forms of superstitious beliefs and subject themselves to the influence of many kinds of gods, spirits and mystical powers which require them to perform odd rites and rituals. By so doing, they only develop more fear and suspicion born out of ignorance. Large sums of money are spent on such practices and this could be easily avoided if people were to develop their confidence in the Dhamma. Dhamma is also described as ‘nature’ or ‘natural phenomena’ and ‘cosmic law’. Those who have learnt the nature of these forces can protect themselves through the Dhamma. When the mind is calmed through perfect knowledge disturbances cannot create fear in the mind. 二、達摩(法)。它是佛陀提供給虔誠者靈性的慰藉,以維持平和與幸福的真理、正義與 和平的力量。當你發展悲心、虔誠、與理智時,達摩的力量會保護你並且幫助你發展更堅 定的信心與更強固的意志。於是你的心靈便成為保護自己的一股強而有力的力量。當你依 正法而行被知道時,人們及其他眾生會尊敬你。真理的力量保護你免於各種壞的影響及邪 惡力量的侵害。那些無法理解正法力量及如何依止正法而生活的人,難以避免地會屈服于 種種形式的迷信,依賴各式各樣神祗、精靈,並需要執行種種怪異儀式的神秘力量。經由 此種作為,他們只是發展出更多無知的恐懼與疑慮,而且大量的金錢花費在此活動上。但 如果人們願意發展其對正法真理的信解心,這種不必要的浪費便可輕易地避免。法也被描 述成「自然」或「自然現象」及「宇宙律則」。那些已知曉自然力量運作道理的人,能夠 透過正法來保護自己。當心靈經由完美智識而寂靜時,種種蓋障無法在心中滋生恐懼。 The Sangha. It refers to the holy order of monks who have renounced their worldly life for their spiritual development. They are considered as disciples of the Buddha, who have cultivated great virtues to attain sainthood or Arahantahood. We pay respect to the Sangha community as the custodians of the Buddha Sasana or those who had protected and introduced the Dhamma to the world over the last 2,500 years. The services rendered by the Sangha community has guided mankind to lead a righteous and noble life. They are the living link with the Enlightened One who bring His message to us through the recital of the words uttered by Him. 僧伽。它是指放棄世俗家累而致力心智開展的出家修行人,他們所組成的神聖團體。他( 她)們應該是已發展道德、修持成就聖果或阿羅漢果的佛弟子。我們尊敬僧伽和合團體, 或是那些兩千五百年來保護及宣揚佛教至各地的傳道士,為佛陀教理的守護者。由僧團所 提供的服務已導引人類過著正直而高尚的生活。他(她)們是經由記誦世尊法語,而將佛 教法義傳達給我們的橋樑。 The chanting of sutras for blessing was started during the Buddha’s time. Later, in certain Buddhist countries such as Sri Lanka, Thailand and Burma, this practice was developed further by organizing prolonged chanting for one whole night or for several days. With great devotion, devotees participated in the chanting sessions by listening attentively and intelligently. There were some occasions when the Buddha and His disciples chanted sutras to bring spiritual solace to people suffering from epidemics, famines, sickness and other natural disasters. On once occasion, when a child was reported to be affected by some evil influence, the Buddha instructed His monks to recite sutras to give protection to the child from the evil forces. 唸誦佛語作為祝福的行持,在佛陀住世時就開始存在了。後來,某些佛教國家如斯里蘭卡 、泰國及緬甸,這項行持經由組織加長的唸誦,更深入地發展成進行一整個晚上或好幾天 。信徒以極大的虔誠,參加護經唸誦活動,以全神貫注及慧智用心聆聽。一些護經唸誦的 內容則是佛陀及第一代佛弟子唸誦經文,給那些遭受疫病、饑饉、病痛及其他天然災害的 人們其心靈慰藉。據說在某一場合,當一個小孩受到某些邪惡勢力侵害時,佛陀命令其弟 子前往唸誦真言來保護這個孩子免於邪惡力量的侵犯。 The blessing service, by way of chanting, was effective. Of course, there were instances when the sutra chanting could not be effective if the victims had committed some strong bad kamma. Nevertheless, certain minor bad kammic effects can be overcome by the vibrant power combined with the great virtues and compassion of those holy people who chant these sutras. Here, the overcoming of a bad kammic effect does not mean the complete eradication of the effect, but only a temporary suspension of such an effect. 經由唸誦真言的祝福服務是有效果的。當然,如果受害者曾犯某些嚴重的惡業時,也有佛 經唸誦無法奏效的情形發生。然而,某些次要的惡行業果則能被真言的振動力量聯合那些 唸誦佛經的聖僧的功德與悲心加以克服。這裡,克服惡業的業果並不是意味將惡果完全根 除,而只是暫時地和緩安撫業果的影響。 Devotees who were tired fatigued have experienced relief and calmness after listening to the chanting of sutras. Such an experience is different from that provided by music because music can create excitement in our mind and pander to our emotions but does not create spiritual devotion and confidence. 疲倦或勞累的信徒在聆聽佛經唸誦後,會感到放鬆與平靜。如此的覺受是不同於一般世俗 音樂所造成的效果,因為世俗音樂能引起我們心中的激情,並且勾起我們的情緒,但卻無 法造成靈性的虔誠與信心 For the last 2,500 years, Buddhist devotees have experienced the good effects of sutra chanting. We should try to understand how and why the words uttered by the Buddha for blessing purposes could be so effective even after His passing away. It is mentioned in the Buddha’s teaching that ever since he had the aspiration to become a Buddha during His previous births, He had strongly upheld one particular principle, namely, to abstain from ‘telling lies’. Without abusing or misusing His words, He spoke gently without hurting the feelings of others. The power of Truth has become a source of strength in the words uttered by the Buddha with great compassion. However, the power of the Buddha’s word alone is not enough to secure blessing without the devotion and understanding of the devotees. 過去兩千五百年來,佛教虔誠者已經歷佛經唸誦的良好效果。我們應該試圖去理解如何及 為何在佛陀圓寂以後,佛陀親口所說的祝福語會是如此地有用。這裡要提到佛典記載在佛 陀未成佛的前世,他發大誓願要成為大覺佛陀,他嚴格行持一項完滿功德行,即如實不妄 語。絕不濫用或誤用語言文字,他溫和地說話而不蓄意傷害別人的情感。真理的力量已成 為見大悲心的佛陀所發出言語之力量來源。然而,若是缺乏虔誠信徒的誠心與理解,單只 依靠佛語的力量仍舊是無法確保祝福的。 The miraculous effect experienced by many people in ridding themselves of their sickness and many other mental disturbances through the medium of the Buddhist sutras, enabled them to develop their faith and confidence in this form of religious service. 很多人士在透過佛經唸誦的助緣來擺脫自己的病苦,及種種精神心理障礙時所經歷到的奇 蹟效果,使得他們能夠對這種形式的宗教服務生出虔誠心與信解心。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: MartinJu 來自: (03/10 13:17)
d8888:這些咒藏是錫蘭道士潤筆的,不足採信(誤) 03/10 13:49
sheng530220:明明是鄭和下西洋後傳到錫蘭的(大誤) 03/10 14:10
Crazyfire:真言的對應英文好像是Mantra??但這邊似 03/10 14:48
Crazyfire:乎是Sutra~~用中文來看比較偏向"契經" 03/10 14:49
Crazyfire:但不論如何~~念契經或念真言咒語的實際 03/10 14:49
Crazyfire:內容都是一樣的~~都已經被神秘化了 03/10 14:50
Crazyfire:以下印順導師的這篇文章說明得很清楚 03/10 14:50
Crazyfire:http://tinyurl.com/cbs2gd 03/10 14:51
mormolyca:真言二字被標示起來的那兩段 英文也是用 03/10 19:45
mormolyca:唱誦經典 不知怎會直接被翻譯成"真言" ? 03/10 19:45
mormolyca:另 看到這兩段 腦海中閃過耶教的驅魔 >< 03/10 19:46