精華區beta Buddhism 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://0rz.tw/CapBt 《大寶法王--純淨的願望 菩薩行與氣候安全的未來》 Pure Aspiration, Bodhisattva Activity and a Safe-Climate Future (Karmapa Orgyen Trinley Dorje) 日期:2011.07.21中文翻譯:心創會常務監事 顧淑馨 For most of human history, people all over the world had a simple lifestyle that made use of natural resources sustainably, and avoided significant damage to the Earth. In recent times, however, our lives and our relationship with the environment have become increasingly complex—and problematical because we now have tremendous power to harm the living world. 過去人類歷史上絕大多數時候,全世界人們都過著簡單的生活,取用天然資源不會損及環 境,也未曾對地球造成重大傷害。但是近年來,人類破壞生物世界不遺餘力,導致我們的 生活及與環境的關係愈來愈複雜,問題也愈來愈多。 The lifestyle of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries is making huge demands on the natural environment. We make unprecedented use of resources such as water, wood, and soil,without correctly understanding what the outcomes will be. In particular, we use fossil fuels recklessly, ignoring the fact that they cause ever higher carbon dioxide emissions, and therefore dangerous global warming as a result. We imagine we need all kinds of cleverly-advertised consumer products, without really evaluating whether they are truly important or useful to us. There seems to be no limit to human desire, but there is clearly a limit to how much Mother Earth can sustain our greed. 二十世紀末、二十一世紀初的生活方式,對自然環境是需索無度。我們對水、木材及土地 等資源的取用前所未有,卻未能正確了解這麼做的後果。尤其是我們貪得無饜的使用化石 燃料,無視於這會造成急速竄升的二氧化碳排放量,以致產生可怕的全球暖化惡果。我們 以為,自己需要以巧妙廣告推銷的各種產品,卻從未認真評估,那些產品對我們是否真的 很重要或很有用。人類的慾望好像無窮無盡,然而大自然滿足我們的貪婪卻顯然有其限度 。 The Buddha and his original monastic community followed a way of life that was mindful, frugal, and without waste. It did not fall into the extremes of poverty or hoarding, and it manifested the key principle of the Middle Way. Our lifestyle today should be modelled on this principle—neither too hard nor overly indulgent. If something we desire is beneficial and does not harm the environment it could be considered necessary. If that is not the case, let us think twice about whether we want or need it at all. As Ashvagosha said in his Twenty Verses on the Bodhisattva Vow: For others and also for yourself, Do what is useful even if painful, And what is both useful and pleasurable, Not what gives pleasure but is of no use. 佛陀和最早的僧眾所過的生活是用心、儉樸、絕不浪費。他們不走貧或富的極端,而是彰 顯中庸之道的關鍵原則。我們今日的生活型態應比照這個原則:不要太苦,也不要過度放 縱。如果我們想要的東西對我們有好處,又不會傷害環境,那或許可以視為必要。否則我 們對於究竟需不需要、該不該要,應當三思。印度馬鳴菩薩(Ashvagosha)在《菩薩戒二 十偈頌》中所說:為他人也為自己做有用即便痛苦之事也做有用而快樂之事但不做快樂而 無用之事。 This active decision-making process represents a choice made out of awareness, rather than made blindly. Our actions match our spiritual aspirations. Our aspiration as Dharma practitioners is to free all living beings from suffering. Wherever there is suffering, we wish to transform it into happiness and equanimity. We understand that our sense of self is misleading. In reality, the self is not independent from the rest of life around us, even the air we breathe. The principle of interdependence shows us that all life is connected, and that our individual actions have consequences in the larger world. This is the karmic relationship between cause and effect. It clearly applies also to global warming, which has been caused by humans extracting fossil fuel reserves laid down hundreds of millions of years ago and burning them to produce heat, mechanical, and electrical energy. By doing this we have released fossil carbon gas into the atmosphere of our planet. 這種主動的抉擇過程,代表是有意識而非盲目的做決定。我們的行為與內心的渴望相符合 。我們實踐佛法的抱負在於普渡眾生,免於苦難。凡有苦難,我們都希望轉化為喜樂與平 靜。我們知道自我意識是不真實的。其實自我無法獨立於週遭的生命,甚至我們吸入的空 氣。相互依存的互賴原則告訴我們,一切生命都環環相扣,個別行動也會影響到整體大環 境。這正是因果之間業的關係。這種關係顯然也適用於全球暖化,全球暖化的因,便是人 類開採億萬年前埋在地下的化石燃料,燃燒用以取暖、帶動機械及發電。由此,把化石內 的碳氣體排進地球大氣層中。 As Dharma practitioners we have a responsibility to reverse negative actions through skillful means. To ensure that there is a healthy future for all life on Earth, we should be in the forefront of efforts to reduce carbon emissions and replace fossil fuels with renewable sources of energy—wind, solar, (appropriate) water, and geothermal power. We should also take a lead in the protection of forests and rainforests. Their destruction contributes greatly to climate breakdown, while their preservation cools the Earth and ensures its biodiversity. Indeed, we should be part of a global effort to plant many more trees and forests. 身為佛法的實踐者,我們有責任透過有技巧的手段,扭轉不利於地球的行動。為確保地球 上所有的生命有一個健康的未來,我們必須走在減少碳排放量的最前線,以再生能源:風 力、太陽能、(合適的)水力、及地熱發電,取代化石燃料。我們也應該帶頭保護森林及 雨林。森林雨林遭破壞是氣候異常的重大成因,而保育森林雨林可以減緩地球暖化,維持 生物多樣性。我們確實應該加入全球種更多樹、植更多林的行列。 I grew up in a remote area of Tibet following a centuries-old way of life. People used water, wood, and natural resources with great care and they generated little or no waste. Even as a child, I planted a tree to protect our local spring and asked my father to protect it when I left for my monastic seat at Tsurphu. We had little formal education, but we inherited a deep traditional concern for our environment. Even as children we regarded many mountains, rivers, and some wild animals as sacred, and treated them with respect accordingly. Now scientists tell us that if we do not make fundamental changes in the way we do business as a global society, we stand to lose over half the species on Earth by the middle of this century. Is this not unbearably sad? Can we not do better than stand idly by, when we know this process of mass extinction is taking place in our own lifetime? Climate breakdown is already impacting all our lives, and without urgent corrective action it will only become more devastating. Here in the Himalayan region, our climate is warming three times faster than the global average rise in temperature. This is having dire consequences for our great glaciers, which are part of the third largest store of ice on Earth—the so-called “Third Pole.” Upon it depend the ecology and way of life of Tibet, together with the water supply and food of billions of people in China, India, and Pakistan. 我生長在西藏的偏遠地區,那裡的生活方式數百年來不曾改變。大家十分小心的取用水、 木材和天然資源,製造的廢棄物很少或根本沒有。即使我還是個孩子,也為保護我們本地 的泉水而種過一株樹,當我離家到楚布寺駐錫時,還請父親代我看顧那株樹。我們沒有什 麼正規教育,可是我們承襲了關心週遭環境的悠久傳統。我們小時候就把很多山岳、河川 、及一些野獸視為神聖的,對它們十分尊敬。如今科學家告訴我們,如果整個地球社會的 行事作為不做根本的改革,到本世紀中葉,地球可能面臨半數以上的物種滅絕。這難道不 是令人難以承受的悲哀嗎?我們既然知道如此大量的滅絕,將發生在我們的有生之年,難 道不能比束手無策更積極一點嗎? 氣候異常已經影響到每一個人的生活,如果不趕快採 取矯治行動,情勢只會更為惡化。在喜馬拉雅山區,氣候暖化的速度比全球氣溫平均上升 速度快三倍。這對我們巨大的冰河造成可怕的後果。這些冰河是地表第三大冰儲藏量,即 所謂「第三極」。西藏的生態和生活方式都仰賴於它,中國、印度、巴基斯坦幾十億人口 的水源及食物來源也仰仗這「第三極」。 We humans have already done such immense damage to the environment that it is almost beyond our power to heal it. The challenge is far more complex and extensive than Buddhists can tackle alone. However, we can take a lead, and to do so we must educate and inform ourselves. This is the time when our pure aspirations and our bodhisattva activity must come together. This is the time to ensure a safe-climate future for our planet. This aspiration comes from my heart. 人類對環境已經造成如此嚴重的傷害,幾乎到了人力無法挽回的地步。這個挑戰太過複雜 且牽涉極廣,並非佛教徒可以獨力解決。不過我們可以身先士卒,為此我們必須教育自己 ,並吸取更多資訊。現在正是我們純淨的願望與菩薩行必須合而為一的時刻。現在正是確 保地球未來氣候安全的時刻。這是我衷心所願。 . ╬╬╬╬ ☆、 .*..。. 您的一票 決定愛的力量 ╬╬ *☆★*、 .★ ** . * ★. *." ╭┬╮╭─╮╭─╮╭─╮╭─╮ ∣ ╰─╮│ ╰─╮├─ .※ * " .★*★. ┴ ╰─╯╰─╯╰─╯╰─╯*★ * .* "*. ╬╬╬ ☆. ★ 心創會 感謝您的支 ╬╬ *。. ..*"* http://zzb.bz/43Lpx、*.* 〝. . * 我們是位於淡水的社團人心會,以入自「回歸之旅」計劃,參加台新銀行為 提供缺少贊助的社福團體辦的公益方網路票選競賽,希望能用您的一票,幫助 優質的提案獲得贊助。心創會7年來,一直努力推身心靈環活動包括: 守護美麗海岸—白沙灣; 淨化境 天然功用—環保酵素推廣教學 身心靈成長—靜創意課程 ; 閱讀好書好習慣—心靈成長讀書會 創會官方網站 http://www.tscse.url.tw╬╬╬ ╬╬╬ 心創會粉絲專頁 http://www.facebook.com/TSCSE2004 ╬╬╬╬ ╬╬╬╬心創會環保網站 http://www.tscse.url.tw/environ ╬╬╬╬ -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hereMurasaki:讚嘆頂禮 11/19 01:22
Lunakaoru:隨喜讚嘆 可以也轉錄到密宗板嗎? 11/19 02:36
Darizhiai:當然非常歡迎您幫忙轉錄...^^...謝謝 11/19 10:39
Darizhiai:可否請問您密宗版的英文名呢?..感謝... 11/19 10:40
leoluo:隨喜讚嘆! 11/19 10:46