精華區beta Buddhism 關於我們 聯絡資訊
方才無意間看到這個 望與版上諸位分享,共同精進 也希望能減少一些不必要的紛爭 原文在這:http://0rz.tw/vyxaD 另有中文翻譯可參考:http://home.pacific.net.hk/~khl123/#a17 Basic Points Unifying the Theravada and the Mahayana 大小乘佛教的共同信念 緣起: 這個共同宣言是於1967年世界佛教僧伽大會World Buddhist Sangha Council (WBSC) 第一次大會提出,並無異議通過。一共有九條,1981年 Walpola Sri Rahula長老有所 補充,我就不翻了,諸位可以去上面第一個網址瀏覽。 內容: a.這是我自己翻的,諸位可以參考梁國雄居士所翻(上面第二個網址)或是直接看英文 :) b.有些字母顯示不出來,我把它改掉了 c.中文真好用 XD 翻錯請指教 1. The Buddha is our only Master (teacher and guide) 1. 佛陀是我們唯一的導師。 2. We take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha(the Three Jewels) 2. 吾等皆皈依佛法僧三寶。 3. We do not believe that this world is created and ruled by a God. 3. 吾等不相信這個世界是由神所創造及統治的。 4. We consider that the purpose of life is to develop compassion for all living beings without discrimination and to work for their good, happiness, and peace; and to develop wisdom (prajña) leading to the realization of Ultimate Truth 4. 吾等認為生命的目的在於培養對於眾生無分別的慈悲,利益眾生;同時培養 通往體悟終極真理的智慧。 5. We accept the Four Noble Truths, namely dukha,the arising of dukha, the cessation of duhkha, and the path leading to the cessation of dukha; and the law of cause and effect (pratityasamutpada) 5. 吾等信受四聖諦,也就是苦集滅道,以及緣起法則。 6. All conditioned things (samskara) are impermanent (anitya) and dukha, and that all conditioned and unconditioned things (dharma) are without self (anatma) 6. 諸行無常,諸行是苦,諸法無我。 7. We accept the thirty-seven qualities conducive to enlightenment (bodhipakadharma) as different aspects of the Path taught by the Buddha leading to Enlightenment. 7. 吾等信受三十七道品有助於覺悟,是佛陀所教導能得覺悟的不同方法。 8. There are three ways of attaining bodhi or Enlightenment: namely as a disciple (sravaka), as a pratyekabuddha and as a samyaksambuddha (perfectly and fully enlightened Buddha). We accept it as the highest, noblest, and most heroic to follow the career of a Bodhisattva and to become a samyaksambuddha in order to save others. 8. 有三種成就菩提或覺悟的方式:聲聞、緣覺、三藐三菩提(佛乘)。吾等認為 行菩薩道以成佛救度眾生是最高貴的。 補充一下: 1981年Walpola Sri Rahula長老對這九點多有解釋, 竊以為長老對這一點的補充特別有意義,藉梁居士所翻的與諸位分享 But these three states are on the same Path, not on different paths. In fact, the Sandhinirmocana-sutra, a well-known important Mahayana sutra, clearly and emphatically says that those who follow the line of Sravakayana (Vehicle of Disciples) or the line of Pratyekabuddha-yana (Vehicle of Individual Buddhas) or the line of Tathagatas (Mahayana) attain the supreme Nirvana by the same Path, and that for all of them there is only one Path of Purification (visuddhi-marga) and only one Purification (visuddhi) and no second one, and that they are not different paths and different purifications, and that Sravakayana and Mahayana constitute One Vehicle One Yana (ekayana) and not distinct and different vehicles or yanas. 雖然如是,三者的菩提解脫並無不同,事實上,如大乘的《解深密經》所言: 「諸聲聞乘種性有情,亦由此道此行跡故,證得無上安隱涅槃;諸獨覺乘種性有情, 諸如來乘種性有情,亦由此道此行跡故,說得無上安隱涅槃;一切聲聞獨覺菩薩, 皆共此一妙清淨道,皆同此一究竟清淨,更無第二。我依此故,密意說言:唯有一乘。」 9. We admit that in different countries there are differences regarding Buddhist beliefs and practices. These external forms and expressions should not be confused with the essential teachings of the Buddha. 9. 吾等承認在不同的國家中,關於佛教信仰與修行會有不同。但是這些外在形式與 表現不應與佛教的核心相混淆。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Crazyfire:推!! 這個要當版規嗎XDDDDDDDDDDDD 04/29 17:20
chowyc:推~ 04/29 18:16
fur:這篇應該M起來吧! 04/29 18:16
kennykou:這就是板規吧??? 04/29 19:53
buddhanature:推,共識很重要~很好的共識~ 04/29 22:15
budalearning:有更多證據能證明其真實嗎? 04/29 22:51
budalearning:還有第九點很難做得到 一定會混淆 04/29 22:52
Xras:此會址在台灣,b大要不要去信或去電確認? :) 04/29 23:09
Xras:[email protected] tel:02-23965564 04/29 23:11
budalearning:我只是想確認其為真實 也認為佛教界 04/29 23:13
budalearning:有此共識是相當好的一件事 04/29 23:14
Xras:有疑惑是需要搞清楚的 :) 另外,從網路上找的 04/29 23:19
Xras:資料顯示,Walpola Rahula長老所著之 04/29 23:20
Xras:The Heritage of the Bhikkhu裡有附上這九點 04/29 23:28
Xras:不過台灣似乎沒有這本書 XD 04/29 23:35
Cid:推薦這篇文章 04/30 00:29
eugenehsu:佛教的核心理念在各教派根本不一樣 04/30 01:10
eugenehsu:還是歸於原始吧 遵從七葉窟集結經典 04/30 01:11
※ 編輯: Xras 來自: (04/30 02:07)
Cid:值得注意的是, 這份維基詞條只寫Theravada與140.109.103.226 04/30 11:43
Cid:Mahayana, 似乎是並未把Vajrayana(金剛乘)列入140.109.103.226 04/30 11:44
Cid:, 因此底下"Other compilations of commonali- 04/30 11:49
Cid:ties"項目中又列了五條, 明確地將Vajrayana也140.109.103.226 04/30 11:49
Cid:納入其中. 04/30 11:50