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Benedict Cumberbatch: Meditation brings focus 2013-02-04 http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/ Benedict Cumberbatch appreciates the time he spent with monks in India in his youth. The 36-year-old British actor takes on the role of villain John Harrison in upcoming adventure movie Star Trek Into Darkness. Before Benedict commenced his studies at University of Manchester nearly two decades ago, the star travelled to Darjeeling, India through the GAP organisation. Benedict appreciates every moment of his experience in the monastery. "I could actually stay with monks in their home and watch them at work and at prayer, and get the chance to teach them [English] and interact with them," he told UK newspaper The Sun. Benedict learned several beneficial things from the Buddhists. He was able to apply the teachings to his work as an actor. "Meditating and all that, being able to be still and focus, I did that," Benedict explained. "There's an ability to focus and have a real sort of purity of purpose and attention and not be too distracted. And to feel very alive to your environment , to know what you are part of, to understand what is going on in your peripheral vision and behind you, as well of what is in front of you. That definitely came from that." Benedict is in awe of his current success. "I was mobbed at the airport in Japan, which was not my usual sort of thing . It's not what I expect when I arrive at the airport," he said. "It was amazing. Lots of fans turned out when we were recording in Tokyo. Yeah, none of that is normal, is it? It's fantastic." Read more: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/entertainment/news/benedict-cumberbatch- meditation-brings-focus-16269777.html#ixzz2K5qkuBoJ 影星康柏拜區說他現在最懷念年青時曾在印度藏區跟喇嘛僧人學習正念靜坐。 這位36歲的英國明星現在在星際爭霸戰2:闇黑無界(Star Trek:Into Darkness)裡 飾演大反派惡棍約翰·哈里森John Harrison,他告訴英國太陽報記者:「我在曼徹斯特大 學讀書時有機會,參加GAP組織到印度訪學,在大吉嶺的西藏寺廟裡,我經歷到分分秒秒 美妙時光。我和和尚在一起生活,看他們工作和禱告,我教他們英文,他們教我佛法。」 康柏拜區從佛教那裏獲得許多對身心有益的事,作為一名演員,他會運用佛法在工作 上。『禪坐與學得的許多佛理,讓我能冷靜分析處理事情並專注工作,是“讓我擁有高度 的專注力與不分心的能力”、“讓我明曉四周環境,自已的職責,了解別人的觀點,將要 面臨的是什麼,然後自我超越”』 康柏拜區對自已到東京去錄音時,受到的歡迎情形所嚇到,「我到日本機場時,突然 被一大票不知從那裏冒出來的影迷所包圍,真讓人受寵若驚,世界真奇妙,不是嗎!」 -- 「我們談到“心”或“意識”時,其實包含了許多不同的可能性。就像外界的情況或 物品一樣,有些對我們有用,有些卻有害,有些無益也無害。我們在處理外在的事 物時,首先會看看哪些東西對我們有幫助,讓我們可以學習、栽培或使用。對於有 害的物質,我們會盡量地避免。同樣的,我們談到人心時,其中包含了無數的變化 。在我們的心中,有些想法是有益的,我們應該將這些想法當作是一種滋養。另一 些想法是有害的,我們就應該盡量的減少。」 ~達賴喇嘛尊者 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: cool810 來自: (02/06 13:44)