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《菩薩寶鬘》 In Sanskrit: Bodhisattva-manyavall. In Tibetan: The Jewel Garland of the Bodhisattva. 阿底峽尊者 Atisa Dipamkara 藏譯英 Richard Sherburne, S.J. 英譯漢 圓滿菩提心翻譯組 (英文譯本出處:Thupten Jinpa (2008). The Book of Kadam: the core texts / attributed to Atisa and Dromtonpa, p.61~64, Wisdom Publication.) (譯者注:此《菩薩寶鬘》法尊法師和索達吉堪布均有漢譯,放在篇末。) 禮敬大悲觀世音! 禮敬依怙本尊! 禮敬上師! I pay homage to the Great Compassion. I pay homage to the faithful deities. [I pay homage to my gurus.] (1) 消除一切猶豫, 全力以赴修習般若波羅蜜; 去除睡眠和放逸, 恒常精勤不中斷。 [1] Removing all hesitation, Bend all effort toward perfection; Do away with sleepiness and laziness, And ever strive with perseverance. (2) 以正知、正念和不放逸, 常護意根門, 每日晝三夜三,反反復, 觀察自心相續流。 [2] With mindfulness, alertness, and deliberateness, Ever guard the gates of the senses; Night and day, three times each, again and again Examine the [conscious] stream with your mind. (3) 不隱自身惡, 不觀他人過; 宣讚他人善, 隱藏自功德。 [3] Proclaim your own sins, and Do not search out the errors of others; (Instead) proclaim the virtues of others, And hide away your own virtues. (4) 放棄對財富與名譽的追求, 捨棄驕慢與貪欲, 修習慈心與悲心, 堅住於菩提心中。 [4] Renounce gain and honor, and Ever reject pride and ambition; (Rather) cultivate love and compassion, Steadfast in the Thought of Awakening. (5) 遠離十不善業, 不斷鞏固汝之信心; 少欲知足, 知恩圖報。 [5] Rejecting the ten non-virtues, Continually strengthen your faith; Know contentment and have few needs, Repaying the kindness that is done to you. (6) 摧毀驕慢與嗔恚, 心懷謙遜, 放棄不如法的謀生之道, 住於佛法之正命。 [6] Conquer conceit and anger, and Possess a mind which is humble; Abandon wrong means of livelihood, and Live by the [right] livelihood of the Teaching. (7) 完全捨棄世間俗務, 以七聖財來莊嚴自身: 即信、戒、慚、愧、聞、捨、慧。 [7] Completely reject worldly trifles, And adorn yourself with the holy riches: The riches of faith and riches of conduct, The riches of modesty and sense of shame, The riches of learning and riches of renunciation, The riches of insight - these are the seven. (8) 此功德法財, 是七種永不退失之寶藏, 不應宣揚於非人。 [8] Now these kinds of riches, Being the seven undiminishing treasures, Ought not be declared to the non-human. (9) 時常遠離喧囂繁忙, 住於人跡罕至之處; 捨棄無意義之雜談, 常時慎守口業之門。 [9] Always avoid busyness And remain in solitude; Rejecting senseless conversation, Ever guard the door of speech. (10) 無論何時,見到上師或大德, 以恭敬心揣測其所需; 無論面對具信之人, 還是初學有情 皆應視為善知識。 [10] Whenever you see the guru or abbot, Anticipate his needs out of reverence; Whether it be a person with truthful eye Or a creature who is (only) a beginner, Imagine him as the Teacher (himself). (11) 無論何時 凡見任何有情, 視之為自身父母和孩子; 遠離惡友, 對善知識生起信心。 [11] Whenever you see any sentient beings, Look upon them as parents and children; Avoiding all sinful company, Put your trust in a spiritual friend. (12) 遠離嗔恨和不悅之地, 住於愉悅之地, 遠離對一切事物的執縛 隨緣而活。 [12] Avoid hateful and unhappy places, And go wherever there is happiness; Avoid attachment to anything, And live without attachment. (13) 心有執縛,將不能獲得樂道的轉生; 甚至阻斷解脫之決定生; 無論何處,遇到行善之機會 須勇趣善法而不輟。 [13] Attachment will not gain a happy rebirth; It can even kill the liberating life; Wherever you see an occasion for virtue, There you must ever strive. (14) 無論最初開始辦何事, 最早之事自始至終成辦彼; 以此,一切悉成辦, 反之,將一無所成。 [14] Whatever task you first began, Bring that thing to completion first; In such wise you will do all things well, Otherwise, nothing will be accomplished. (15) 永離造惡之樂, 當傲慢心生起時, 當勵力摧伏之! 並憶念上師之教言。 [15] Be ever far from pleasure in sin, And when haughty thoughts arise, Then break down your pride, And be mindful of the guru's instruction. (16) 當內心充滿失落感時, 應激勵令心高舉。 恒常不斷修習空性: 無論何時,起愛嗔相時, 將其視為幻境所生。 [16] When a depressing thought occurs, Encourage the mind with loftiness; Continually cultivate Emptiness: Whenever objects of love or hate arise, Look upon them as magical creations. (17) 當聽聞到不悅語時, 應視其僅為(空谷之)回聲; 當遭受身體之傷害時, 應視為宿世業報現前。 [17] When unpleasant words are heard, Regard them (simply) as echoes; And when bodily harm is incurred, See it as the result of previous karma. (18) 你須遠離喧囂之地, 安住於僻靜之處; 就像野獸走向死亡,(獨自離去尋找安息地一樣) 你須無執著地生活。 [18] You must hide yourself away, Keeping to your wilderness solitude; Like a wild beast going away to die, You must live without attachment. (19) 安住于你的本性, 當你的心處於昏沉或懶散之時, 將之視為自身之惡報, 你應專注於正行之體。 [19] Ever hold to your basic nature (yi-dam): When the mind is muddied and slothful, Then reckon it as recompense to yourself, and Be mindful of the essentials of proper conduct. (20) 面對任何人時, 應言語真誠而安詳, 捨棄蹙眉和憤怒的表情, 恒常以微笑示人。 [20] And when you meet other people, Speak sincerely and out of peace, Avoiding frowns and angry expressions, Always keep a smiling face. (21) 面對其他人時, 不要貪婪, 樂於施與; 遠離嫉妒。 為照顧他人的內心感受, 應避免一切爭吵, 恒具安忍。 [21] And always, when you meet others, Without avarice, be glad in giving; Ever avoid envy (of any kind). In order to have a care for the minds of others, Avoid all quarrels And always be patient. (22) 不強顏歡笑,或追新獵奇; 應堅守你的承諾; 不輕視任何人, 以恭敬心對待一切有情。 [22] Do not pretend joy or seek novelty; Be always steady in your commitments; Avoid contempt for others, And live in a reverent way. (23) 給予他人教授時, 應持悲心樂利他; 不輕任何教授誡, 但應對其尋感激。 [23] When giving instruction to others, Have compassionate readiness to help; Do not belittle the doctrine, but Rather seek to appreciate it all. (24) 對十善業行, 你必須晝夜精勤行持之, 處大眾前,應慎其口; 獨處時,應慎其意。 [24] In the matter of the ten religious practices, You must strive night and day; When in the presence of many, watch your speech; When all alone, watch your mind. (25) 一切時處, 無論所獲何種善根, 皆應回向無上大菩提; 功德回向一切有情眾生, 並不斷獻七支供, 菩提心大祈禱文。 [25] Whatever basic virtue you gain at any time, Dedicate all to the great and supreme Awakening; Share your merit with all creatures, And continually offer the great prayer of resolve Of the Sevenfold Worship. (26) 依此行之, 功德和二大資糧皆趨圓滿, 二障消除, 如此使你人身更具意義, 必將獲得無上大菩提。 [26] When it is done in this way, merit and Both great equipments will be perfected, And the two obscurations will also diminish; And thus making your human life meaningful, The supreme Awakening will be gained. 此由印度方丈 燃燈吉祥智編著, 《菩薩寶鬘》就此圓滿。 Composed by the abbot of India, Sri DIpamkara-jnana, The Jewel Garland o f the Bodhisattva is completed here. 附:───────────────────────────────────── 菩薩寶鬘論 阿底峽尊者 造 索達吉堪布 譯 梵語:菩提薩垛瑪訥阿巴勒 頂禮大慈大悲觀世音菩薩! 頂禮上師!頂禮本尊! 遠離一切猶豫心,一心精進修妙法, 遠離昏沉懈怠眠,應當恆時精進行。 正知正念不放逸,恆時守護自根門, 日日夜夜三時中,再三觀察心相續。 發露自己之過患,不覓他人之過失, 隱藏自己之功德,宣揚他人之功德。 當離侍奉及利養,恆時斷求聲譽祿, 明了知足少貪欲,已知恩德且報恩。 修持大慈大悲心,恆常堅固菩提心, 斷除十種不善業,恆時穩固勝信心。 摧毀我慢嗔恨心,恆常具有謙虛心, 遠離一切邪命活,當以如法而生存。 捨棄一切有漏財,當以聖財為嚴飾, 遠離一切散亂境,依止殊勝寂靜處。 時時莫出無義詞,恆時言說諦實語。 若見上師堪布時,當發恭敬侍奉心。 若見具有法眼者,或遇初業眾生時, 則當生起本師想。若見一切眾生時, 當起父母兄弟想。遠離一切惡友伴, 依止殊勝善知識。 遠離嗔心不悅意,處處恆具歡喜心。 不貪內外一切法,當於無貪中安住。 貪欲不得善趣樂,亦能斷盡解脫命。 何處若見勝法樂,對此應當常精勤。 最初無論辦何事,起始若能成辦彼, 則令一切皆圓滿,否則彼二均不成。 恆時遠離惡毒心,何處若起倨傲時, 爾時摧滅此我慢,憶念上師之教言。 若生怯弱之心時,則當令自心堅強。 修持彼二為空性。若遇貪嗔之境時, 當觀猶如幻化術。 若聞逆耳之語時,當視猶如空谷聲。 自身若遭損惱時,當視往昔業所感。 居於安閒幽靜處,猶如野獸蔽自屍。 如是應當避散亂,無貪無戀而安住。 時時誓願當堅定,若生懶散懈怠時, 則應對己作呵斥,誠心憶念自禁戒。 設使目見他人時,當說溫和誠實語, 不顯怒容皺眉相,恆時面露喜笑容。 平時眼見他眾時,無吝心喜發布施, 斷除一切嫉妒心。自己守護他心時, 斷除一切諸諍訟,時時令具安忍心。 不作面諛不喜新,恆時沉著穩重行。 斷除欺凌其他眾,虔誠恭敬而安住。 為他傳授教言時,當具利他大悲心。 不得誹謗諸正法,何法起信當求彼。 行持十種法行已,不分晝夜而精進。 三世所積諸善根,迴向無上大菩提, 福德賜予諸有情,時時行持七支供, 為得菩提發大願。 若能如是修持者,圓滿福慧二資糧, 亦能盡除二罪障,獲得人身具義故, 將得無上菩提果。 信財戒財捨施財,聞財慚財有愧財, 智慧財為七聖財。如是此等殊勝財, 是乃無盡聖者財,不得說與非人眾。 眾人之中觀言語,獨處之時觀自心。 印度堪布吉祥燃燈智藏師所著之菩提薩垛寶鬘論竟。 譯於五明佛學院丁丑年新春之際。 ─────────────────────────────────────── 菩提薩埵摩尼鬘 時阿底峽尊者之大弟子種敦,念末世有情,濁情深厚,自念今師長在世,必須請一永利有 情之教授也。遂日日中,請問法義,結以總頌之,漸次集蘊成論,曰問答摩尼鬘(全論以 問答為體,純是教授之精華,內分二十三品,譯可十卷以上)總攝頌文譯供有緣云而。 菩提薩埵摩尼鬘 阿底峽尊者 造 法尊法師 譯 敬禮大悲尊,敬禮諸尊長,敬禮所信天(天指佛菩薩等,非世間天神)。 應斷一切疑,應殷重修行。斷惛睡懈怠,應常勵精進。 念知不放逸,常護諸根門,晝夜三時中(各三時也),應數觀心體。 應揚己過惡,莫求他誤犯,應密己功德,餘人德應顯。 斷利養恭敬,高舉稱常斷,應少欲知足,酬報諸恩德。 應修慈悲心,菩提心應固,應斷十不善,信應常堅固。 應摧伏忿慢,應具低下心,應斷諸邪命,應法命存活。 應斷諸財物,以聖財莊嚴。應斷諸猥雜,應住阿蘭若, 應斷諸綺語,應常防語言。見尊長親教,應恭敬承事, 於具法眼人,及諸初業者,應起大師想。見諸有情時, 起父母子想。應斷罪惡友,應依善知識。斷瞋不樂心, 應趣安樂處。悉斷諸貪著,應住無貪處,貪不得樂趣, 斬斷解脫命。若見安樂法,應常勵力辦,何者應先作, 即應先成辦,如是悉完善,不爾俱無成。常離罪歡喜, 若生高心時,爾時慢應摧,憶尊長教授,若生沉心時, 應慶慰歡心,二應修空性。貪瞋境生時,應觀如幻化, 聞諸惡名時,應觀如谷響,身生損惱時,應觀為昔業。 住邊際閒靜,如死鹿屍體,應自隱其身,應無貪而住。 應常住志願,懈惰心生時,爾時應自呵,念戒禁心要。 若見餘人時,應靜和正言,斷怒顏攝容,常應含笑住。 恒見餘人時,應無慳樂施,斷一切嫉妒。為護他心故, 應斷一切諍,常應住忍辱,無面喜新交(當面歡喜,背後譭謗,初見便交,日久返疏), 常應自安住。 斷輕毀餘人,應以敬重住,教授他人時,應具悲饒益。 莫謗于正法,隨勝解樂欲,十法行門中,勵力無晝夜。 三世所集善,回無上菩提,福施諸有情,應常時發起, 七支廣大願。如是當圓滿,福智二資糧,二障當永盡, 不空得人身,證無上菩提。信財與戒財,捨財及聞財, 有愧知慚財,慧財共為七,此諸最勝利,是七無盡財。 莫為非人說(非法器之人)。眾中觀語言,獨居觀心念。 印度鄔波馱耶,勝然燈賢智藏所造,《菩提薩埵摩尼鬘》圓滿。 -- 培養慈悲心的一個重要元素,就是建立對苦的深刻洞察力,也就是在整個輪迴中洞察到生 命的本質是如何的令人不滿足、如何的苦,這也就是第一聖諦中的苦諦。如果我們對此的 洞察力不夠深入,我們不但無法對他人生起慈悲心,反而對那些從世間的標準來講頗為成 功、富有以及有權力的人感到忌妒。如果我們有這一類的情緒,這表示我們對苦的洞察力 太淺薄,無法真正認識到陷落於這一個猛烈輪迴中所遍滿的苦。 ~達賴喇嘛尊者 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: cool810 來自: (10/16 16:44)
Samus:推 10/17 02:04