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http://blog.yam.com/heartspirit/article/4341620 穆勒是第一位將梵文的廣本、略本《心經》譯成英文的學者,從此西方世界得以了解這部 重要的佛教經典。研究《心經》譯本,穆勒的版本是不可遺漏的。 從十九世紀起,歐美學者開始研究佛教,德裔英國東方學家麥克斯.穆勒(Friedrich Max Muller, 1823-1900)首次翻譯了《心經》,從此西方世界得以了解這部重要的佛教經典 。研究《心經》譯本,穆勒的版本是不可遺漏的。 西元1884年,穆勒首度將梵本《心經》以天城體與羅馬拼音版本呈現給歐美世界,成為第 一位將梵文的廣本、略本《心經》譯成英文的學者。(在他之前曾有另一位西方學者 把 玄奘中譯本心經翻譯成英文。)當時英文佛學用詞尚未固定,以現代的標準來看,有些尚待 修正,但並無損於穆勒對《心經》研究的歷史貢獻。 東方宗教學家和語言學家 穆勒是德國出生的東方學家與語言學家,起初攻讀梵文,而後研究比較語言學。1845年開 始研究《波斯古經》(即《阿維斯陀》,Avesta),亦曾編校印度最早的讚歌集《梨俱吠 陀》。穆勒無疑是近代西方重要的的宗教學家,他尤其擅長佛學,在巴黎大學隨東方學家 布爾諾夫研究梵文與佛學。他後來定居於英國,擔任牛津大學教授,從事印度宗教與哲學 等研究工作,並大量進行校勘、翻譯與出版佛典。穆勒對印度宗教、神話、哲學、語言等 也都有比較廣博、深湛的研究。他可說是十九世紀興起的比較語言學、比較宗教學與比較 神話學的創建人之一。一八五七年後,穆勒為「巴利聖典協」主編《東方聖典叢書》 ( SacredBook of the East Series),使佛教的學術價值與哲學意義備受重視。 ●與日本佛學界合作翻譯佛典 在翻譯佛教典籍工作上,穆勒與日本學者的淵源甚深。在日本學者南條文雄(1849-1927, 日本佛教淨土真宗大穀派僧人)與竺原研壽等協助下,穆勒校勘、翻譯與出版了幾本重要 的佛教經典,例如《佛說阿彌陀經》、《 無量壽經》、《金剛般若經》、《般若心經》、 《佛頂尊聖陀羅尼經》、《法句經》等。而南條文雄與高楠順次郎(1866 -1945,日本著 名佛教學者與教育學者,最大的成就為刊印《大正藏》100卷),都出自於穆勒的門下。 CW38_No.101 English translations by F. Max Muller & Lu K'uan-yu, respectively Both revised by the Buddhist Yogi C. M. Chen The Heart Sutra (The Prajna-Paramita-Hrdaya Sutra) When Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara practices the profound Prajna-paramita, he intuitively realizes that the five aggregates (skandhas) are of Sunyata nature thus securing his deliverance from all distress and sufferings. Sariputra! Form (rupa) does not differ from Sunyata, nor Sunyata from form. Form is identical with Sunyata (and) Sunyata is identical with form. So also are reception (vedana), conception (sanjna), mental conduct (samskara) and consciousness (vijnana) in relation to Sunyata. Sariputra, the Sunyata nature of all things is neither created nor annihilated; neither impure nor pure; and neither increasing nor decreasing. Therefore, in Sunyata, there is neither form (rupa), reception (vedana), conception (sanjna), mental conduct (samskara), nor consciousness (vijnana); there is neither eye, ear, nose, tongue, body nor mind; there is neither form, sound, odor, flavor, feeling nor idea; there are no such things as the eighteen realms of sense (dhatus) from the realm of sight up to that of the faculty of mind (vijnana); there are no such things as the twelve links in the chain of existence (nidanas) from ignorance (avidya) with also the end of ignorance up to old age and death (jaramarana) with also the end of old age and death; there are no (such things as) the four noble truths and there is neither Wisdom nor obtainment. Because of no obtainment, Bodhisattvas who rely on Prajna-paramita, have no hindrance in their minds, and since they have no hindrance, they have no fear, are free from perversive and delusive ideas and attain the Ultimate Nirvana. All Buddhas of the past, present and future attain the Full Enlightenment (anuttara-samyak-sambodhi) by relying on Prajna-paramita. So we know that Prajna-paramita is the great supernatural Mantra, the great bright, unsurpassed and unequalled Mantra which can truly and without fail wipe out all sufferings. Therefore, He uttered the Prajna-paramita mantra which reads: Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha! -- 從一顆平靜的心修行所得到的知識,和從研讀中所得到的知識實在相差甚遠。從研讀中所 得到的知識,不是我們心中真正的知識(智慧),但我們的心卻試圖握持和保留這種知 識。我們為什麼要試圖去保留它呢?終究會失去它的呀! ---阿姜查《流水》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
biglafu:Friedrich常翻成斐特烈...... 02/16 17:50