精華區beta Buddhism 關於我們 聯絡資訊
寒山拾得禪師忍耐歌 Learning endurance from Han-Shan and Shi-de -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 寒山拾得笑呵呵,我勸世人要像我。 Han-Shan and Shi-De laughed away: I advise you act like me. 忍一句,禍根從此無生處。 Forbear from further utterance, misfortune would never come to you. 饒一著,切莫與人爭強弱。 Save sharp move, you shall never fight for the better with others. 耐一時,火坑變作白蓮池。 Endure for longer time, even the fiery pit around would become a lotus pool. 退一步,便是人間修行路。 Step backward, you could vision the Way to cultivate in the world. 任他嗔,任他怒,只管寬心大著肚。 He shall get angry, she shall rage, but you shall only be easy and magnanimous. 終日被人欺,神明天地知。若還存心忍,步步得便宜。 Even though someone takes advantage of you, God and the earth know it well. Evidence shows that if you can still endure what happens, it is you that get the advantages for every move. 寒山問拾得: 世人欺我、害我、打我、罵我、騙我,如何處置乎? Han-Shan inquired Shi-de: How shall I deal with the people that swindle me, frame me, beat me, scold me, or cheat me? 拾得曰: Shi-de answered: 只是忍他、讓他、由他、避他、耐他、敬他、不要理他,再待幾年你且看他。 You shall bear him, allow him, leave him, avoid him, endure him, and ignore him. Wait and see for some years. -- 予見新學後生,才把一句佛頓在心頭,閑思妄想越覺騰沸,便謂念佛工夫不能攝心。 不知汝無量劫來生死根由,如何能得即斷?且萬念紛飛之際,正是做工夫時節。旋收旋散 ,旋散旋收,久後工夫純熟,自然妄念不起。且汝之能覺妄念者,虧這句佛耳。如不念佛 之時,瀾翻潮湧,剎那不停者,自己豈能覺乎? ~蓮池大師警眾法語~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hallcom:厲害! 05/30 22:22
chowyc:我記得有英文學習的版面..或許BN大可嘗試往111.254.221.156 05/31 00:32
chowyc:其他群組也發些文111.254.221.156 05/31 00:32