精華區beta Buddhism 關於我們 聯絡資訊
巴利佛教第六次三藏結集第四版(Chattha Sangayana Tipitaka Version 4.0)(CST4)VRI (印度內觀研究所) 光碟下載: USA:http://online-dhamma.net/anicca/downloads/cst4-2008-04-20-beta15.rar CN: http://dhamma.hcidc.net/downloads/cst4-2008-04-20-beta15.rar India :http://www.tipitaka.org/cst/cst4-2008-04-20-beta15.exe 文件說明: Chattha Sangayana Tipitaka Version 4.0 (CST4)第六次三藏結集第四版(CST4)( 本網頁由Anicca漢化翻譯,版權和連接歸VRI所有) CST4 is a desktop client for browsing and searching the Pali Canon. It is the successor to the Chattha Sangayana CD 3.0 (CSCD3). CST4 is under devel opment and is available for download from this site in a pre-release versio n. CST4 是瀏覽和查找巴利文三藏的桌面用戶版。它是第六次三藏結集第三版光碟 (CS CD3)的繼承者(發展升級版)。CST4 是目前本網站提供下載的預覽版(未完全完成的 預發佈版本)。 System requirements: Windows XP or Windows Vista with .NET Framework 2.0 installed. On Windows XP, complex script support must be enabled (see below ). The program uses about 350MB of disk space including the Tipitaka data a nd search index. 系統要求:Windows XP 或者 Windows Vista 包含安裝好 .NET Framework 2.0。Wi ndows XP 必須支持複雜文字的安裝(見下文),本軟件包括三藏數據和查找索引文件 需要大約350M (350兆)字節磁盤存儲空間。 Step 1 第一步 : The CST4 program requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 to run. To dow nload it, click here. CST4 軟件需要安裝 icrosoft .NET Framework 2.0 ,下載安裝點擊這裡 Step 第二步 2: Download the CST4 installer (24.6 MB) 下載 CST4 安裝軟件 (24.6 MB)(三個鏡像,選一個即可) 下載點一 下載點二 下載點三 To start the installation, click on the .exe file that you downloaded. 運行按照程序 點擊 .exe 文件進行安裝。 To type Roman-script Unicode Pali, download and install a keyboard driver . 為能輸入 Unicode Pali 羅馬字體,下載安裝鍵盤驅動程序。 Enable complex script support in Windows XP. Go to Control Panel -> Regio nal and Language Options -> Languages -> Click the checkbox 「Install files for complex scripts including right to left languages (including Thai)」. Then OK. 為激活 Windows XP 的複雜文字支持,您需要到 控制面板 -> 區域和語言選項 -> 語言 -> 勾選「為複雜文字和從右到左的語言安裝文件(包括泰文)」,安裝即可。 More info 更多信息 ... To type in Devanagari and other Indic scripts, install the keyboard drive rs included with XP and Vista as shown here 為輸入 Devanagari 和其他 Indic 字體,請安裝 XP 和 Vista 的 鍵盤驅動程序如 點擊這裡所示範 Vista Users: The CST4 software may have some problems installing the requ ired fonts. Please install the fonts manually. The required fonts will be i n the folder c:\Program Files\Chattha Sangayana Tipitaka 4.0\Fonts. To add a font, go to Control Panel --> Fonts. Then right click and choose 「Instal l New Font...」 Vista 用戶:CST4軟件可能會在安裝需要的字體時有故障,請手工安裝字體,字體 文件在文件夾 c:\Program Files\Chattha Sangayana Tipitaka 4.0\Fonts 裡面。安 裝字體:請到控制面板 - > 字體,點擊選擇「安裝新字體...」 Step 3 第三步 : To run the program, click the 「Chattha Sangayana Tipitaka 4.0」 shortcut created by the installer. The search index is generated the first time the program runs. This can take up to 15 minutes. 點擊 「Chattha Sangayana Tipitaka 4.0」圖標運行軟件,搜索引擎會在首次運行 軟件是對三藏數據進行索引,需要大約15分鐘(以後運行無須再次索引)。 To report bugs, make suggestions or request additional features, please s end an email to the development team at [email protected]. Your input is hi ghly appreciated. 如果報告軟件錯誤,提出對軟件的建議和問題,請發郵件到軟件開發小組 help@tip itaka.org ,歡迎您的關心回復。 -- Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammaasambuddhassa ! ( 禮敬 彼 有幸者 阿羅漢 已正確完全覺者! ) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: