精華區beta Buddhism 關於我們 聯絡資訊
善存成份中含有Gelatine(明膠),善存還有包含另外兩種非素食成份...所以,善存非 素食產品... (以下為善存官方網站資料).... Is Centrum suitable for vegetarians? Centrum is not suitable for vegetarians. (翻譯:善存不適合素食者) The range contains ingredients of animal origin, therefore it is not vegetarian or kosher. The ingredients of animal origin are: (翻譯:以下成份含有動物來源的成份) Magnesium stearate Stearic acid Gelatine It is very difficult to obtain such a comprehensive range of vitamins and minerals that is guaranteed to be completely vegetarian. 以上資料直接由此官方網站貼文 http://www.centrum.co.uk/advice/vegetarians/ 轉載自:素易網討論版 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sheng530220:真的喔? 好在你有跟我說~感恩 03/03 21:43
cool810:GNC的維他命有出素食版..網拍買比較便宜~ 03/04 00:08
Ebergies:軟糖也有明膠 03/04 00:11