精華區beta Buddhism 關於我們 聯絡資訊
以下是決定論及自由論的論證,請問要如何去推翻啊?(上佛學老師上課講的) 或者那個地方有教 請各位大大幫個忙吧 謝謝你們 (1) Either every is caused, a.If every event is caused,then human actions,being event,are caused b.If all human actions are caused,they cannot be other than they are. c.If they cannot be other than they are,they cannot be changed. d.If they cannot be changed.,then people are not free to make other choises. e.If people are not free to make other choises,then people are not morally responsible for what they do. (2) Or human actions are not caused. a.If human actions are not caused,then they are random. b.If they are random,people have no control over their choices. c.If people have no control over their choices,they are not free to make choices d.If they are not free to make choices,they are not morally responsible for what they do. -- 心很小的時候,世界就變得很小, 小得看不起一片美麗的樹葉。 心很亂的時候,路就變得很多, 我們都是這樣走失的........ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:
blueryan:有沒有人會的?幫忙解答一下吧... 推 06/10