精華區beta Buddhism 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《Hangy (苦命的小孩 )》之銘言: : 以下是決定論及自由論的論證,請問要如何去推翻啊?(上佛學老師上課講的) : 或者那個地方有教 : 請各位大大幫個忙吧 謝謝你們 : (1) Either every is caused, : a.If every event is caused,then human actions,being event,are caused : b.If all human actions are caused,they cannot be other than they are. : c.If they cannot be other than they are,they cannot be changed. : d.If they cannot be changed.,then people are not free to make other choises. : e.If people are not free to make other choises,then people are not morally : responsible for what they do. 我覺得他的因果關係有點奇怪,好像是以結果來論述過程一樣, 我們從外部來看的確是很像這麼一回事,但是這裡重點在於, 人在作決定的時候,自己是不是有能力自由作出選擇, 我的想法是,當人在作決定時,在內部,其決定是自己自由選擇的結果, 即使他所作的決定是所謂受很多因素影響而被註定的, 怎麼說呢,舉個例子,我為了使菜長得好,把它種在土壤肥沃適於它生長的地方, 可是卻因為旱災,使它死掉了,這時候,即便這些選擇.結果都是註定的, 也不能說我在種菜選地點時,不是我自己自由選擇的,只是結果我可能無法控制而已 : (2) Or human actions are not caused. : a.If human actions are not caused,then they are random. : b.If they are random,people have no control over their choices. : c.If people have no control over their choices,they are not free to : make choices : d.If they are not free to make choices,they are not morally responsible : for what they do. 這題應該也是一樣,我無法控制結果,不代表我無法自己自由地作出決定 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: