精華區beta Buddhism 關於我們 聯絡資訊
有兩對夫妻住在對面。 一家姓陳一家姓李。陳家夫妻三天一小吵, 五天一大吵, 夫妻兩總是吵吵鬧鬧的。對面李家夫妻卻是相敬如賓, 總是笑眯眯的, 從不見他們吵架 。 有一天陳夫人趁兩家的先生都出外工作了, 于是躡手躡腳地走到對面家, 找對面的李夫人聊天。 寒暄几句以后, 陳夫人忍不住問李夫人:“我看您家總是和和氣氣, 從沒見您和先生 吵架, 我真羡慕你們。 您沒見我那死老頭, 總是要和我過不去, 真是沒意思。 我說啊, 李太太, 你們家到底有什么秘訣, 總是不吵架?” 李太太笑了笑,答說:"我們不吵架,因為我們總是錯的。而你們吵架,因為你們是對的。” 陳太太听了摸不著頭緒, 想了半天卻沒想出。 于是接著問:“您真是越講啊我就越糊塗 了,這到底是什么意思啊?” 李太太解釋說:“我們家如果發生不應該發生的事情, 大家總是爭著認錯, 總是覺得是自己沒做好, 自己錯了。 最后, 大家都忙著把事情做好, 而不是忙著責備對方或強逼另一方去做。 所以那有的机會可以吵架? 你們家如果發生不應該發生的事情時, 大家都覺得不是自己的錯, 都是對方的錯, 既然大家互相指責,那有不吵架的道理呢? There were two couples living opposite a road. One is the Chen and the other is the Li family. The Chen couple was fighting with each other almost every other day. They were always seen pulling each other's leg. Living the other side of the road, the Li family, however, was always seen happy and respectful with harmony. Never were they seen fighting with each other before others. One day, as the men went to work, Mrs. Chen tiptoed to Mrs. Li’s house. After greeting each other, Mrs. Chen couldn’t help asking Mrs. Li her secret of not fighting with her husband, Mr. Li. She said, “I envy you have a happy family. You guys always seem so happy with each other. I have never seen you fight with Mr. Li. Not like your family, my husband always find fault with me, how irritating. Tell me, Mrs. Li, what is your secret of not fighting???Mrs. Li wore a smile and answered, “We never fight because both of us are always wrong. You guys fight, because both of you are always right.” Mrs. Chen got confused and did not manage to figure out the meaning of Mrs. Li’s answer. So, she asked, “I don’t get it, what do you mean on earth?” Mrs. Li explained, “If something happened in our house, everyone will admit it’s his own faults. Everybody thinks that he or she did not do things right. In the end, both of us are busy setting things right and had no time accusing of not fighting with her husband, Mr. Li. She said, “I envy you have a happy family. You guys always seem so happy with each other. I have never seen you fight with Mr. Li. Not like your family, my husband always find fault with me, how irritating. Tell me, Mrs. Li, what is your secret of not fighting???Mrs. Li wore a smile and answered, “We never fight because both of us are always wrong. You guys fight, because both of you are always right.” Mrs. Chen got confused and did not manage to figure out the meaning of Mrs. Li’s answer. So, she asked, “I don’t get it, what do you mean on earth?” Mrs. Li explained, “If something happened in our house, everyone will admit it’s his own faults. Everybody thinks that he or she did not do things right. In the end, both of us are busy setting things right and had no time accusing the other or forcing the other to correct the mistakes. Thus, we don’t have any chance to fight. As for your family, once something bad happens, everybody thinks it is the other side’s faults. Nobody thinks that he or she is wrong. No wonder members in your family are busy fighting each other.” -- 復次龍王。若離妄語,即得八種天所讚法。 何等為八? 一、口常清淨,優缽華香。 二、為諸世間之所信伏。 三、發言成證,人天敬愛。 四、常以愛語,安慰眾生。 五、得勝意樂,三業清淨。 六、言無誤失,心常歡喜。 七、發言尊重,人天奉行。 八、智慧殊勝,無能制伏。是為八。 若能迴向阿耨多羅三藐三菩提者,後成佛時,即得如來真實語。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tokyobaby:推好文 11/03 23:17
CygnuxSR:推~~~ 11/06 11:59