精華區beta Buddhism 關於我們 聯絡資訊
~茶戒~ 不與謗佛者對飲 不與邪符者對飲 不與打妻者對飲 不與賭博者對飲 不與吸毒者對飲 不與殺生者對飲 不與叛祖者對飲 不與酒後者對飲 不與烹狗者對飲 選錄自 抱壺居p176 ~拜雲~ ~Precepts in drinking tea~ Never shall I drink tea with those who slander Buddha Never shall I drink tea with those who cast spells Never shall I drink tea with those who abuse wives Never shall I drink tea with those who gamble Never shall I drink tea with those who are addicted to drugs Never shall I drink tea with those who kill living things Never shall I drink tea with those who betray ancestors Never shall I drink tea with those who have just used alcohol Never shall I drink tea with those who cook dogs for dinner ~ translated by buddhanature~ A man is known by the company he keeps. 觀其友,知其人。 Birds of a feather flock together. 物以類聚,人以群分。 佛陀對我們面對惡知識時的建議是:默擯~ -- 吾人當學佛之大慈大悲,實行戒殺放生方是學佛之行。是以學佛者,不僅持律戒殺, 尤當竭力放生,方合我佛慈悲宗旨。 ~圓瑛大師勸放生文~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
gogoegg:XD 法雨無分別 你連喝個茶都分得這麼細 08/09 18:40
buddhanature:這不是小弟創作,我是翻譯者122.123.197.126 08/09 18:44
buddhanature:仁兄可以選擇自己想要一起喝茶的對象122.123.197.126 08/09 18:45
buddhanature:喝茶如有關傳佈佛法,有法雨,那你就122.123.197.126 08/09 18:46
buddhanature:分很細了~與朋友家人喝茶也置心於傳122.123.197.126 08/09 18:47
buddhanature:佈佛法,那不知你家人朋友作何感想? 08/09 18:47
buddhanature:戒法是自律,絕非要求他人也要作到如122.123.197.126 08/09 18:48
buddhanature:何高貴~原作的創作也是如此自我要求122.123.197.126 08/09 18:48
rtype2d2:很多放生行動都是放死...與原意相違吧 08/09 18:59
buddhanature:會放生才有放生的資格~不會放生或放122.123.197.126 08/09 19:00
buddhanature:生秀,則是不如法~勿因噎廢食~舉一例122.123.197.126 08/09 19:01
buddhanature:r大深入屏東救難,即是放生的一種屬122.123.197.126 08/09 19:02
buddhanature:積極性(好)的放生行為。因為那是救生122.123.197.126 08/09 19:02
buddhanature:平常去孤兒院老人院帮忙則是屬消極性122.123.197.126 08/09 19:03
buddhanature:放生行為。因為那是護生~仍屬無畏施122.123.197.126 08/09 19:04