精華區beta CD-R 關於我們 聯絡資訊
試著翻譯 有錯請不吝指教 唉唉~~Plextor will be gone..... ------------- ※ 引述《lightwings (L)》之銘言: : 資料來源: : http://wesleytech.com/plextor-exits-cd-dvd-markets/ : Plextor exits CD DVD markets : Shinanokenshi (the parent company of Plextor) has decided to exit the market : for consumer CD and DVD products. The Plextor brand name will remain for : industry use products and digital playback units for the visually impaired. : Shinanokenshi has announced that their optical drive operations will be : reduced to 10% of its peak capacity. These actions will also lead to reduced : workforce at Shinanokenshi. Shinanokenshi cites increased competition from : Taiwanese and Korean manufacturers, increased pricing competition and : slumping profit margins as reasons for exiting the ODD (Optical Disk Drive) : business. Shinanokenshi (Plextor的母公司) 已經決定退出一般消費CD和DVD產品的市場。 Plextor這牌子將會在商業使用以及予視障者的數位錄放裝置這些市場繼續存在。 Shinanokenshi已宣告他們光學裝置的營運將會降低其尖峰產能的10%。這些動作將 也會導致Shinanokenshi裁員。Shinanokenshi指出來自台灣與韓國廠商的競爭、 價格戰與不斷下滑的利潤是退出ODD這塊市場的理由。 : Plextor entered the CD drive market in 1990 and has produced some of the top : optical disk drives over the years. Their slogan “King of Quality” : illustrated their goals for producing superior quality ODD products. Plextor : drives and software have introduced innovative features and groundbreaking : tools to the market over the years. Their custom software suite PlexTools : introduced consumers to many new tools and utilities that were highly : utilized by optical drive enthusiasts. The source article can be found at : shimai.co.jp in Japanese. Plextor在1990進入CD光碟機市場,且這些年來一直生產一些頂級光碟機。他們的 口號"品質之王"顯示出他們以生產卓越ODD產品為目標。這幾年中,Plextor的光 碟機與軟體不斷導入創新的特色和突破性的工具到這市場。他們專有的軟體套件 "Plextools"帶給消費者許多新工具與被光學裝置愛好者使用的程式。來源文章可 在日本的shimai.co.jp裡查到 : A large computer chain in Japan also recently reported that Plextor has : informed them that there will be no more shipments of the PX-755A or the : PX-760A DVD burners. The drives should still be available in some retail : stores, but once they sell out, they’re gone. Any Plextor fans out there : that may want another drive should probably buy one right now, while they are : still available from retail outlets. 在日本的一家大型電腦商品連鎖店最近也表示Plextor已經告知他們將要結束PX-755A 和PX-760ADVD燒錄器的供貨。 (在日本discontinue...) 在一些零售店仍然可以買的到Plextor光碟機,但一旦賣光,沒了就是沒了。 (一旦賣光別想再叫貨了 OMG!) 當在零售店還見得到Plextor的期間,可能想要第二台Plextor光碟機的Plextor迷可 能應該要馬上下手。 : Ian from CDRLabs.com also states, “we have not heard anything from Plextor’ : s American or European subsidiaries yet. It’s possible that they may remain : in the optical drive business by rebadging drives or focusing on Blu-ray but : at this point, we’ll have to wait and see.” 來自CDRLabs.com的Ian也說"我們目前沒有聽到來自美國和歐洲分公司的任何看法 。這是有可能的----他們也許以rebadging drives 或專注於藍光光碟機的開發來 持續光學產品的市場,但在這時候,我們等著看。" (字典沒有rebadging這字,不知道這字是什麼意思) : ======= : 假如是真的話,那.....又少掉一個好選擇了...= =||| Me too.. |||=.= 看看還有沒有Plextor大拍賣期間,再來搞個一台給台灣的機子。 主機沒Plextor光碟機感覺怪怪的... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: chrisdo 來自: (01/22 05:10)
IyuanChen:這感覺就像Contax收起來的感覺一樣,東西好不賺錢也沒用 01/22 11:22
IyuanChen:可以預見在未來不管那種產品,買到好東西的機會越來越少 01/22 11:23
Koobboor:看來716A要提前擺在電腦上做裝飾了XDDD 01/22 12:52
Haiping:rebadging是"代工"嗎? 01/22 21:47
mozunato:1990年....修正一下 01/23 00:17
非常感謝你提醒我年代打錯 :) ※ 編輯: chrisdo 來自: (01/23 00:44)