精華區beta CD-R 關於我們 聯絡資訊
資料來源: http://wesleytech.com/plextor-exits-cd-dvd-markets/ Plextor exits CD DVD markets Shinanokenshi (the parent company of Plextor) has decided to exit the market for consumer CD and DVD products. The Plextor brand name will remain for industry use products and digital playback units for the visually impaired. Shinanokenshi has announced that their optical drive operations will be reduced to 10% of its peak capacity. These actions will also lead to reduced workforce at Shinanokenshi. Shinanokenshi cites increased competition from Taiwanese and Korean manufacturers, increased pricing competition and slumping profit margins as reasons for exiting the ODD (Optical Disk Drive) business. Plextor entered the CD drive market in 1990 and has produced some of the top optical disk drives over the years. Their slogan “King of Quality” illustrated their goals for producing superior quality ODD products. Plextor drives and software have introduced innovative features and groundbreaking tools to the market over the years. Their custom software suite PlexTools introduced consumers to many new tools and utilities that were highly utilized by optical drive enthusiasts. The source article can be found at shimai.co.jp in Japanese. A large computer chain in Japan also recently reported that Plextor has informed them that there will be no more shipments of the PX-755A or the PX-760A DVD burners. The drives should still be available in some retail stores, but once they sell out, they’re gone. Any Plextor fans out there that may want another drive should probably buy one right now, while they are still available from retail outlets. Ian from CDRLabs.com also states, “we have not heard anything from Plextor’ s American or European subsidiaries yet. It’s possible that they may remain in the optical drive business by rebadging drives or focusing on Blu-ray but at this point, we’ll have to wait and see.” ======= 假如是真的話,那.....又少掉一個好選擇了...= =||| -- 天大地大錸德大 東電三井在腳下 中環精碟沒得比 三菱太誘都不怕 ~天大地大之DVD版...(茶 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
MixCopy:翻譯~~翻譯~~~ 01/21 19:53
lightwings:簡單來說,就是Plextor決定退出CD/DVD市場 01/21 19:53
lightwings:其他請求助眼睛醫生之類的 01/21 19:54
frank90043:囧 真的要等藍光了嗎...開始囤DVD銘機了... 01/21 19:54
xxxxxx71:應該不假..很多型號已經呈現停產狀態嚕 01/21 19:55
jaccl:....看來以後不會有P III出現了 01/21 19:55
frank90043:"Once they sell out, they're gone"...好惆悵... 01/21 19:56
jaccl:市場是現實的阿... 終究是敵不過多數人 01/21 19:59
kevinau:那再不囤機,好像對不住了!1655我來了! 01/21 20:00
jaccl:我前陣子才囤鍵盤跟空片 在囤積子我要當家產了XDDD 01/21 20:01
MixCopy:看來機子的挑選越來越少了+-R雙雄BENQ...Plextor 01/21 20:01
jaccl:看前面的文章...最近的BneQ也不太行了吧 01/21 20:02
lightwings:BenQ光儲存都賣給LiteOn囉,現在賣品牌,頂多韌體自寫 01/21 20:03
lightwings:連PBDS都變成PLDS了....Orz 01/21 20:04
jaccl:目前...選擇似乎剩下NEC跟先鋒了 01/21 20:06
jaccl:感覺很慘阿..DVD市場被提前放棄 BD跟HD DVD卻也還沒很普及 01/21 20:08
spyguy:看點燈有沒有辦法因為吃下BenQ之後表現好一點囉 01/21 20:09
jaccl:就不要燈還沒點起來就熄滅了 囧 01/21 20:10
kevinau:只能期望BENQ將MTK晶片最佳化! 01/21 20:30
tp6:現在是強迫升級藍光嗎?(無限惆悵) 01/21 20:32
parislove3:原本還打算慢慢存錢,這下子腳步要加快了 01/21 22:37
yugif:嘎嘎嘎,現在除了要搜1640外又要多搜plextor了,真是夠了T_T 01/21 22:48
yugif:還是大廠都另投Blue-ray Hi-DVD的路了,若是這樣倒還好 01/21 22:51
jaccl:應該是都投入BD跟HD DVD了...其實各廠都開始有腳步了 01/21 23:11
jaccl:普傑是真的因為虧損.. 所以停止所有相關生產 01/21 23:12
MixCopy:普傑在台灣幾乎沒多少市場吧.. 01/21 23:28
jaccl:恩...不只台灣 剛剛看日文方面的聲明稿 01/21 23:45
yugif:Plextor不喜歡的人看到售價就閃,喜歡的人會一台接一台的敗 01/21 23:50
kevinau:PLEXTOR 如果一台接一台敗,荷包會再過年前"掏空".XD 01/22 00:10
chrisdo:去年底(前一陣子)美國有跌破眼鏡的價格該不會是 01/22 00:54
chrisdo:discontinue宣言前的清倉... 這樣就再敗一台Plextor 760A 01/22 00:56
chrisdo:的衝動了 01/22 00:57
Anntony:現在BenQ裡面沒有寫認體的人,只剩下品牌而已 01/22 09:42
Anntony:若是PBDS的產品,FW就是PBDS做,同理LiteOn產品也是一樣 01/22 09:44
lightwings:spyguy在前面文章推文有說BenQ有在努力寫韌體... 01/22 10:44
lightwings:所以我才說最多自寫韌體(雖然我之前獲得資料是沒有了) 01/22 10:44