精華區beta CD-R 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《Giants (JOJO)》之銘言: : 搜尋過imgburn : 這台1640利用其他軟體皆可燒錄, : 最近聽說Imgburn不錯用,想改用這軟體來燒燒看, : 可是當我要開始燒錄的時候就會出現上面的錯誤訊息, : 請問這是什麼問題呢? : 謝謝大家回答~~ 請先看一下 ImgBurn FAQ http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=59 簡單的說, 就是你的燒錄器被程式佔用了, ImgBurn 無法取得專用權 之前同事也碰過一樣的情形, 用工具去看發現他的 IE 和 FireFox 都會霸佔住光碟機, 最後也看不出是什麼東西造成的, 都關掉就能 用了. 建議先把用不到的程式關閉再試試看, 應該很快就能找到元凶. (我的機器都有裝 AnyDVD, 從沒碰過這問題, 所以應該不是它) Problem: You get an error saying 'Unable to lock volume for exclusive access' A.K.A. 'DeviceIoControl(FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME) Failed!' Answer: If the 'Reason' given is 'Invalid function' (or words to that effect) You need to update your IDE drivers. Your current ones are old and don't support this IMPORTANT feature. If the 'Reason' given is 'Access is denied' (or words to that effect) Another program is currently using the drive. You need to find out what it is and shut it down! The only way I know of finding out what else has a 'handle' open to the drive is by using Process Explorer from www.sysinternals.com Load it up and click 'Find' -> 'Find Handle...' The type 'cdrom' and click 'search' See if it comes up with any results If it doesnt, try searching for the drive letter of that drive - i.e. 'F:' If it finds something, click on it in the search window. The main window should then highlight the process / 'File' entry that contains the handle to the drive. You can right click -> close the handle if you like, or just close the entire application, it's up to you. You may also get error 'Unknown (34)' sometimes. Cancel the burn, press F5 and then attempt to write it again. It's just windows going mad, nothing to worry about wink.gif -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
MixCopy:用UNLOCK應該沒打錯吧 05/18 19:30