精華區beta CD-R 關於我們 聯絡資訊
今天剛買的 用前陣子復出江湖的1640燒測 都8X http://tinyurl.com/34qede 結尾部分讓人討厭... 外加進階品質 http://tinyurl.com/2jd5fk 恩...有class 2 其實還OK 不過我老是有種理光會更好的感覺... -- He had one pitch.... and with that one pitch he performed surgery. With that one pitch he wrote poems. With that one pitch he sang songs. With that one pitch he saved souls and converted non-believers, and brought peace to the boroughs and joy to the masses. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sfcarter:果然正MCC004是很好的選擇呀~ 06/20 23:11
gatherair:理光的數據沒看過好的 除了4x之外:P 06/21 00:01
yypeng:以我的1640來說,燒MKM 16X比理光4X好 06/21 17:26
yypeng:我大膽假設是理光放太久的緣故吧?而MKM是新的, 06/21 17:27
yypeng:有人跟我一樣的情況嗎? 06/21 17:28
lausai:沒錯 理光+1640燒出來真的很棒耶~ 應該會比MCC004好喔~ 06/22 19:22