精華區beta CD-R 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《foreverhide (hide團再始動)》之銘言: : 尋找高手協助 感激不盡 : 已經爬文且google了很多關於這台光碟機的文章(包含國外的) : 但似乎都無解 不知是否已經有人破解? : 請問有人跟我一樣是toshiba m50的Matshita dvd-ram UJ-840s光碟機嗎 : 我的區碼更改次數已經用完了(而且鎖在1區) : 試過了無數軟體(anydvd, dvdregin....)都失敗 : http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?category=14&manufactor=18 : 此網站有這台光碟機的韌體 但限sony 或NEC OEM的機子 : 目前有以下幾個問題: : 1. sony OEM的Matshita dvd-ram UJ-840s韌體可以適用在這台嗎? : 2. 或是原廠有可能幫我重刷韌體嗎?重刷後用anydvd可以解決嗎? : 3. 是否有其他解決辦法? : 這台光碟機似乎很棘手 算是例外 : 希望有成功破解的大大幫忙一下 : 感謝 實在不推 Panasonic, 除了 firmware 增加功能性不可期待之外, 只有 RPC2(區碼相關軟體均無法使用)也是個大問題. 要有沒救的心理準備, 另外弄一台新款的來外接搞不好還比較快 C0deKing 的 comment: Panasonic is a stickler for standards and as bitset +R is not a standard, they won't support it. 另一篇裡面: 88keyz, I have the Matshita UJ-840D in my Acer 4102WLMi. I didn't know it was a 5x DVD-RAM drive. The downside to the 840D drive is that it will not do bitsetting, there will never be a RPC1 patch and there will probably never be a firmware update going by past Panasonic OEM drives. Unfortunately the drive uses ZCLV for all media (starting at 2x) and the drive burns some well known media at much lower speeds than it's rated at, an example is 8x CMC MAG AE1, which it only burns at 2x. But generally the burn quality is good and that's the most important thing. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
MixCopy:-.-筆電的薄型大多都是Matshita好嗎... 07/24 08:03
cassine:BenQ 1670似乎也是Panasonic晶片,但看起來比薄行機堪用 07/24 09:31
ac4r:筆電早期有一些些是SONY或是TOSHIBA,不過都是單規燒錄.+或- 07/24 21:36