精華區beta CD-R 關於我們 聯絡資訊
H264:原來如此,可以伸個新聞嗎?謝謝~~~ 08/26 22:34
紐約時報的新聞 http://0rz.tw/3332E 裡面有寫 But money talks: Paramount and DreamWorks Animation together will receive about $150 million in financial incentives for their commitment to HD DVD, according to two Viacom executives with knowledge of the deal but who asked not to be identified. 派拉蒙和夢工廠收到$150 million轉向HD DVD... The two studios may have left themselves wiggle room, however. Paramount’s agreement to use only HD DVD is limited to only 18 months. And Paramount noted that no films directed by Steven Spielberg were included in the deal “ as his films are not exclusive to either format.” Mr. Spielberg is a co-founder of DreamWorks SKG, a unit of Paramount 只有18個月期限只使用HD DVD.... 當然派拉蒙和夢工廠並沒有發表正式聲明承認 (這種暗盤交易怎麼可能承認...(茶) BD贏對PC產業比較有利...因為BD容量比較大.... -- 心沒有大小 也沒有形狀 看不出形體 更稱不出重量 它確實會受傷 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lightwings 來自: (08/26 22:57)
WaterDragonI:以燒錄來說,基本上那一邊贏都沒有影響,因為這兩種 08/26 23:26
WaterDragonI:燒錄機子以現階段來看都可能續存甚至像+-一樣會整合 08/26 23:28
WaterDragonI:容量大有好有壞,好處是可以裝比較多東西,相對的壞 08/26 23:29
WaterDragonI:處是同樣的刮痕報銷的資料也是比較多。 08/26 23:30
H264:感覺派拉蒙真基八 XD 收這麼多錢還只18個月 08/26 23:36
H264:不過感覺板大有屌到,會去看紐時.... 08/26 23:39
lightwings:我是從CD Freaks的論壇看到的啦..不看英文消息會慢很多 08/26 23:50
lightwings:一般新聞我都是看CNN 08/26 23:51
hck0819:純推150億"美金"...如夢似幻的一筆數字 08/28 14:43
hck0819:更正,1.5億...不過18個月收這種費用也真的夠恐怖 08/28 14:49