精華區beta CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Version 1.12 - Greenhorn can now be attacked - Soldiers Premium is now back at 100% - Each Hotel Rank now costs double. Expanding the number of your points could be moved. It should, however, to have been your favor. - Under settings, there is now a player profile - Under settings, there is now a Ponyexpress, the e-mails you can send. - Among players find work with the premium bonus "Automation" an overview of all available and soon available work. - In the mortician, there are now statistics from the city. This applies only to future duels. - On the Logoutpage there is now an opportunity to Login - Minimized windows are beautiful displayed. - The cost of the shaman has been fixed. (They tried to fix this in previous updates.) - Stacking problems have been fixed. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ericinttu:Greenhorn Level 1也會被打嗎? 11/11 21:04
reader2714:..這遊戲啥時有薩蠻了?! 11/11 21:17
god145145:薩滿是重置點數用的 11/11 21:18
dakkon:洗點花費元原本有什麼bug? 11/11 21:30
blur13:Stacking problems是那個嗎XD 11/11 21:56
edward1207:Stacking problems 是啥? 11/11 21:58
shaldrem:旅館暗黑技沒被改掉 11/11 22:38
shaldrem:決鬥者少10%金錢了 這樣不是變的只是動機回的比較快= = 11/11 22:41
shaldrem:那反而練軍人安定些 可攻可守 11/11 22:41
shaldrem:咦? 我看錯了XDD 上面當我沒說 噗 11/11 22:47
iamOllY:旅館黑暗技!?透露一下吧 11/11 22:47
floater:大家沒去看Mortician? 有新的資訊喔... XD 11/11 23:43
god145145:Stacking problems 是只打工時 同時拿到兩個以上的道具 11/12 00:18
god145145:並不會堆在一起 11/12 00:18
shaldrem:Mortician以前紀錄沒有真可惜 虧我duel那麼多場 一切重來 11/12 00:44
sukalin:旅館暗黑居然沒改...官方是真傻還假傻阿 = =||| 11/12 00:46
shaldrem:官方沒發現嗎?是說要解過Automation的再來用會比較有效率 11/12 00:49
sukalin:我現在四行程還有效果...只是...我不好意思用 =___=" 11/12 00:52
iamOllY:可以排四個行程 !?? 11/12 01:02
sukalin:18級任務打完牛排可以拿到7天的四行程 11/12 01:07
iamOllY:還早還早 ...任務不好解阿 11/12 01:10
sukalin:現在有一堆還沒轉職的肥羊...=.=+ 其實決鬥者也滿好玩的XD 11/12 01:58
ericinttu:肥羊轉了職也還是肥羊的命啊 XDD 11/12 02:09
shaldrem:決鬥職其實不錯玩阿 到處單挑樂趣比較多 11/12 02:10