精華區beta CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
翻了一下發現中文版的解說有更新過了..多了一些東西. -- 導彈發射井(修好了嗎?) 導彈發射井用來儲藏導彈.. You have space for 5 interplanetary missiles or 10 anti-ballistic missiles for each level of your silo. Mixing of missile types is possible; 1 interplanetary missile uses up space for 2 anti-ballistic missiles -- 小型運輸机 The basic speed of your small transporters is raised as soon as impulse engine level 5 has been researched as they are supplied with impulse engine then. Rapidfire against 間諜衛星: 5 Rapidfire against 太陽能衛星: 5 Rapidfire of 死星 against this ship type: 250 基本速度 5000 (10000) -- 大型運輸機 Rapidfire against 間諜衛星: 5 Rapidfire against 太陽能衛星: 5 Rapidfire of 死星 against this ship type: 250 -- 輕型殲擊機 Rapidfire against 間諜衛星: 5 Rapidfire against 太陽能衛星: 5 Rapidfire of 巡洋艦 against this ship type: 3 Rapidfire of 死星 against this ship type: 200 -- 重型殲擊機 Rapidfire against 間諜衛星: 5 Rapidfire against 太陽能衛星: 5 Rapidfire of 死星 against this ship type: 100 -- 巡洋艦 Rapidfire against 間諜衛星: 5 Rapidfire against 太陽能衛星: 5 Rapidfire against 輕型殲擊机: 3 Rapidfire against 導彈投射器: 10 Rapidfire of 死星 against this ship type: 33 -- 戰列艦 Rapidfire against 間諜衛星: 5 Rapidfire against 太陽能衛星: 5 Rapidfire of 死星 against this ship type: 30 -- 殖民飛船 Rapidfire against 間諜衛星: 5 Rapidfire against 太陽能衛星: 5 Rapidfire of 死星 against this ship type: 250 -- 回收飛船 Rapidfire against 間諜衛星: 5 Rapidfire against 太陽能衛星: 5 Rapidfire of 死星 against this ship type: 250 -- 間諜衛星 Rapidfire of 小型運輸机 against this ship type: 5 Rapidfire of 大型運輸机 against this ship type: 5 Rapidfire of 輕型殲擊机 against this ship type: 5 Rapidfire of 重型殲擊机 against this ship type: 5 Rapidfire of 巡洋艦 against this ship type: 5 Rapidfire of 戰列艦 against this ship type: 5 Rapidfire of 殖民飛船 against this ship type: 5 Rapidfire of 回收飛船 against this ship type: 5 Rapidfire of 導彈艦 against this ship type: 5 Rapidfire of 毀滅者 against this ship type: 5 Rapidfire of 死星 against this ship type: 1250 -- 導彈艦 The basic speed of your bombers is raised as soon as hyperspace engine level 8 has been researched as they are supplied with hyperspace engine then. Rapidfire against 間諜衛星: 5 Rapidfire against 太陽能衛星: 5 Rapidfire against 導彈投射器: 20 Rapidfire against 輕型激光炮: 20 Rapidfire against 重型激光炮: 10 Rapidfire against 中子炮: 10 Rapidfire of 死星 against this ship type: 25 基本速度 4000 (5000) -- 毀滅者 Rapidfire against 間諜衛星: 5 Rapidfire against 太陽能衛星: 5 Rapidfire against 輕型激光炮: 10 Rapidfire of 死星 against this ship type: 5 -- 太陽能衛星 Rapidfire of 小型運輸机 against this ship type: 5 Rapidfire of 大型運輸机 against this ship type: 5 Rapidfire of 輕型殲擊机 against this ship type: 5 Rapidfire of 重型殲擊机 against this ship type: 5 Rapidfire of 巡洋艦 against this ship type: 5 Rapidfire of 戰列艦 against this ship type: 5 Rapidfire of 殖民飛船 against this ship type: 5 Rapidfire of 回收飛船 against this ship type: 5 Rapidfire of 導彈艦 against this ship type: 5 Rapidfire of 毀滅者 against this ship type: 5 Rapidfire of 死星 against this ship type: 1250 -- 死星 Rapidfire against 間諜衛星: 1250 Rapidfire against 太陽能衛星: 1250 Rapidfire against 小型運輸机: 250 Rapidfire against 大型運輸机: 250 Rapidfire against 輕型殲擊机: 200 Rapidfire against 重型殲擊机: 100 Rapidfire against 巡洋艦: 33 Rapidfire against 戰列艦: 30 Rapidfire against 殖民飛船: 250 Rapidfire against 回收飛船: 250 Rapidfire against 導彈艦: 25 Rapidfire against 毀滅者: 5 Rapidfire against 導彈投射器: 200 Rapidfire against 輕型激光炮: 200 Rapidfire against 重型激光炮: 100 Rapidfire against 高斯炮: 50 Rapidfire against 中子炮: 100 -- 導彈投射器 Rapidfire of 巡洋艦 against this ship type: 10 Rapidfire of 導彈艦 against this ship type: 20 Rapidfire of 死星 against this ship type: 200 -- 輕型激光炮 Rapidfire of 導彈艦 against this ship type: 20 Rapidfire of 毀滅者 against this ship type: 10 Rapidfire of 死星 against this ship type: 200 -- 重型激光炮 Rapidfire of 導彈艦 against this ship type: 10 Rapidfire of 死星 against this ship type: 100 -- 高斯砲 Rapidfire of 死星 against this ship type: 50 -- 中子砲 Rapidfire of 導彈艦 against this ship type: 10 Rapidfire of 死星 against this ship type: 100 -- 更新後小運飛的比較快了,估計可能會比燃燒6的大運快. 導彈艦也加速了,鼓勵大家拼超推...(超推8真是orz...) RapidFire開放後,間諜和太陽能衛星開戰幾乎必爆... 另外輕激還是比導彈投射器有價值... 主力防禦只剩下高斯砲和等離子不受普通船艦影響. 導彈艦拆防的功力更強了...大家來做導彈吧. 毀滅者對抗死星還是有一定的可能性的. 沒想到Ogame也會改版...?期待德版的軌道航空站出現吧. -- 的東西 清理乾淨 收藏保存 別人的東西回去 屬於自己打包帶走 一無所剩 一片開朗 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: bnn 來自: (07/29 11:12)
chuhaowei:畫面右上角有版本名稱,現在是0.69c了~ 07/29
KaworuNagisa:所以星際導彈可以用了嗎? 07/29
Jupiterkill:大運還是跑得比小運快阿 07/29
atlantic2042:有人要蓋搗蛋發射井炸炸看嗎?....XD 07/29
cancer22:我現在小運跑比大運快.. 07/29
cancer22:基本速度 5000 (10000) 他那10000不知道是怎樣 07/29
cancer22:的條件下達成 07/29
bnn:脈衝5 小運速度+100% = 20000 大運燃燒8 = 13500 07/29
hinahina:我的小運快好多啊...orz(考慮建造小運快遞隊..) 07/29
cancer22:同星系下 小運快11分7秒 07/29
wwqqyang:請問可以轉到巴哈嗎?? ^^ 07/29
Luciferspear:這個模擬器好像還沒有做出來? 07/29
bnn:轉錄請便 這是查的到的啊..沒版權的 07/29
akilight:其實RF一直都有開放呀 這次只是加上說明而已 07/29
akilight:毀滅者只要70台就可以炸掉一顆死星了 划算喔 07/29
jeffrank:嘖嘖 我的小運跟重殲一樣快 .大運輸了... 07/29