精華區beta CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
好吧 因為我還挺閒的 所以去外國把這文章翻譯過來 裡面有提到一些關於每種船隻和設施的使用技巧和方針 給各位參考一下 Ships: Little Fighter 輕型殲擊機; 3.000 金屬, 1.000 晶體, 0 重氫 Used in very early game stages, because it's cheap and you don't need to resea- rch many technologies to build them. Quite fast, but vulnerable. Used as cannon fodder in the later game stages. 早期使用的船隻,因為便宜而且不需要研究太多科技就可以使用。迅速不過脆弱。在後期 的遊戲中當作砲灰使用。 Heavy Fighter 重型殲擊機; 6.000 金屬, 4.000 晶體, 0 重氫 more powerfull that the little fighter, the heavy fighter is a good choice to attack the colonies of other players, that only are defended by a few missiles and lasers. Not bad at taking out battleships. Often useless in later game sta- ges. 比輕殲更強一些,當別的玩家的殖民地只有些許導彈和激光砲防守時,使用重殲是個好選 擇。在後期的遊戲中幾乎沒有用處。 Cruiser 巡洋艦; 20.000 金屬, 7.000 晶體, 2.000 重氫 The first "big" ship you can build. Cruisers are perfect in killing enemy cann- on fooder like little fighters and missiles because they have rapid fire again- st them. They have the highest basic speed of ally ships. Sometimes usefull in the lategame when your opponet exaggerated with cannon fodder. Very weak again- st destroyers and battleships! 你能建造的第一個”大”船。因為有快速射擊的能力,非常適合拿來消滅砲灰部隊,例如 輕殲和導彈。擁有最高的基本速度。在後期的遊戲中可以拿來對抗敵人的砲灰。不擅長對 付毀滅者和戰列。 Battleship 戰列艦; 40.000 金屬, 20.000 晶體, 0 重氫 Surely the most used ship in oGame. Fast, cheap (for its fighting capacities) and powerful. Has no rapidfire against cannon fooder, and that is its biggest disadvantage, but a good reason to build a mixed fleet - that bases on battle- ships of course . Best used with cannon fooder if you attack big targets. Need s no deuterium to be build - perfectly for raiding tactics. Ogame中最常用到的船艦。快速、便宜(就他的戰鬥能力來說)、威力強大。對抗砲灰的時 候沒有快速射擊能力是它的唯一缺點。所以需要建立一支混編的艦隊,以戰列艦為戰鬥基 礎。當你攻擊大目標的時候,最佳的使用方法是放在炮灰後面。不需要重氫就能建造,掠 奪戰法的完美選擇。 Bomber 導彈艦; 50.000 金屬, 25.000 晶體, 15.000 重氫 The big guy to kill defense - that was the aim when they concepted this ship. But the reality isn't that way. That doesn't mean the bomber is weak against d- efensive structures, but he's too slow, costs a lot of deuterium to fly around and to be built, and isn't good for raiding attacks - only for bashing strateg- ies. You need a great amount of them to kill a big defense, but it will come c- heaper as if you had attacked that defense with battleships with the same cost- s. But is only effecive against the smaller defenses (because it has rapid fire against them): Ion cannon, missile launcher, light laser, heavy laser. It hasn't rapid fire against plasma and ga- uss cannons. 用來消滅防禦的大傢伙,是這玩意設計時的主要概念。但是並不真的是這樣。不是說它沒 辦法消滅防禦建築,而是因為它太慢,消耗太多重氫在飛行和建造上,也不適合用在掠奪 戰術,只有在壓制玩家的時候才有用。你需要一大票的導彈艦才能消滅一整群的防禦建築 ,如果使用和那些防禦總合造價相同的戰列來攻擊會比較划算。導彈艦也只對小型的防禦 有效(因為有快速射擊),中子砲,導彈發射器,輕激重激。對抗高斯砲和離子砲的時候 沒有快速射擊。 Destroyer 毀滅者; 60.000 金屬, 50.000 晶體, 15.000 重氫 I like destroyers although they haven't the best cost/performance rating. They' re the biggest enemy of every death star. You need only 70 destroyers to kill alone death star with a rate of succes of 100%. And you will make profite! They have rapid fire against small lasers and are pretty good against them. Strong against battleships. 原文作者挺喜歡毀滅者,雖然他們沒有最好的CP值。他們是死星的最大敵人,你只需要70 台毀滅者就能擁有100%的死星擊毀率,而且你可以賺錢!他們有對抗輕激的快速射擊能力 。對抗戰列艦有優勢。 Death star 死星; 5.000.000 金屬, 4.000.000 晶體, 1.000.000 重氫 The ultimate ship! But weakened very much with the last version. I would'n bui- ld them at the moment. They are only strong if you get a group of at least 10 or more of them. Work best behind cannon fodder. Has rapid fire against everyt- except of plasma cannons. 終極的船艦! 但是在最新版中被削弱很多。 原文筆者不會在此時建造它們。 死星只有在 至少集結10台以上的時候才會強大。 當躲在砲灰後面的時候能發揮最大威力。對抗每樣東 西都有快速射擊能力,除了離子砲。 Defense: Missile Launcher 導彈發射器; 2.000 金屬, 0 晶體, 0 重氫 Weakest defense. Build only as cannon fodder or if you have too much metal. Average defense against small fighters. 最弱的防禦。只有當你有很多金屬或是要造砲灰的時候才蓋它們。對抗輕殲的表現普普。 Little Laser 輕型激光砲; 1.500 金屬, 500 晶體, 0 重氫 Cannon fooder. Build them if you haven't enough metal to build missiles or if your enemy has to much cruisers. 砲灰。當你沒有足夠金屬或是你的敵人有太多巡洋艦的時候才建造他們。 Heavy Laser 重型激光砲; 6.000 金屬, 1.500 晶體, 0 重氫 Useful against Little Fighters - against all others ships nearly useless. 對抗輕殲很有用。對付其他船艦可以說幾乎無用。 Ion Cannon 中子砲; 2.000 金屬, 6.000 晶體, 0 重氫 Often ignored by most players because they haven't much firepower. But their shields are their biggest advantage. Nearly immune against little and heavy fighters, they are able to absorb much damage and give your big guns much time to reduce the attackers. 通常大部分的玩家都會忽略這項設施,因為它的火力不夠強。但是它的護盾是它的最大優 勢。對於輕重殲的攻擊幾乎是免疫,可以吸收許多傷害,讓你的其他更大管的砲有更多時 間對付敵人。 Gauss Cannon 高斯砲; 20.000 金屬, 15.000 晶體, 2.000 重氫 The first big gun you can build. Effective against cruisers and heavy fighters, against battleships and destroyers you should prefer the plasma cannon. Nearly useless against cannon fodder! Use only with own cannon fodder. 你可以造的第一管大砲。對抗巡洋艦和重殲很有效,如果要對付戰列和毀滅者你應該使用 離子砲。 對付砲灰部隊幾乎是無用的。 當你有砲灰支援的時候才使用高斯砲。 Plasma Cannon ; 50.000 金屬, 50.000 晶體, 30.000 重氫 Yes, this is the damn big fat gun. Very good against all kinds of bigger ships: Cruiser? One shot - blast to pieces. Battleship? One shot - vaporised to smelly gases. Destroyers? Ok, he survives one shot because he looks that kindly at us . Use them only against bigger ships, against small ships they're useless. A pla- sma cannon will loose against a few little fighters if it doesn't stand behind some missiles or lasers! 是的,這就是天殺的大肥槍。對付所有大船都很有用。 巡洋艦?一發就可以炸成碎片。 戰列艦?一發讓它就蒸發成怡人的氣體。 毀滅者? 好吧,它可以活過一發因為毀滅者看起來令人愉快。 當你要對抗大船的時候就使用離子砲,對付小船可以說是沒用的。如果離子砲沒有躲在一 些導彈或是輕激後面,那只要幾台輕殲就可以搞定他。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: akilight 來自: (07/29 15:17)
XDGC:推一下 XD 07/29
hinahina:感恩^^ 07/29
Kenqr:大推~~ 07/29
rexx:推 07/29
gamebase:是的,這就是天殺的大肥槍。對付所有大船都很有 07/29
Luciferspear:大肥槍XDrZ 07/29