精華區beta CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
順便提供一些資料給大家.. 種族等級能力修正表 等級 需要經驗 修正 1 20 +1 defense to troops 2 50 +1 attack to troops 3 90 +1% initiative to troops 4 160 +1 attack, +1% initiative to troops 5 280 +1 defence, +1% initiative to troops 6 500 +2% initiative to troops 7 900 +2 defence, +1% initiative to troops 8 1600 +2 attack, +1% initiative to troops 9 2900 +1% initiative, +1 luck to troops 注意:這是修正在單位上面,不會計算在你的角色上 獵人等級能力修正表 等級 需要經驗 修正 1 16 +1 attack 2 60 +1 attack, asking for assist (可以接到獵人任務) 3 180 +1 attack, chance to loot MH artifacts (有機會打到MH獵人套裝) 4 400 +1 attack 5 700 +1 attack, chance to loot GH artifacts (有機會打到GH獵人套裝) 6 1200 +1 attack, double-tracking (我猜是可以接雙倍任務?) 7 2000 +1 attack 8 3000 +1 attack 注意:目前只知道毆打地圖怪會得到Exp ,幫助解任務會不會加要確認 打工等級能力修正表 等級 需要經驗 修正 0 0 1x 1 90 1.2x 2 180 1.5x, +1 defense 3 360 2x 4 720 2.5x, +1 defense 5 1500 3x 6 3000 3.5x, +1 defense 7 5000 4x 8 8000 4.5x, +1 defense 注意:Nx指的是賺錢倍數,打工一次經驗值似乎都是1 ,有的打了 到Lv4應該只有這些部分會有經驗值,剩下的表單以後再說 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: KerwinKao 來自: (06/08 14:59)