精華區beta CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Dear players! Today is the anniversary of our game. The first hero has entered this fascinating realm exactly one year ago, on May the 1st. And all this year we tried to make the game more interesting for everyone of you. Much is done and even more is yet to be done, thus our work will not stop even for a day. We'll constantly develop and improve the game. Every player finds something to his or her likings, spends time in this wonderful heroes world with pleasure and never-fading interest - that is our goal. We aim for it and we'll achieve it! Many thanks to all of you. Those who are here since the very beginning and those who have joined recently. Those who offer their helping hand and those who just play for leisure. LordsWM wouldn't be what they are now - without your gratitude, input and support. More than 10 million battles held, 260 thousand players registered and more than 9500 actively playing everyday. And that is just the beginning. Enjoy the improved game aspects for this holiday: - No durability loss of artifacts in battles; 今天裝備不會消耗 - Hunts, mercenary quests and thief ambushes are twice as often; 今天各種任務出現頻率加倍 - Troops and mana restore 40% faster; 部隊法力回復+40% Cheers! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
keepp:有神裝的大概都穿出來逛街了(抖) 05/01 22:21
krc:太晚看到了QQ 05/01 22:59
apeband:真的是太晚看到了.....QQ..... 05/02 00:13
bobsorcerer:lol too late 05/02 01:18
god145145:是格林威治時間5/1號 05/02 01:21
keepp:打工的錢好像也有變多? 05/02 07:00
ras080:練了15w左右的經驗值,有賺到XD。 05/02 22:19
apeband:[廣告]Thieves' guild: 4 含淚吐血達成,終於有自己的 TGI 05/04 06:23
apeband:有要便宜租的 PM -> BlueMoon。 05/04 06:24