精華區beta CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
不知不覺就六年了 週年慶相關活動如下 1. Free energizing drink in tavern; 酒館有免費的回復飲料 喝了血魔補滿 +10%部隊不受控制 2. Only today, all characters of Combat level 3 and above may receive one of six gifts at their choice: Faction skill points, Unicorn mount for 30 days, Golden cards, Anniversary signet ring issued at the character's name, Master hunter license, Potion of all skills. The durability of the artifact and the amount of FSP directly depend on the number of days the character has fought battles on; 只限今天好禮六選一:FPS, 獨角獸馱獸,卡片金卡,六周年戒指,打獵證,全種族技能藥水. 3. Quick group battles 4 vs 4 (auto battles); 4 vs 4 自動戰鬥. 4. New festive quick tournaments 3x3 and 1x1 (free-for-all ammunition) featuring dropout system. Do not lose your chance to earn a gold prize and a truly unique achievement in personal information. The tournaments will be open for enlisting to all players above CL 2, they will be starting every hour for the entire day; 新的自動錦標 3對3 跟 1對1 , 每個小時的10分開始報名 20分開場. 5. No faction change cooldown for you to fully use the opportunities to earn multiple achievements for different factions; 換種族無冷卻時間 6. Festive potion of oblivion at the shop; 10元技能重製藥水 7. Faction skill points in all battles increased by 30%; 所有戰鬥+30% FPS 8. For your relaxation today, all combats feature Auto battle button to pass control of your creatures to the AI (available after combat settlement in bottom right corner of the screen); 所有戰鬥都可以交給AI去打 9. Laborers' Guild productivity (and thus, also wages) increased by 30%; 打工加30%薪水 10. Hunters', Mercenaries', Thieves', Rangers' encounters 6 times more often; 對NPC的時間減少六倍 11. All enlisting fees for card tournaments and quick 1x1, 2x2, 3x3 battle tournaments canceled; 比賽免參賽費 12. All lords and ladies of CL 3 and above may get a warrior-intended or caster-intended artifact set of shop artifacts of their combat level for 30 battles for up to 10 days. 送一套30耐商店裝 可選戰士系或法系 Also, some new options will be added permanently: 13. Hint in combats for possible damage to be dealt with attacks and spells, and creatures to be killed as a result (currently as beta-version); 戰鬥計算機 14. New diamond service - Premium account, at 20 diamonds for 30 days. Please refer to the link for details of Premium features. VIP帳號 掛網無敵 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
scannol:前一陣子不是剛調過強度嗎? 為什麼Tribal還是感覺很強 03/01 19:57
god145145:因為Tribal是被調強的那一族 03/01 20:49