精華區beta CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
剛看到有些舊怪的圖示有改變,Ex: Lizard Cubs (戰鬥時,擺在下面那個順序序列的圖示變了) 然後,現在打獵失敗,也有經驗值。 打獵幫助攻的,也有經驗值可吸。 戰局開打,好像也都強制有最少要穿幾點 ap 的裝。 Ex: Combat Lv 5 ,最少要 5 ap 詳情就看網管的公告吧, News from the Court http://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=10732 節錄一些新的東東, 變態兵種,Renegade Scouts http://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=6200492 二打二打獵混戰, http://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=6202235 現在爭議最兇的,應該是強制要穿裝的討論。(目前還沒實施,七天後才執行) 因為,幫打獵的人,也要耗自己的裝 ---> 這樣太燒錢了。 (幫打獵還是沒錢拿,只有多了經驗值可以吸而已。) 穿好裝去幫太傷,穿便宜的裝佔格子,也是慢性燒錢。 總之,等著看會有什麼改變吧。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: apeband 來自: (12/15 03:28)
keepp:我覺得要duel或group battle才限制穿裝比較合理 12/15 14:04
god145145:都穿我才能當奸商阿 12/15 14:48
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: Moritz (哪時才能進伊宮) 看板: CGI-Game 標題: Re: [LordsWM]新規則,新兵種 時間: Mon Dec 15 16:47:55 2008 1. The Warlords Council has established new standards on military equipment. From now on, every Lord of level 5 and above will not be allowed to engage in combat without a weapon. Any artifact equipped in right hand is considered a weapon. Moreover, the Amunition points total of all artifacts equipped must at least correspond to the Lord's combat level. The AP value of all artifacts is listed in their description. 領主評議會設立了新的軍用裝備標準。從今以後所有五級以上的領主們將不能未裝備武器 而進入戰鬥。任何可裝備於右手的器物均可視為武器。此外,所有裝備器物的總裝備點數 (AP)必須符合領主的戰鬥等級。器物的AP值均列於它們的敘述之中。 Minimum Ammunition points required: Combat level 5 – 5 AP Combat level 6 – 6 AP Combat level 7-8 – 8 AP Combat level 9 and above – 9 AP 最低需求總裝備點數: 戰鬥等級5 - 5 AP 戰鬥等級6 - 6 AP 戰鬥等級7-8 - 8 AP 戰鬥等級9和以上 - 9 AP Lords have 7 days, until December, 21th, for preparations to match the new standard. 領主們有七天,到12/21,為符合新的標準來做準備。 2. Imperial architects have finally come up with plans for newest castle structures. Lords of combat level 11 are now able to train their tier 4 creatures into their upgraded analogues upon building the new Upgraded Construction. The biggest surprise, however, was yet to come: Dwellings to tame tier 7 creatures. Warlord Council has agreed that, in order to handle creatures as powerful as these, one would need to possess extraordinary powers, so no Lord will gain permission to initiate construction unless he or she has reached combat level 13. 皇家工匠們終於完成了城堡新建築物的設計。11級的領主們現在可以透過建設新的升級建 築,將階級4的生物訓練為高階。然而,最大的驚喜即將到來:馴養階級7生物的住所。領 主評議會已經同意,為了要指揮這些強力的生物,玩家必須展現強大的能力,所以領主們 在達到戰鬥等級13之前,將不會得到開始建設的許可。 3. Mass winter migration of game is bringing us lots of new creature types to be encountered at hunt and on Mercenaries' Guild errands. Rumor has it, Trade Caravans are trying to tame them to include in their convoys. 遊戲內的冬季大遷徙帶來許多新的生物種類,將會在打獵和傭兵工會任務遇上。 據傳,貿易商隊們正在試著馴養它們以加入他們的行列。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sincecard:感謝翻譯 12/15 17:29
evonre:辛苦了 12/15 21:59
poety:感激熱心人呀!希望剩下的也會翻出來,以助於推廣遊戲 12/15 22:26
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: poety (溶在咖啡裡的糖粉) 看板: CGI-Game 標題: Re: [LordsWM]新規則,新兵種 時間: Mon Dec 15 22:17:57 2008 ※ 引述《apeband (~^^~)》之銘言: : 現在爭議最兇的,應該是強制要穿裝的討論。(目前還沒實施,七天後才執行) : 因為,幫打獵的人,也要耗自己的裝 ---> 這樣太燒錢了。 : (幫打獵還是沒錢拿,只有多了經驗值可以吸而已。) : 穿好裝去幫太傷,穿便宜的裝佔格子,也是慢性燒錢。 : 總之,等著看會有什麼改變吧。 這樣七級玩家超衰,七級跟八級一樣都要求要AP 8。 但七級對很多種族而言是很尷尬的等級,要到升八級後戰力才會飛升。 所以以後七級玩家會更難熬,要多花錢,打獵或做任務也較八級弱很多。 另外打非紅色難度的獵,如果自幹有可能會變成2 vs 2。 也就是系統會強制兩個自幹獵人組隊,然後一同對抗兩者要打的怪。 問題是一旦其中有一名玩家AFK,那就很容易導致打獵失敗。 雖然輸了還是有經驗值,但就沒有錢跟資源。 對穿裝自幹想拼獵榜的玩家而言增加風險,也妨礙打獵時使用打帶跑戰術。 其實這次改版至少有七成算是好事,被玩家罵實在可惜。 幫忙打獵可以獲得經驗,輸了也可獲得經驗,調整團戰經驗值的分配等等。 都有助於玩家互相協助,促進玩家不畏團戰。 但限制Lv.5以上得穿裝,雖然某程度嚇阻AFK行為,但又把玩家互助聯繫打弱。 個人覺得要嘛不限制非得穿裝,不然就是把限制AP門檻降低。 再不然就要出種族套裝(俄服已經有了),且增加各地區的資金跟資源。 不然資源或裝備常常缺貨,想打工常常碰上工廠欠資金不徵人。 都經濟不振了然後帝國(官方)還想增加人民(玩家)開支,這根本是畜牲行為! 堅決反對逼迫玩家買鑽石! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
moonwave:剛跑去俄服逛得我好羨慕,8900人online,13張地圖 12/15 23:02
poety:這遊戲如果多增加PvE的要素,就會更吸引人了說 12/15 23:09
god145145:俄版很多任務阿 12/15 23:17
keepp:國際版應該還是會逐步更新的,俄文完全看不懂,還會有亂碼@@ 12/15 23:53
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: keepp (耶~虎斑貓) 看板: CGI-Game 標題: Re: [LordsWM]新規則,新兵種 時間: Tue Dec 16 16:34:15 2008 4. Court alchemists have proven their research useful on inventing new revolutionary methods of enchanting. As of now, each armorer can set modifications for up to 20% elemental magic shield, 2% per Guild branch level. Every masterpiece of Jewellery will improve items for up to 20% magical damage, as well as grant 10% piercing through the counter-element (Earth pierces through Air, Fire through Water and vice versa), being 2% of damage and 1% of piercing per Guild branch level. The alchemists have gracefully agreed to make the already existing enchantments sustain the necessary improvements. In order to get new parameters in action, Lords are supposed to re-equip their armor and accessories. 宮廷煉金術師已研發出一套革新的附魔方法。現在軍械士可以嵌入最高20%的元素護盾 (每技能等級2%)。而珠寶可強化最高20%的魔法傷害和相剋屬性10%的魔法穿透(地vs風 、火vs水,每技能等級2%傷害/1%穿透)。煉金術師們同意現存的附魔裝備可以獲得必要 的改善,領主必須重新裝備他們盔甲和配件以使新的屬性生效。 5. The Empress's new educational reform decree has caused a lot of talks amongst the wise wizards of the Empire. It is generally believed that the changes have been made first and foremost to stimulate Lords to win every combat they take part in. 女皇的教育改革法令引起帝國睿智的巫師們廣大的討論。人們普遍相信,新的政令首要 的目的,是為了鼓勵領主盡力贏得每一場他們所參與的戰鬥。 a) Duels and group battles: The victorious party receives 130% the normal faction skill points and still the normal amount of experience, the defeated party receives 30% of experience and 70% of skill points earned through fight. 單挑、團戰: 優勝者隊伍可獲得130%職業技能值和100%經驗值; 被擊敗的隊伍僅有 70%職業技能值和 30%經驗值。 b) Every One For Oneself and Blindfold battles: The first Lord out gets 30% experience, 50% skill; second one - 40% exp, 80% skill; last but one - 50% exp, 120% skill; last man standing gets 100% exp and 150% skill points earned through fight. 大亂鬥: 最先出局者獲得30%經驗值/ 50%技能值;第二位出局獲得40%經驗值/ 80%技能值。 第三位出局獲得50%經驗值/120%技能值;優勝者獲得 100%經驗值/150%技能值。 c) Battles against AI: Victory gains have not changed. Defeats grant 30% of experience earned, while the skill gained can be calculated by the following formula: Skill = ([earned exp])/([character lvl]*1000), never bigger than 0.5. For instance, a Lord of combat level 10 would have to earn 5000 exp in order to gain 0.5 skill, but, given his or her defeat, will only gain 1500 exp and 0.5 skill points. This measure has been taken to limit players that intentionally lose AI combats in pursuit of skill points. 對抗中立生物: 勝利可獲得獎勵並無改變。失敗仍然可獲得30%經驗值,獲得技能值將以下列公式計算 :技能值 = [獲得經驗值]/([角色等級]*1000),最高不超過0.5。舉例來說,一位戰鬥 等級10的領主至少必須在戰鬥中擊敗經驗值總量5000的部隊,才會有0.5技能值,而因為 戰鬥失敗,將只得到1500經驗值和0.5技能值。此項計算方式是為了限制故意輸掉AI戰 鬥以獲取技能值的玩家。 d) Battles against caravans: The amount of experience gained in case of victory is doubled due to presence of the enemy character. In case of defeat, the amount of experience the Lord gains is calculated as in general Battles against AI. 對抗商隊: 由於敵方也有英雄出場,勝利時可獲得雙倍經驗值獎勵。失敗時經驗值計算方式和對抗 中立生物相同。 e) The amount of experience points gained per unit of each faction has been increased, mainly upwards. As a result, experience gained for defeating players of each faction will now be nearly equal (as long as all other conditions are equal); 擊敗每一單位生物可得的經驗值已調升。在對抗不同陣營失敗的情況下獲得的經驗值 將會幾乎相等(只要其他條件也都相等)。 f) Assistants in hunt will now also gain 100% of experience earned; 支援打獵也將獲得全額的經驗值。 g) Welcome certain new coefficients: -increasing coefficients for 2x2 and 3x3 battles; -increasing group combat coefficient for experience and skill points depending on creature tier: +10% for tier 4, +30% for tier 5, +55% for tier 6; -A new coefficient for battles with different character levels: [A=(sum of characters' levels)/(number of characters in combat)], in short, A=average character level. Then, each participant's experience and skill points are multiplied by coefficient [K=A/character level], never bigger than 1.1. 一些新的係數: -2x2和3x3戰鬥的係數調高(註:我想應該是指團戰的經驗值獎勵提高吧) -團戰時擊敗4階生物獎勵+10%、5階+30%、6階+55% -隊伍中成員等級不同時:個人獲得獎勵 = 隊伍平均等級/自身等級,此係數上限為1.1。 6. Finally, the East Bay Society of Living Nature activists have ratified changes in hunt. The hunt for leisure on easier groups of 1/2, 1/3 or 2/3 of your current maximum is now forbidden and will not take place. Moreover, the game seems to have grown a greater instinct of survival. From now on there is a poor likelihood of neutrals to flee until they catch up with another group of neutrals being under attack by a different Lord. As a result, a battle of two Lords versus two groups of neutral creatures, assembled randomly, will take place. In case of victory, the maximum for that creature type will not be increased; each Lord will receive up to 0.5 skill points and twice as big an amount of Hunters' Guild points as usual. Combat levels of the two willy-nilly hunt assistants aren't bound to be same. East Bay的自然生物社會學家已批准打獵的新規定。即日起禁止獵捕總量為1/2、1/3或 者2/3的生物群。並且,由於生存的本能大幅增強,中立生物有些微的可能逃離追捕,直 到遇上另一群同樣正遭受攻擊的生物,而形成兩位領主對抗兩群中立生物的戰鬥。在勝 利的情況下,往後獵捕該類型生物的總量不會增加;每位領主最多可獲得0.5技能值和兩 倍的獵人公會聲望。隨機組成的隊伍,將不受等級限制。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Moritz:感謝翻譯 12/16 16:46
keepp:希望能多吸引一些人來玩,順便賺一點p幣 XD 12/16 16:56
poety:支持 12/16 20:01
sincecard:感謝翻譯 12/16 21:10
zone0016:打個廣告...我有在出租theif invitation~ 12/16 22:18
krc:推. 12/17 01:21
moonwave:推~我是希望改版快一些,最近回鍋發現跟半年前差沒多少東 12/17 01:29
moonwave:西,人數也都1000上下在跳。害我很想跳俄版XD 12/17 01:31