精華區beta CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Part 1. Roleplaying and Guilds. 1) Introduced Combat level 15. 引入戰鬥等級 15。(先前為14) Introduced faction skill levels 10 through 12. 引入種族等級 10 ~ 12。 Those who have enough experience to get to level 15 immediately need to take part in any combat, you are advised to re-recruit creatures after leveling. 足夠升上15級的玩家得立即參與一場戰鬥(以提升等級), 升級後建議重新招募生物。 2) New guild levels added to expand the experience tables. 經驗表上,加入新的公會等級。 - Laborers' guild, Hunters' guild and Theives' guild now count 12 levels each; 勞動公會、獵人公會、竊賊公會現在可以達到 12 級。 - Mercenaries' guild now counts 10 levels; 傭兵公會現在可以達到 10 級。 - Enchanters' guild now counts 5 levels, branches of the guild expanded to level 11. All enchantments now can have a maximum effect of 12%. 附魔公會現在可以達到 5 級,分枝公會可以達到 11 級。 所有附魔最大可以達到 12% 效果 - Smiths' guild now counts 9 levels. 鐵匠公會現在可以達到 9 級。 3) Enchanters who have reached guild level 4 (7000 guild points) are now able to set an extra (fifth) enchantment on any artifact that already has 4. In order to do so, besides other elements required for the normal enchantment, exactly 10 Fern flower elements are required. This element is a random reward for completing mercenaries' guild errands since guild level 5. 4級以上的附魔師(7000公會點數)現在可以多設定一種(第五種)附魔在任何已經 有四種附魔的神器上。要這麼做,除了正常附魔所需的元素之外,還需要10個 Fern flower。完成五級以上傭兵公會任務可以隨機獲得這個元素。 4) All piercing effects of Jewelcrafters' enchantments have been tripled. 所有珠寶附魔的穿刺效果變為三倍。 5) Smiths who have reached guild level 9 now can repair and enchant artifacts at the same time. 到達 9 級的鐵匠現在可以同時進行修理和附魔。 Enchanters who have reached guild level 9 now can enchant and repair. 到達 9 級的附魔師現在可以同時進行附魔和修理。 6) The workaholic penalty is now completely relieved only in case if the lord receives at least 0.5 skill points in the victorious combat. Otherwise, only a fraction of the penalty is relieved, proportional to the FSP received. 工作狂懲罰(懲罰只工作不打架的玩家)現在只能透過在勝仗中獲得至少 0.5 點 技能點數才能完全解除。否則只能解除部份的懲罰,與種族技能點數得點成比例。 (例如,協助打獵只能獲得0.1點 FSP,所以只能解除 1/5 的懲罰) 7) Laborers' guild coefficients for guild levels have been recalibrated. 8) The new hunting set called the Beastbane set is now available. Artifacts of this set drop at successful hunts since Hunters' guild level 6. 新的打獵套裝--稱作野獸剋星--開始上路。 這個套裝的裝備在獵人等級 6 之後可以打到。 9) Introduced a new guild: Commanders' guild. Any lords of combat level 9 and above are required to take a trial to be able to join the guild. It is accessable via the Battles page, and as the dropdown menu list item. The guild specializes in PvP combats (i.e. Player versus Player). The guild points are called Commander points. These points are only received by victorious party in guild combats. Guild combats are of three main types: Standard (Shop artifacts only. Enchantments allowed, but have no effect); Standard-enchanted (Shop artifacts only with enchantment threshold); and Free-for-all (no ammunition restrictions). Each type has its AP and enchantment restrictions. Guild combats start once every 15 minutes, though a challenge can be created and joined during the first 12 minutes, whereas it can only be joined during the last 3. A challenge that has not been filled in full is dismissed and the combat does not take place. Only lords of the same combat level can take part in any given guild combat. Commander points are received by the winning party according to combat type: Combatants Type 1x1 2x2 3x3 Standard 1 1.2 1.5 Standard-enchanted N/A 2.2 3 Free-for-all N/A N/A 5 All guild battle participants receive 20% more faction skill points than in a similar usual group battle. Any set of combatants is only able to take part in a guild combat once a day. The guild has not yet established an experience table. The deputy declared that 150 commander points are required to reach Commanders' guild level 1. It is known at this point, that each new level will grant an item crafted specifically for guild champions, one of a set of 12. Each even guild level will grant a skill point for optional distribution. In addition, victorious parties will have a chance to loot the defeated lords' artifacts as soon as they reach guild level 1. (The looted item is a replica of the one worn by the defeated lord, with low durability and without transfer option. The defeated party keeps their own artifacts). Each new guild level increases this chance. (以上新 PVP 公會技能引入。) 10) New creatures, including tier 6 upgrades and other exotic ones, are now available at hunt, mercenary quests and survival tournaments. Thief guild caravans also feature upgraded tier 6 creatures from now on. 新生物,包括高階六級和其他外來生物,將可以被獵得、或在傭兵任務、生存賽 中碰到。竊賊公會商隊今後也會有高階六級生物加入。 11) New tutorial quests given by the Gatekeeper are now available to newcomers. Gatekeepers 給新手的指導任務更新。 The reward for reaching combat level 5 has been raised. 到達 5 級的獎勵提高。 Part 2. Factions and Balance. 1) Tier 6 upgraded creature constructions are now available at castles. Currently, only diamond upgrade is available at combat level 15. In future, combat level 16 will unlock the upgrade for gold and resources. 城堡中現在可以建設高階六級生物的建築了。 目前只有等級 15 可以靠鑽石來升級建築,將來等級16將解除限制使之可以用金錢 和資源來升級。 2) Tier 3 creature construction cost has been reduced. 等級三生物的建築費用降低。 3) New artifacts for combat level 1 lords added to the shop. 適合等級 1 使用的裝備加到商店中。 4) New potion for restoring troops ready and mana added to the shop. 新的部隊/魔力恢復藥水加到商店中。 5) Magic Guild level 4 is now available for construction in castles since combat level 14. 到達等級14之後,可以在城堡中建設 4 級魔法公會。 6) Spell area for negative effect mass spells has been changed to 5x5 battlefield tiles. Mass poison still has a 3x3 tiles spell area. 範圍法術的效果更改為 5x5 範圍。大放毒仍然只有 3x3 範圍。 7) Dispersion mechanics changed. Instead of having a removal chance, it now reduces the duration of positive and negative spells and effects (down to reducing them to instant expiration in case of sufficient spell effect). The effect is calculated as: [Effect] = [Spell base chance] - 3 * ( [Caster SP] - [Disperser SP] ) where [Caster SP] is the Spell power of the Lord or tier of the Creature who cast the spell or effect; [Disperser SP] is one of the Lord or creature who disperses it. 驅魔的機制變更。它現在減少正向/負向法術的持續時間,而不是機率性的將之移除。 (如果效果正確的話將直接讓法術過期失效) 效果 = 法術基本機率 - 3 * ( 施法者法力 - 驅魔者法力 ) 施法者法力是施此法的玩家法力或生物等級 驅魔者法力是施展驅魔的玩家法力或生物等級 Part 3. Economy and Gameplay. 1) Diamond repository has been discovered and opened for laborers of the Empire for mining and faceting. This extremely luxurious resource will be on sale in the Repository at a rate of 15,000 gold per diamond. 鑽石礦藏已經被發現,並開放給帝國勞工開採和琢磨。這個極度奢華的資源將以 每顆15,000金幣的價格在礦藏出售。 2) Clan registration cost has been increased 集團登錄費用增加。 3) Roulette now has minimal combat level requirements for different bet size. 輪盤賭博的賭金大小現在與等級有關。 4) The following commissions will be assessed from now on: - 1% of the gold value for any direct transfers for the transfering party; - 1% of the gold value for any transfers with attached price for the accepting party. 以下的佣金將開始徵收: 任何的直接轉讓,轉讓的一方須支付 1% 。 標價物品的轉讓,接收的一方須支付 1% 。 5) There will be certain new bonus rewards for Survival tournament top scorers which include: - 10 HG points to the 1st prize winner; - 8 HG points to the 2nd; - 7 HG points to the 3d - 5 HG points to all those landing in the top 10% scorers excluding the top three. The bonus points cannot exceed 15 HG points per character at any given tournament. (以上生存賽額外獎勵) Part 4. Easter Eggs. Even more updates have been added, which we decided not to have listed to let you discover yourself. I hope some of them will be a pleasant surprise for you. (有些改版並沒有列出,讓玩家們自己去發現!) Thanks for reading and Happy gaming! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
scannol:只在等大型PVE活動啊 都不出 10/20 00:00
msro:TDT才打一場就上lv15了... 10/20 01:16
god145145:比想像中的快....悲哀的打工開始了 10/20 09:07
choxuz:之前用的分類是[LordsWM] 要不要改一下啊@@? 10/20 21:19
krc:還有人在玩壓@@ 10/20 22:30
ras080:0.0 有中文翻譯 給推 10/22 16:45
krc:發現ras080和msro~ 10/22 23:17
scannol:鋁海不要再龜了 第二屆跨等級大亂鬥已經開始了 10/23 00:27
smart0eddie:推樓上 鋁海快回來 ras在等你(誤) 10/23 10:23
krc:回來玩了..不過有些事情都忘光了= = 10/25 18:04
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: smart0eddie (smart0eddie) 看板: CGI-Game 標題: Re: [LoWM] 10.19 大改版2 時間: Wed Oct 20 13:45:51 2010 9) 新增Commanders' guild.9等以上玩家可以挑戰自己的鏡像,打贏後能參加CG (咦?) 戰跟其他玩家對戰,CG戰鬥獲勝可以增加 CG 點數。 CG戰可分為三種 1。標準Standard:限定商店裝,附魔無效果 2。標準附魔Standard-enchanted:限商店裝,附魔有效果 3。自由搏擊 Free-for-all:無限制 三種都有個別的AP(裝備戰力值)限制 每15分鐘進行一次CG戰配對,每局的前12分鐘可自由開局,最後三分鐘只能參加現有戰局。時間到時,人數未滿的戰局直接流局不會開始。 只有相同等級的玩家可以加入該等級的戰鬥 戰勝後獲得的CG點如下: 戰鬥類型 1x1 2x2 3x3 Standard 1 1.2 1.5 Standard-enchanted N/A 2.2 3 Free-for-all N/A N/A 5 所有CG戰所獲得的種族技能點+20%。一天內CG戰不會出現相同的對戰組合。 目前CG只有一級(需150點),每一級都會獲得一件特殊套裝,全套12件;每兩級增加能力值一點。此外,CG一級以上的玩家戰勝時有機會獲得對手裝備的複製品(屬性完全相同,耐久極低,不可轉讓,對手不損失裝備),提升CG等級可增加機率。 彩色文字版(誤) http://home.gamer.com.tw/blogDetail.php?owner=smart0eddie&sn=8260 這是我自己翻的,沒M大的通順,但是有照遊戲公告原文的字色作設定 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: smart0eddie 來自: (10/20 14:25) ※ 編輯: smart0eddie 來自: (10/20 14:32)
ddd852:10月21號好像也有更新,能翻譯一下嗎@@ 10/21 23:17
choxuz:伺服器更新(能容納更多玩家) 第二次Mixed tournament 10/22 04:01
choxuz:mix贏的人如果已經通過Commanders' Guild trial(對自己)可 10/22 04:03
choxuz:得到1.5 cg point(每場?) 10/22 04:04
choxuz:據說Empire還準備了"相當可觀"的獎勵給這次tournament 10/22 04:08
choxuz:有人知道打贏可以拿到什麼嗎@@? 10/23 22:40
scanno1:看他們的對話是10萬gold 這真是我看過最強的倉鼠了XD 10/24 00:23
smart0eddie:那啥碗糕啊XD 好可愛 10/24 09:57
smart0eddie:有新故事,矮人的閃電老杯杯- - 10/24 10:08