精華區beta CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
想問一下各職業技能點的配點方式如何配比較好呢? 我現在是副職擇二輪流加,主職擇三 還是其實平均分配比較好,這個好像有牽涉到招式的學習? 我的配法感覺打 challenge 選屬性點 +-5 以內的常輸 最近還被倒數三秒復活,逆轉勝 >< -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Ain0418:不是平衡的建議獨強一項,但是"Resistence"必練,沒血沒 05/19 23:37
Ain0418:體力,不管再會閃,或是攻擊再強,都很容易被逆轉.... 05/19 23:38
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: couldfly (戒盈祈願 與爾同死) 看板: CGI-Game 標題: Re: [請益] The Wrestling game 配點問題 時間: Mon May 19 13:29:59 2008 ※ 引述《tylertsai (8020 rule)》之銘言: : 想問一下各職業技能點的配點方式如何配比較好呢? : 我現在是副職擇二輪流加,主職擇三 : 還是其實平均分配比較好,這個好像有牽涉到招式的學習? : 我的配法感覺打 challenge 選屬性點 +-5 以內的常輸 : 最近還被倒數三秒復活,逆轉勝 >< 沒有哪一種是最好的,這遊戲中沒有不重要的SKILL 如果你完全放棄玩submission 技 Power Grappling 和 Ruthless Grasp可以完全不點沒關係 如果你完全放棄玩PIN,Elasticity 也不能完全的不鳥他 因為就算你是直傷技要搞死對方最後還是要做個PIN的動作 EX: OtakuQ tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... OTAKUQ WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS JAFACC !!!! 對到那種高Willpower 技能的對手,你會發現很難搞死他 要再多尻個幾下才肯乖乖躺平 EX: OtakuQ gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together and throws himself toward jafacc hitting him with a strong Double Axe Handle!! JAFACC IS BLEEDING!! OtakuQ tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... INCREDIBLE!!! JAFACC a breaks the count by pulling the referee shirt!! OtakuQ is forced to get up OtakuQ goes towards his rival and hits him to his throat with a light Throat Thrust!! OtakuQ prepares to hit the rival jafacc moves and dodges a a Forearm Smash, taking the initiative back jafacc gets ready to hit OtakuQ performing a light Low Kick!! jafacc is ready to hit the opponent OtakuQ avoids a a Knee Smash and gains the initiative OtakuQ locks jafacc's head under his arm forcing jafacc to dive onto his head with a violent DDT!! OtakuQ say you are dead already and OH LA OH LA OH LA OH LA executing HardCore Platinum Star!! OtakuQ tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... INCREDIBLE!!! JAFACC a breaks the count by pulling the referee shirt!! OtakuQ is forced to get up OtakuQ gets ready to hit jafacc and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a light European Uppercut!! OtakuQ loads an arm towards himself hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a light Forearm Smash!! OtakuQ lifts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with strong Samoan Drop!! jafacc pulls himself together and fights back jafacc charges his open hand OtakuQ ducks and evades the a Slap, catching his opponent off-guard and striking back OtakuQ loads his arm chop style and jafacc moves and dodges a a Forearm Smash, taking the initiative back jafacc gets ready to hit OtakuQ performing a light Low Kick!! jafacc grabs his opponent's head to make him fall on the ground with a somersault, performing a violent Head Lock Takedown!! jafacc approaches OtakuQ and grasps OtakuQ's head in a light Brain Squeezer, squeezing it!! OtakuQ escapes from the hold jafacc tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... OtakuQ gets up and resolutely fights back OtakuQ approaches jafacc and executes a light Throat Thrust hitting his opponent to the neck!! OtakuQ loads his arm chop style and and strikes him with his forearm executing a light Forearm Smash!! OtakuQ lifts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with devastating Samoan Drop!! OtakuQ climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together and leaps toward jafacc quickly lowering them, performing a strong Double Axe Handle!! JAFACC IS BUSTED WIDE OPEN!!! OtakuQ is about to perform his taunt OtakuQ Kerokerokerokerokero executing A Resonance OtakuQ tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... OTAKUQ WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS JAFACC !!!! 以上是死不認輸的最佳範例,我是從他紅血時開始貼 打到出血又尻了一個HardCore的大決還不乖乖的給我躺平 連續抓了裁判的衣服2次,一共PIN了4次 直到最後流血狀況惡化才肯安息 會搞到這樣因為我一點的Elasticity 都沒有而他又是抵抗型的摔角手 高Elasticity技能的人可以對低Willpower 的人早點PIN到GG 像我有過在橘色狀態被速度型給PIN死過 總之技能就是有點有保佑,沒點被雷劈 不要把自己搞到太極端 還有你對跟自己同等的對手戰長輸 很大的原因是你的技巧等級太低的問題 學技巧是很燒錢的,但不學又不行 科科 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tylertsai:那麼我去 GYM 把能學的技能都學了,這樣就比較容易贏嗎 05/19 14:12
tylertsai:感覺對戰時放的招變多了,但也容易被閃~ 05/19 14:12
tylertsai:剛跟同等力量型的,被秒殺 >< 05/19 14:13